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Created January 20, 2020 17:58
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import {parse, stringify} from ''
function render(event) {
localStorage[pluginName] = input.getSession().getValue()
//return beautify.beautify(output.session)
// Demo setup below
const pluginName = 'cssomtoolsDemo'
const input = ace.edit('input')
const output = ace.edit('output')
const beautify = ace.require('ace/ext/beautify')
theme: 'ace/theme/cobalt',
mode: 'ace/mode/css',
fontSize: 18,
tabSize: 2,
wrap: true,
highlightActiveLine: true,
highlightSelectedWord: true,
displayIndentGuides: true,
showPrintMargin: false,
showInvisibles: true,
useSoftTabs: true,
useWorker: false,
}) = 1.4
input.renderer.setScrollMargin(10, 10)
if (localStorage[pluginName] !== undefined) {
['keyup', 'blur', 'paste'].forEach(evt =>
input.textInput.getElement().addEventListener(evt, render)
theme: 'ace/theme/cobalt',
mode: 'ace/mode/css',
fontSize: 18,
tabSize: 2,
wrap: true,
highlightActiveLine: true,
highlightSelectedWord: true,
displayIndentGuides: true,
showPrintMargin: false,
showInvisibles: true,
useSoftTabs: true,
useWorker: false,
}) = 1.4
output.renderer.setScrollMargin(10, 10)
window.addEventListener('load', render)
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