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Last active October 6, 2019 15:58
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Burrow - The Boring Blockchain

Blockchains are too exciting. Burrow wants to be boring. Then we want to be simple. Then we want to be fast.

Even more boring than Git is stupid. The kind of boring that let's you sleep well at night.

Burrow gives you just enough blockchain to build a strongly decentralised public permissioned network. Enough but no more.

Burrow philosophy

Burrow aims to be simple, complete, opinionated, and lightweight. We want to be 'the Redis of blockchain'. Our guiding principles are:

  1. Provide single pure Go binary running as a single process with (almost) everything included

  2. Support public permissioned networks as first-class citizens

  3. Prefer introspection and tight coupling of components over configurability

  4. Provide a single Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) consensus algorithm

  5. Provide a clean and simple developer experience that gets you closer to the metal

Boring deeper

Burrow is a fully-fledged blockchain and smart contract framework. That is, you ought to be able to service the same use cases as with Hyperledger Sawtooth, Fabric, and Besu (whereas Iroha takes a slightly different approach to smart contracts).

The core of Burrow is a custom, fully compliant, Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) implementation with an authenticated state (merkle tree) based on Tendermint consensus (A PBFT consenus variant which we embed as a library). Burrow has a coarse-grain unix-style model of permissioning baked directly into its EVM implementation. Permissions are for things like SEND, CREATE (a contract), and BOND (become a validator).

There are many other features wrought from our use of Burrow in the wild, both to run the Agreements Network and from years of working on use cases when it was still called eris-db.

It is an explicit focus of Burrow to support running permissioned networks that are in some sense 'open to the public'. There are many shades of grey in term of network participation with Burrow's permissions model; validators may be established on an invite-only basis, contract creation may be limited to autonomous contracts rather than human participants, or Burrow could be configured much like permissionless public Ethereum. We are particularly interested in modes of operation that bridge the gap between private chains and public permissionless ones. This is why we value BFT consensus so highly, and why we include quorum-based governance primitives.

Burrow avoids relying on container orchestration and virtual machines as part of its basic setup. These technologies are powerful and can also hide a multitude of sins. Burrow provides an ergonomic developer experience on bare metal — on your laptop or server without needing docker or container orchestration in the first instance. We still have high quality Kubernetes support for use in production, but you can also spin up a multiple node network directly on your laptop. Our aim is to give a streamlined developer UX and to help build developer intuition with our tools such as burrow examine, our JSON debug output, or our curl-able HTTP info endpoint.

You can use our composable command line tools to spin up a simple chain:

burrow spec -v1 | burrow configure -s- | burrow start -c-

We provide statically linked cross-compiled binaries for Linux, MacOS, and Windows.

We run over a Tendermint BFT consensus that prioritises correctness and finality and provides good throughput for networks with a number of validators in the low 100s. We only expose additional configuration where it is necessary and try to provide higher level configuration and sane default to reduce the numbers of levers you need to pull on.

We provide a smart contract model exclusively in the Ethereum world view (state lives in buckets called 'accounts') and assume the structure provided by the EVM ABI.

Our entire state is modelled in Google's Protocol Buffers which is used in our GRPC layer down to our underlying state storage.

Three faces of Burrow

Within the Hyperledger family Burrow can be seen to occupy three different niches:

  1. The Hyperledger bridge to the Tendermint/Cosmos ecosystem

Burrow is tightly integrated with Tendermint via its ABCI interface for consensus. This means Burrow serves as an excellent way in to the emerging Cosmos Network — as that network and protocol emerges Burrow will be amongst the first frameworks to join it. If you are interested in running smart contracts on Cosmos and their inter-blockchain proposals then the Burrow project has built most of what you need. We intend to continue to push the envelope on what can be run on top of Tendermint/Cosmos.

  1. An Ethereum side-chain and compatibility project with support for advanced smart contract languages via WASM and experimental economic systems

Since Burrow shares a smart contract language and ABI with Ethereum we have a impedance match with public Ethereum. We have plans to provide a two-way peg and support for staking on public Ethereum. This makes us a viable option for acting as an Ethereum side-chain. Since we are not pinned down by consensus, p2p, or low-level state compatibility with Ethereum mainnet we have an excellent opportunity for innovating in side-chain architectures and to help influence emerging standards in this direction.

  1. A lightweight hackable EVM/Solidity execution library

Having entered Hyperledger as an independently developed Apache 2.0 licensed EVM implementation we are most well-known for our EVM library. We are successfully integrated into Fabric and Sawtooth, which helped us refine our internal interfaces and modularity. Our implementation is straight-forward to read and understand and is not complicated by legacy support required for mainnet. In this respect we provide an excellent base for experimenting with the EVM - by extending it or making it run in other contexts (for example there has been recent discussion about running Burrow's EVM within processor enclaves (e.g. Intel SGX) as part of the newly established Hyperledger Trusted Compute Framework.

Features in detail


Burrow is built under an a permissioned and open-network assumption. We expect existing participants and validators to decide who can access and validate the network. We operate a model that allows for bonded proof-of-stake or simple proof-of-authority. We support networks that are autonomous in the sense that no human key-holders are able to deploy contracts - only other contracts.

How to bring about governance on a blockchain remains an open question. Burrow aims to provide some necessary but not sufficient primitives for multi-party governance of our on-chain rules.

Proposals allow accounts with the PROPOSAL permission to propose an alteration to the network. A proprosal contains a batch of normal transactions that will be executed with elevated permissions once they have been ratified by a ballot (consisting of accounts also having PROPOSAL permission). This allows a network with no direct human superusers to upgrade the contracts on that network. It is how we intend to upgrade code on the Agreements Network.

GovTx is a transaction type that is often behind a proposal-wall that has the ability to arbitrarily update an on-chain account (therefore contract in the Ethereum world view). This transaction is able to break the invariants of conservation of token and code immutability. As such it requires the ROOT permission. It is generally expected to be used within the context of a proposal but can be granted to an administrative account or contract.

Burrow nodes need to have the BOND permission in order to act as a validator (taking part in consensus via Tendermint algorithm). When a validator would like to start validating the network they can issue a BondTx which transfers some of their native token into validator power which acts as a bond that can be slashed if they misbehave.

Conversely a node can issue an UnbondTx to convert all or some of their bonded stake from validator power back into native token.

A variety of bonded proof-of-stake and proof-of-authority networks can be built using this model. However they do depend on some extrinsic factors such as the value/meaning associated to Burrow native token to which Burrow itself is agnostic.

We will be providing additional crypto-economic primitives and access to Tendermint's proof-of-stake features via native function that will allow users to build more sophisticated networks, including those that hold stake on Ethereum mainnet.

GRPC interfaces

All of Burrow's functionality is available over Google's GRPC - a system that generates RPC endpoints based on Protocol Buffers definition files. These definition can be used to generate clients in a range of languages. This gives us the following benefits:

  • We have a battle-tested and space-efficient binary RPC layer
  • All of our core interfaces are defined in protobuf - used both for RPC and state storage - giving a clearly delineated domain model
  • We are accessible from many languages
  • We get nice streaming interfaces for events

Our GRPC endpoints are exposed on port 10997 (can you guess why?). Our core RPCs are documented in their protobuf definition files:

The interface for sending transactions to Burrow, including the capability to sign transactions on your behalf. See tests for some example usage from Go.

A read-only interface for getting information about accounts, consensus, and the node instance itself.

A services that provides streams of execution events that are generated when transactions are including in the chain. This includes EVM events as well as those describing blocks and transactions. They can be scanned to generate structured models of on-chain objects, which is exactly how Vent uses them.

Recently landed in Burrow is complete support for Ethereum's standard web3 JSON RPC. For many years Burrow only exposed its own RPC layer; now it is possible to use some of the excellent tooling from mainline Ethereum including metamask, remix, and truffle!

Each transaction that runs in Burrow is processed by an ExecutionContext that executes that transaction deterministically in a sandbox (throwing away the result if something goes wrong). We model the execution and a sequence of emitted events in which we include the EVM LOG events that are the basis of Solidity's event model. The idea of TxExecution is to provide a trace of everything your transaction did as it passed through the executor. In our state we store a totally ordered set of StreamEvents that lend themselves to building event driven applications over projections of these events (which is exactly how Vent works, see below).

Burrow.js is our NPM module - it will have a familiar feel for anyone who has used web3.js, and it makes use of our GRPC interfaces. It can consume Solidity ABIs to dynamically generate Javascript objects that wrap Solidity contracts on-chain. With the introduction of our on-chain ABI registry (see below) burrow.js is now able to pull these ABIs directly from chain and so can provide Javascipt objects to manipulate your smart contracts via reflection.

Vent is our SQL mapping layer that runs by listening off Solidity events in our stream of execution events. It uses projections specifications that look like the snippet below and can build an object-relational mapping for Solidity contracts via Solidity vents.

Vent uses little bits of declarative JSON called projections to build its SQL tables. They look like this (for more details see docs linked in this section's header):

    "TableName": "EventTest",
    "Filter": "EventType = 'LogEvent'",
    "FieldMappings": [
        "Field": "key",
        "ColumnName": "testkey",
        "Type": "bytes32",
        "Primary": true

Using Vent you can build an application that runs on Postgres (a most excellent and very boring database) or sqlite using battle-tested architectures. Vent can give you tables representing entities and Burrow.js includes a feature to block until the database is synchronised with the chain.

Application developers can work with Burrow using Vent treating our Burrow transactions as the 'command' layer and a Vent-maintained query layer. Some apps may not need to directly write to the chain at all in which case this model reduces to the familiar database-backed CRUD app model.

Natives, WASM, and EVM

Recently landed in Burrow is experimental support for the execution of Web Assembly based contracts. We have another experimental project solang which is an LLVM-based compiler for Solidity that emits WASM that can be deployed to Burrow.

Burrow also ships with a set of 'native' functions. You can think of these as our low-level syscalls, though they are not that low level. They allow you to modify permissions from smart contracts. You can call them just like any other EVM contract by calling a special address. burrow snatives will emit the Solidity contract interfaces.

Natives are hard-coded in a DSL in the Burrow source code where they are easily extensible.

Native contract domination

Burrow is moving to a model where all contracts whether native, WASM, or EVM will be on the same footing. The same calling conventions can be used to call between any engine host and functions can be called directly. Functionality that is currently wrapped up as separate transaction types will be migrated to a Burrow standard library of native functions.

We intend to add native functions for:

  • Crypto-economic, validator, and bonded proof-of-stake primitives
  • Generalised object registry (including off-chain storage)
  • Governance proposals
  • String manipulation
  • Immutable contract upgradeability

Please plumb the depths with us in: if you would like to know more or get involved.

ABI Registry

Another relatively new addition to Burrow is our ABI registry. Which is optional but enabled by default.

Ethereum ABIs are JSON objects that decide the functions present on a contract including metadata on their argument and return types. These objects are emitted by the Solidity compiler and allow you to call contracts. By hosting these with the EVM contracts themselves on chain can avoid situations where contract callers are missing the ABI or have the wrong version. Our tools use this to give a smooth experience.

In future work we will provide additional contract reflection capabilities based on this functionality.

Name Registry

Our name registry allows a globally unique name to be registered for a specified lease period with an arbitrary data payload. It provides a kind of contract-accessible DNS.

Burrow command line tools

burrow spec is a tool for generating genesis templates; the initial state of a chain. They are templates because the describe the number and types of participants present without necessarily specifying their complete details such as their public keys and initial balances (though these can be present). When provided to burrow configure the specific details comprising a complete genesis document can be filled in including generating keys. A genesis spec can both function as a definition for a class of chains (at genesis) and a partially complete genesis. burrow spec can take multiple base genesis spec arguments which it will merge together to support the latter.

burrow configure is a tool to make it easier to generate Burrow's configuration - including the configuration of a node usually stored in burrow.toml and the immutable genesis configuration usually stored in genesis.json (though it is possible to embed genesis in burrow.toml). It has numerous flags that translate into configuration. As mentioned above if a genesis spec is passed with --genesis-spec it will be used to generate a complete genesis document. For participants and validators that appear in the spec that do not have their public keys or addresses specified then burrow configure will generate key pairs for them in the burrow keys service.

burrow deploy is a command line tool for contract deployment and testing with its own YAML-embedded scripting language. You provide it with YAML scripts reminiscent of Ansible scripts called playbooks and it takes care of reproducible deploying your contract suites. It can also formulate, sign, and broadcast all of Burrow's transaction types.

burrow examine is forensic tool that helps you to drill down into the state of an offline burrow node for the purposes of forensic audit or debugging. It's possible to look at both the Tendermint blockchain and our execution traces.

burrow tx is another command line took that provides a low-noise interface suitable for integrating with shells scripts.

Burrow Proxy

Burrow proxy is part wallet, part cryptographic signing daemon, and part light client. It is a work-in-progress and replaces some existing functionality supported by burrow keys. It is a small local daemon that is responsible for managing your keys under your local custody, signing transactions, forwarding them to Burrow, and ensuring integrity via inclusion proofs and security via intermediate TLS.

burrow dump and burrow restore support the extraction of the state of an online or offline Burrow node into a standalone JSON or Protobuf format that preserves essential state but discards the blockchain, individual transactions, and signature records. Our dump format includes only:

  • Account records (balances, code, and contract metadata)
  • Account storage
  • EVM Log events
  • Name registry entries

This format is intended to be long-term backwards compatible. You can pass a Burrow dump to burrow restore on any supported version of Burrow and contain a chain that has identical smart contract state.

At first glance throwing away the tamper-resistant log of a blockchain might seem self-defeating. However, dump/restore is preserves the cryptographic audit trail by including a merkle link from a block on the dumped chain to the genesis of the restored chain in the form of the AppHash field in the genesis document. So as long as the previous chain data exists (online or offline) then the state of the restored chain can be verified.

The essential purpose of this feature is to allow Burrow to fork in a principled way. This provides:

  • Burrow upgradeability: a Burrow chain's state can survive a breaking change to Burrow
  • Validator forks: if a new or different group of validators wish to run a version of a chain with a shared history for divergent purposes
  • Hacking, compliance, and experimentation: since the state can be easily manipulated by a JSON stream editor like jq then we can delete or add accounts permanently or make other arbitrary changes to state. We could compress the chain state to a zero knowledge proof or other such larks.

Upgradeability is the most important feature at this stage in Burrow's development. We make an effort to not break state, but we will do so before our 1.0.0 release if it meaningfully improves the features, architecture, security, or performance.

Another avenue we are interested in exploring is providing an automated way for a validator to 'follow' a fork via on-chain governance, whereby the state of a parent chain is embedded in the genesis of fork and those validators that voted for it stop validating the old chain and start validating the new.

Example architecture

It might be useful to outline the architecture we use at Monax for the Monax Platform, since this is a substantial cloud deployment that has guided much of the development of Burrow and its supporting tooling.


We deploy Burrow and its supporting services into Kubernetes using Burrow's helm charts.

Node.js API

We operate an API service based on Node that uses Burrow.js to call smart contract on chain. Vent is used to maintain some tables in Postgres that provide a queryable view onto the smart contract state.

The API provides a higher level interface to some of the functions on-chain in smart contracts and also stores a small amount of its own state relating to its direct users.

Hoard is a content-addressed encrypted blob storage layer that can back on to most populate cloud storage and IPFS as a backend. It can deterministically encrypt documents and provide asymmetrically encrypted access grants. Together with smart contract indices we can provide file-like storage primitives and have the option to keep certain data private to counterparties. We can also keep large files off the chain keeping down block size and avoiding congestion.

We may look to make some of Hoard's functionality native to Burrow as part of a beefed up name registry service.

React WebApp

Our main UI is a React single-page-app and communicates our identity service and with the API to get data from the chain and Vent-maintained database.

Blackstone is a project containing foundational smart contracts for the Agreements Network. It includes a number of 'standard library' type utility contracts, a Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) engine, and a battery of tests.

Our core objects are designed to be upgradeable so that immutable interface contracts point at the latest version of that contract when we use proposals to update code. There is a root contract affectionately known as Doug that acts as a registry for several lower layers of factory contracts that create our base objects.

User proxies

We have smart contracts that provide a layer of indirection between external accounts sending transactions and our internal notion of users and organisations. We identify these proxy contracts as being a user and require that messages are forwarded through them. This allows users to permit a particular key pair to act on their behalf, similar to SSH authorized_keys, and means we can expose a traditional username/password login to users that have authorised our API, but later on we can switch to multi-sig or to the users exclusively controlling their proxy with their own keys.

Plea for help

Join us for Hacktoberfest - issues here!!

In writing this I have attempted to provide up-to-date coverage of Burrow's most notable features and its orientation as a project. I am acutely aware there is a gap between what is written here and what is needed to get to grips with some of the features listed above. So, I also write to appeal for any assistance in closing that gap in terms of documentation or other usability improvements. I believe the best way to allocate resources to this effort is for people to be encouraged to scratch their own itch. I or another Burrow maintainer will be happy to help you to get going with any of Burrow's features if you swing by Burrow chat. If you are willing to spend a little time sequestering that knowledge by contributing to our documentation, I am willing to devote special attention to your learning and the needs of your use case including by making changes to the Burrow roadmap or fixing bugs on the spot.

If you are looking to get involved in Hyperledger then you will find in Burrow a small and uncrowded community with much to do. We have interesting features for newcomers to work on and we are in search of contributors and maintainers. Come and help us build!


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Provide a single Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) consensus algorithm, a single smart contract ABI, and a single transaction family. -> API ...?

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compleatang commented Sep 26, 2019

That is, you ought to be able to service the same use cases as with Hyperledger Sawtooth and Hyperledger Fabric

include Besu...?

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Will start a single node chain with all services enabled and ready for experimentation. We provided statically linked cross-compiled binaries for Linux, MacOS, and Windows.

Rephrase ^^^ ...? I'm not sure what we're saying here.

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the links (where to burrow docs) shoudl likely be to rather than master brfanch of the repo.

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Think worthwhile to add a bit more to vent section about how application devellopers can now build front end or integration components based on the data held in a manner that's approachable to any dev: namely within a DB without having to understand smart contract object models, factory patterns, and the like.

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worth mentioning that the ABI registry is optional because sometimes folks want to withold the ABIs....

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Provide a single Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) consensus algorithm, a single smart contract ABI, and a single transaction family. -> API ...?

Are you suggesting s/ABI/API/g? I meant ABI in this context, i.e. the same calling conventions, I will reword this.

Alternatively maybe you meant I should mention our API, I don't consider that core philosophy...

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    • Even more boring than Git is stupid. - i don't get this sentence!
    • actually, i just re-read and i do get it - but would it read better as 'anything more boring than Git is stupid'?
  1. I don't normally add full stops to bullets, i think it's commonplace to go without
  2. i love the 'boring deeper' subhead 🙂
  3. These technologies are powerful and can also hide a multitude of sins. - would this whole para read better as 'but can hide a multitude of sins'? or 'yet'.
  4. ergonomic developer experience on bare metal -- on your laptop - should there be 2 hyphens here or just 1? actually i see it elsewhere (after cosmos network) too, so maybe it's something i don't understand
  5. Since we are not pinned down by consensus, p2p - maybe use an upper case C here as otherwise it's not clear you're talking about the company and could actually just mean 'consensus'
  6. and to help influences emerging standards in this direction. - should this be influence not influences?
  7. Proposals are mediated by our ProposalTx and provide a way to provide a batch of transactions that can be run - i would avoid repeating the word 'provide' twice. You could just say 'are a way to provide'...?
  8. sentence before the subhead 'GRPC interfaces' : Burrow can be configured - is this an unfinished sentence?
  9. some example usage from go. - i'd capitalise 'Go' here
  10. provide a trace of everything your transaction did has it passed through the executor - 'as' not has
  11. event driven applications - i'd be tempted to hyphenate event-driven but don't feel strongly
  12. in a manner is popularly understood as 'CQRS' - missing a 'which is'?
  13. By hosting these with the EVM contracts themselves on chain can avoid situations - you need a 'you' here or remove the 'By' at beginning of sentence
  14. However, dump/restore is preserves the cryptographic audit trail - remove the 'is'
  15. I get a 404 error for the 'Hacktober' link
  16. most notable features and it's orientation - its not it's (idiot)
  17. to get to grips some of the features listed above - to get to grips 'with' some of the features listed above

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PS sorry about the formatting, F won't let me spend any more time!

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its not it's (idiot)


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Kelly-Cooper commented Oct 4, 2019

in line 2 should not have an apostrophe.
I see a few more things, small things that come about when editing. I can go through once more when you're done?

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