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sight-machine /
Created April 17, 2013 18:31
An example of keypoint detection using SimpleCV.
from SimpleCV import Image, Color, Display
# load an image from imgur
img = Image('')
# use a keypoint detector to find areas of interest
feats = img.findKeypoints()
# draw the list of keypoints
# show the resulting image.
# apply the stuff we found to the image.
sight-machine /
Created April 17, 2013 18:31
A simple Canny edge detector demo using SimpleCV.
# Make a function that does a half and half image.
def halfsies(left,right):
result = left
# crop the right image to be just the right side.
crop = right.crop(right.width/2.0,0,right.width/2.0,right.height)
# now paste the crop on the left image.
result = result.blit(crop,(left.width/2,0))
# return the results.
return result
# Load an image from imgur.
sight-machine /
Created April 17, 2013 18:30
Image threshold with a side-by-side view using SimpleCV.
from SimpleCV import Image, Color, Display
# Make a function that does a half and half image.
def halfsies(left,right):
result = left
# crop the right image to be just the right side.
crop = right.crop(right.width/2.0,0,right.width/2.0,right.height)
# now paste the crop on the left image.
result = result.blit(crop,(left.width/2,0))
# return the results.