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Last active March 26, 2020 17:13
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cron job to autocommit journal & related files
# simon's crontab, started 20190104.
# Edit this file, then: make cron-install (installs to /usr/lib/cron/tabs/simon)
# Don't edit installed crontab (crontab -e); if I forgot: make cron-sync
# Show installed crontab: make cron-show
# Show difference from this file: make cron-diff
# /usr/lib/cron/tabs/simon - simon's crontab, created 20190104
# make cron-show
# make cron-install, in iTerm (not emacs shell)
# alternatives:
# anacron - not available on mac
# launchctl - can't make it work on mojave
# Lingon X - launchctl manager
# LaunchControl - launchctl manager
# cron jobs run only if system is awake when they come due
# use pmset to ensure a nightly awake window (make nightly-wake-start)
# minute hour mday month wday command
# log frequently to show when cron is active
* * * * * date >>/Users/simon/finance/cron.log
# Nightly wake window is 0359-0415, see Makefile -> mac-nightly-wake-(start|stop|show).
# During nightly wake:
# fetch new transaction data
00 04 * * * make -C/Users/simon/finance -s csv import
# autocommit financial files
02 04 * * * make -C/Users/simon/finance -s autocommit
# daily financial report
# XXX uses freshly downloaded txns that may need more cleanup
# XXX goes to fastmail, too public
#03 04 * * * make -C/Users/simon/finance -s daily-reports | mail -s "daily report" simon
# weekly client time reports on saturday
#04 04 * * 6 PATH=$PATH:~simon/finance/bin mailclienttimes
# cron
# install ./crontab as the active crontab
@crontab ./crontab
# overwrite ./crontab with the active crontab
@crontab -l >./crontab
# show the active crontab
@crontab -l
# show the difference between ./crontab and the active crontab
@crontab -l > .crontab.tmp
@-diff ./crontab .crontab.tmp
@rm -f .crontab.tmp
# schedule nightly wake window for cron (cf crontab)
sudo pmset repeat wakeorpoweron MTWRFSU 03:59:00 sleep MTWRFSU 04:13:00
pmset -g sched
sudo pmset repeat cancel
pmset -g sched
pmset -g sched
# Perform any auto-commits that are due, in the proper order.
autocommit: \
autocommit-time \
autocommit-txns \
# Auto-commit any timelog changes.
@echo `date` $@ >>$@.log
@( git commit -qm 'time (auto)' $(TIMEDOT) | grep -E '(^\[|file changed)' ) >>$@.log \
|| true
# Auto-commit any transaction journal changes.
@echo `date` $@ >>$@.log
@( git commit -qm 'txns (auto)' $(JOURNAL) | grep -E '(^\[|file changed)' ) >>$@.log \
|| true
# Auto-commit any remaining dirty files if nothing much has changed in the last hour
# (excluding journal, timelog, log files, git files..)
# Run this after the more specific autocommits above.
@echo `date` $@ >>$@.log
@[[ -z $$(find . -newermt '60 minutes ago' \! -regex '\./\.git.*' \! -name "*.log" \! -name $(TIMEDOT) \! -name $(JOURNAL) ) ]] \
&& ( git commit -am '(auto)' | grep -E '(^\[|file changed)' ) >>autocommit.log \
|| true
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