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Last active May 12, 2021 06:42
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Goblint basecomponents_t
type 'a basecomponents_t = {
cpa: CPA.t;
deps: PartDeps.t;
priv: 'a;
type t = PrivD.t basecomponents_t = {
cpa: CPA.t;
deps: PartDeps.t;
priv: PrivD.t;
77 | ..type t = PrivD.t basecomponents_t = {
78 | cpa: CPA.t;
79 | deps: PartDeps.t;
80 | priv: PrivD.t;
81 | }
Error: This variant or record definition does not match that of type
PrivD.t basecomponents_t
They have different arities.
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