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Last active August 15, 2017 07:51
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UINavigationBar extension for setting and applying "looks" in one go.
// UINavigationbar+Looks.swift
// License: MIT
import UIKit
Stores information about navigation bar looks.
struct NavigationBarLooks {
var backIndicatorImage: UIImage?
var backIndicatatorTransitionImageMask: UIImage?
var barStyle: UIBarStyle?
var barTintColor: UIColor?
var shadowImage: UIImage?
var tintColor: UIColor?
var translucent: Bool?
var backgroundImageMetrics: [UIBarMetrics: UIImage?]?
var titleVerticalPosition: [UIBarMetrics: CGFloat]?
var titleTextAttributes: [String: AnyObject]?
init(backIndicatorImage: UIImage? = nil,
backIndicatatorTransitionImageMask: UIImage? = nil,
barStyle: UIBarStyle = UIBarStyle.Default,
barTintColor: UIColor? = nil,
shadowImage: UIImage? = nil,
tintColor: UIColor? = nil,
translucent: Bool = false,
backgroundImageMetrics: [UIBarMetrics: UIImage?]? = [:],
titleVerticalPosition: [UIBarMetrics: CGFloat]? = [:],
titleTextAttributes: [String: AnyObject]? = [:])
self.backIndicatorImage = backIndicatorImage
self.backIndicatatorTransitionImageMask = backIndicatatorTransitionImageMask
self.barStyle = barStyle
self.barTintColor = barTintColor
self.shadowImage = shadowImage
self.tintColor = tintColor
self.translucent = translucent
self.backgroundImageMetrics = backgroundImageMetrics
self.titleVerticalPosition = titleVerticalPosition
self.titleTextAttributes = titleTextAttributes
private var metrics = [UIBarMetrics.Default, UIBarMetrics.DefaultPrompt, UIBarMetrics.Compact, UIBarMetrics.CompactPrompt]
extension UINavigationBar {
Set the looks of the current navigation bar using the given `NavigationBarLooks`.
- Parameter looks: The ´NavigationBarLooks` struct to apply to the current navigation bar.
func setBarLooks(looks: NavigationBarLooks) {
backIndicatorImage = looks.backIndicatorImage
backIndicatorTransitionMaskImage = looks.backIndicatatorTransitionImageMask
barStyle = looks.barStyle ?? .Default
barTintColor = looks.barTintColor
shadowImage = looks.shadowImage
tintColor = looks.tintColor
translucent = looks.translucent ?? false
looks.backgroundImageMetrics?.forEach { [unowned self] (metric, image) in
self.setBackgroundImage(image, forBarMetrics: metric)
looks.titleVerticalPosition?.forEach { [unowned self] (metric, position) in
self.setTitleVerticalPositionAdjustment(position ?? 0, forBarMetrics: metric)
titleTextAttributes = looks.titleTextAttributes
Fetch the current bar looks.
- Returns: A `NavigationBarLooks` struct with values representing the current navigation bar.
func currentBarLooks() -> NavigationBarLooks {
var backgroundImageMetrics = [UIBarMetrics: UIImage?]()
var titlePositions = [UIBarMetrics: CGFloat]()
metrics.forEach {
backgroundImageMetrics[$0] = self.backgroundImageForBarMetrics($0)
titlePositions[$0] = self.titleVerticalPositionAdjustmentForBarMetrics($0)
return NavigationBarLooks(backIndicatorImage: self.backIndicatorImage,
backIndicatatorTransitionImageMask: self.backIndicatorTransitionMaskImage,
barStyle: self.barStyle,
barTintColor: self.barTintColor,
shadowImage: self.shadowImage,
tintColor: self.tintColor,
translucent: self.translucent,
backgroundImageMetrics: backgroundImageMetrics,
titleVerticalPosition: titlePositions,
titleTextAttributes: self.titleTextAttributes)
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simme commented Jul 19, 2016

Useful when one pushed view controller requires other navigation bar looks. Get current looks in viewDidLoad. Then in viewWillDissappear reapply the previous looks.

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