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Last active October 24, 2024 17:19
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Python script to forward a thermal zone temperature to Domoticz, with e-mail notification when the temperature is over a threshold.
# coding: utf-8
# Python script to read the CPU temperature and send the results to
# a Domoticz server. Meant to be executed by cron at regular intervals.
# Requires: Python 3
# Version: 2.1
# Date: 2024-08-20
# License: 0BSD@
# Needed module here because LOG_XXX constants are used in parameters
from syslog import *
# User defined parameters -------------------------------------------------------
alertTemp = 60 # Hot cpu core temperature threshold
cpu_zone = "/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone1/temp"
cpu_temp_idx = 211 # Domoticz device index for cpu temperature sensor on vault.local
domoticzJson = "{}&nvalue=0&svalue={}"
domoticzTimeout = 15 # HTTP request timeout in seconds
alertTitle = 'NAS Temperature Alert'
alertMsg = "The temperature of the NAS CPU, {}°C, is above the alert threshold {}°C"
verbose = 0 # 0 quiet, 1 to echo log messages with priority
consoleloglevel = LOG_ERR # log level for messages printed to the console
sysloglevel = LOG_ERR # log level for messages sent to syslog
logAlertLevel = LOG_ALERT # priority level for e-mail temperature alerts
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Needed modules in addition to syslog
import sys
import os
from pymail import send_email
from urllib.request import urlopen # with python 3.x, use "from urllib2 import urlopen" with python 2.7
if verbose > 0:
from datetime import datetime
# Routine to send messages to syslog and echo it to the console
def log(level, msg):
syslog(level, msg)
if (verbose) and (level <= consoleloglevel):
print('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ') + msg)
# Setup syslog
# HTTP Get request
def httpRequest(url):
log(LOG_DEBUG, 'CPU: Domoticz GET request: {}'.format(url))
# use context magager which takes care of closing hf
with urlopen(url, timeout=domoticzTimeout) as hf:
# get Domoticz' response and broadcast it
response ='utf-8')
if ('"ERR"') in response:
llevel = LOG_ERR
llevel = LOG_DEBUG
log(llevel, 'Domoticz response: {}'.format(response))
except Exception as e:
log(LOG_ERR, 'Exception: {}'.format(e))
# Read and report cpu temperature
with open(cpu_zone) as f:
cpuTemp = "{0:0.1f}".format(int(
log(LOG_DEBUG, 'CPU: temp = {}°C'.format(cpuTemp))
httpRequest(domoticzJson.format(cpu_temp_idx, cpuTemp))
# Raise alert if needed
if float(cpuTemp) > alertTemp:
message = alertMsg.format(cpuTemp, alertTemp)
log(LOG_DEBUG, "Alert, title: '{}', message: '{}'".format(alertTitle, message))
log(logAlertLevel, message)
log(LOG_DEBUG, 'Sending email notification')
send_email(alertTitle, '', message)
# Bash script that reads the thermal zone temperatures from the Linux
# /sys virtual file system.
# Ref: How to display CPU temperature in bash prompt?
# @:
# Version 0.2
# (c) Copyright 2024 Michel Deslierres, No rights reseved
# This script is in the public domain. In those jurisdictions where this may be a problem, the
# BSD Zero Clause License ( applies.
CEL=$'\xc2\xb0C' # UTF-8 codepoint for the degree symbol followed by C (celsius)
for zone in $(ls -d /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone*);
temp=$(cat $zone/temp)
typ=$(cat $zone/type)
temp=`expr $temp / 1000`
echo $zone: $temp$CEL $typ
#Import smtplib for the actual sending function
import smtplib, ssl
# Import the email modules we'll need
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
SRC = '***me@**host_url****'
SMPT = '***mail@**host_url****'
PORT = 465
PWD = '****************'
def send_email(subject, dest, message):
print('send_email({}, {}, {})'.format(subject, dest, message))
# Create the message
msg = MIMEText(message)
msg['Subject'] = subject
msg['From'] = SRC
msg['To'] = dest
context = ssl.create_default_context()
with smtplib.SMTP_SSL(SMPT, PORT, context=context) as server:
server.login(SRC, PWD)
server.sendmail(SRC, dest, msg.as_string())
print('msg:', msg['Subject'], msg['From'], msg['To'])
# ref: #
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