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simeonlg / bookmarklet
Last active September 26, 2018 23:08 scraper for pidgey bot
javascript:var markerList = markerList || {}; for (marker in markers) { if (!markerList.hasOwnProperty(markers[marker].options.locmarkerid)) { console.log("Marker added"); markerList[marker] = '"' + markers[marker].options.title.split(': ')[1] + '","' + markers[marker].options.title.split(': ', 2)[0] + '",' + markers[marker] + ',' + markers[marker]._latlng.lng.toFixed(6); } } var markerString = ""; for (marker in markerList) { markerString += "[" + markerList[marker] + "],"; } (function (text) { var node = document.createElement('textarea'); var selection = document.getSelection(); node.textContent = "[" + text + "]"; document.body.appendChild(node); selection.removeAllRanges();; document.execCommand('copy'); selection.removeAllRanges(); document.body.removeChild(node); })(markerString);