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Last active November 8, 2019 20:18
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bash scripts for starting hledger(-ui) in various ways
# short aliases for hledger commands
alias h='hledger'
alias acc='hledger accounts'
alias act='hledger activity'
alias add='hledger add'
alias bal='hledger balance'
alias close='hledger close'
alias iadd='hledger-iadd --date-format %Y/%m/%d'
alias print='hledger print'
alias reg='hledger register'
alias stats='hledger stats'
alias tags='hledger tags'
alias bs='hledger bs'
alias bse='hledger bse'
alias is='hledger is'
alias cf='hledger cashflow'
alias budget='hledger bal --budget'
# save typing. Not used in the scripts below, to keep them introspectable ("which bsui").
alias uiw='hledger-ui --watch'
alias uiwr='hledger-ui --watch --register'
# Reports using hledger-ui.
# These are designed for a multi-entity account tree, where the
# top-level accounts represent entities to be reported separately
# ("JS" and "sm" here), each with ALERX or ALEIX accounts below (and
# appropriate account type declarations).
# When calling these, you can add extra options and query arguments.
# You can override the default accounts with "not:not:DESIREDACCT".
# common account patterns and options for balance sheets, income statements, and expense summaries
BSOPTS="--tree -5 -V" # show hierarchy, to depth 5, convert to home currency
ISOPTS="--change --tree -3 --theme=greenterm" # show changes not end balances, with hierarchy, to depth 3, with a different theme
EXOPTS="$ISOPTS date:thismonth" # just this month
# a few more local args/opts: hide some stuff, make important balances clearer
BSOPTS2="not:(deposit|investments|prepaid|tax) cur:[\$E]"
# list the below hledger-ui report commands
function uihelp() {
cat <<EOF
hledger-ui reports:
all merged sm JS
---- ------ ------ ------
balance sheet bsui bsuime bsuism bsuijs
income statement isui isuime isuism isuijs
expense summary exui exuime exuism exuijs
# balance sheet ui showing assets/liabilities for each top-level entity
function bsui() {
hledger-ui --watch $BSACCTS $BSOPTS "$@"
# income statement ui showing revenues/expenses for each entity
function isui() {
hledger-ui --watch $ISACCTS $ISOPTS "$@"
# expenses summary ui for each entity
function exui() {
hledger-ui --watch $EXACCTS $EXOPTS "$@"
# balance sheet ui for all entities merged
function bsuime() {
hledger-ui --watch --alias='/^(JS|sm):/=' --alias='/:(bofi|unify|wf):/=:' $BSACCTS $BSOPTS "$@" # XXX try without bofi arg
# income statement ui for all entities merged
function isuime() {
hledger-ui --watch --alias='/^(JS|sm):/=' $ISACCTS $ISOPTS -2 "$@"
# expenses summary ui for all entities merged
function exuime() {
hledger-ui --watch --alias='/^(JS|sm):/=' $EXACCTS $EXOPTS -2 "$@"
# reconcile ui showing all frequently-reconciled, cleared balances.
# alias bsuire="bsuime not:not:'(bank|paypal|wallet|household)' -C -3 --flat"
# personal balance sheet ui
function bsuism() {
hledger-ui --watch "sm:$BSACCTS" $BSOPTS $BSOPTS2 "$@"
# personal income statement ui
function isuism() {
hledger-ui --watch "sm:$ISACCTS" $ISOPTS "$@"
# personal expenses summary ui
function exuism() {
hledger-ui --watch "sm:$EXACCTS" $EXOPTS "$@"
# joyful systems balance sheet ui
function bsuijs() {
hledger-ui --watch "JS:$BSACCTS" $BSOPTS $BSOPTS2 "$@"
# joyful systems income statement ui
function isuijs() {
hledger-ui --watch "JS:$ISACCTS" $ISOPTS "$@"
# joyful systems expenses summary ui
function exuijs() {
hledger-ui --watch "JS:$EXACCTS" $EXOPTS "$@"
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