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Last active December 29, 2018 18:14
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Discrete Probability Monad with F# computation Expressions that runs in Fable.

Discrete Probability Monad with F# computation Expressions that runs in Fable

Copy and paste each part in turn into Probabilistic programming part should start around line 220. Should be compatible with almost everything in

Also provides text histogram plots!

open Fable.Core.JsInterop
open Fable.Import
open Fable.Core
open System
let flip f x y = f y x
let konst x _ = x
let keepLeft f (x,y) = x , f y
let keepRight f (x,y) = f x , y
let round (n:int) (x:float) = System.Math.Round(x,n)
let stringr n x = string (round n x)
let stringr100 n x = string (round n (x * 100.))
module Map =
let sum m = Map.fold (fun sum _ x -> sum + x) 0. m
module Array =
let inline normalizeWeights (a:_[]) =
let sum = Array.sumBy snd a (fun (x,w) -> x, w/sum) a
let indexed a = Array.mapi (fun i x -> (i,x)) a
let selectColumn c a = (indexed >> Array.filter (fst >> (=) c) >> snd) a
module String =
let pad padlen (s:string) = s + String.replicate (max 0 (padlen - s.Length)) " "
let inline toupper (str:string) = str.ToUpper()
let inline joinToStringWith sep (s:'a seq) = String.Join(sep, s)
let buildTableRow (collens:_[]) (row:string[]) =
row |> Array.mapi (fun i s -> String.pad collens.[i] s) |> joinToStringWith " | "
let makeTable newline headers title (table:string[][]) =
let hlen = String.length headers
let lens = table |> ( (String.length))
let longest = [|for c in 0..headers.Length - 1 -> max hlen.[c] (Array.selectColumn c lens |> Seq.head |> Array.max)|]
let t0 = table |> (buildTableRow longest) |> joinToStringWith newline
let hrow = [|headers; [|for i in 0..headers.Length - 1 -> String.replicate longest.[i] "-"|]|]
|> (buildTableRow longest)
|> joinToStringWith newline
String.Format("{0}{1}{1}{2}{1}{3}", (String.toupper title), newline, hrow, t0)
let rnd = System.Random()
//from Expert F# code by Don Syme
//added some helpers to make the code more easily express bayesian formalisms
type Distribution<'T when 'T : comparison> =
abstract Sample : 'T
abstract Support : Set<'T>
abstract Expectation: ('T -> float) -> float
let always x =
{ new Distribution<'T> with
member d.Sample = x
member d.Support = Set.singleton x
member d.Expectation(H) = H(x) }
let coinFlip (p:float) (d1:Distribution<'T>) (d2:Distribution<'T>) =
if p < 0.0 || p > 1.0 then failwith "invalid probability in coinFlip"
{ new Distribution<'T> with
member d.Sample =
if rnd.NextDouble() < p then d1.Sample else d2.Sample
member d.Support = Set.union d1.Support d2.Support
member d.Expectation(H) =
p * d1.Expectation(H) + (1.0-p) * d2.Expectation(H)}
let bind (dist:Distribution<'T>) (k: 'T -> Distribution<'U>) =
{ new Distribution<'U> with
member d.Sample = (k dist.Sample).Sample
member d.Support = Set.unionMany (dist.Support |> (fun d -> (k d).Support))
member d.Expectation H = dist.Expectation(fun x -> (k x).Expectation H) }
type DistributionBuilder() =
member x.Delay f = bind (always ()) f
member x.Bind (d, f) = bind d f
member x.Return v = always v
member x.ReturnFrom vs = vs
let distr = DistributionBuilder()
let weightedCases (inp: ('T * float) list) =
let rec coinFlips w l =
match l with
| [] -> failwith "no coinFlips"
| [(d,_)] -> always d
| (d,p)::rest -> coinFlip (p/(1.0-w)) (always d) (coinFlips (w+p) rest)
coinFlips 0.0 inp
let countedCases inp =
let total = Seq.sumBy (fun (_,v) -> v) inp
weightedCases (inp |> (fun (x,v) -> (x, float v / float total)))
let dualCase ((_,p) as o1) o2 = weightedCases [o1; o2 , 1. - p]
let bernoulli p = dualCase (true, p) false
let uniform (items:'a list) =
let num = float items.Length (fun item -> item, 1./num) items |> weightedCases
let categorical distr = weightedCases distr
let conditionalProb eventx condition (t:Distribution<'a>) =
let n = t.Expectation(fun c -> if eventx c && condition c then 1. else 0.)
let z = t.Expectation(fun c -> if condition c then 1. else 0.)
n / z
let probabilityOf eventx (t:Distribution<'a>) =
t.Expectation(fun c -> if eventx c then 1. else 0.)
let rec update likelihood state obsv = (fun item (prob:float) -> prob * likelihood obsv item) state
let updates likelihood state obsvs =
List.fold (update likelihood) state obsvs
let probabilityOfWeighted eventx (weights:Map<_,_>) =
let n = Map.filter (fun k _ -> eventx k) weights |> Map.sum
let z = Map.sum weights
n / z
let probabilityOfWeighted2 eventx (weights:('a * float)[]) =
let n = Array.filter (fun (k, _) -> eventx k) weights |> Array.sumBy snd
let z = Array.sumBy snd weights
n / z
let pmfWeighted (weights:Map<_,_>) =
let t = Map.sum weights (fun _ p -> p/t) weights
let pmf (dist:Distribution<_>) =
|> Set.toArray
|> (fun c -> c, probabilityOf ((=) c) dist)
let histogram len (d:_[]) =
let _, maxp = Array.maxBy snd d (fun (x,p:float)->
[|sprintf "%A" x ;
stringr100 2 p + "%";
String.replicate (int(round 0 (p/maxp * len))) "#" |]) d
|> makeTable "\n" [|"item";"p"; ""|] ""
let toBits x = x / log 2.
let inline log0 x = if x = 0. then 0. else log x
let inline entropy dist = -Seq.sumBy (fun (_,p) -> p * log0 p) dist
let entropyDistr d = entropy (pmf d)
let inline conditionWith projectWith f d = Array.filter (fst >> projectWith >> f) d |> Array.normalizeWeights
let inline conditionEntropyOn projectWith x d = conditionWith projectWith ((=) x) d |> entropy
let conditionalEntropy projectWith (joint:Distribution<_>) = projectWith joint.Support
|> Seq.sumBy (fun x ->
let p = probabilityOf (projectWith >> (=) x) joint
let h = conditionEntropyOn projectWith x (pmf joint)
p * h)
let mutualInformation (joint:Distribution<_>) =
joint.Support |> Seq.sumBy (fun(x,y) ->
let px = probabilityOf (fst >> (=) x) joint
let py = probabilityOf (snd >> (=) y) joint
let pxy = probabilityOf ((=) (x,y)) joint
pxy * log0(pxy/(px * py)))
let kldivergence (pA:Distribution<_>) (pB:Distribution<_>) =
pA.Support |> Seq.sumBy (fun x ->
let p_a = probabilityOf ((=) x) pA
let p_b = probabilityOf ((=) x) pB
p_a * log0(p_a/ p_b))
let kldivergence2 pA pB =
pA |> Array.sumBy (fun ((x,_)) ->
let p_a = probabilityOfWeighted2 ((=) x) pA
let p_b = probabilityOfWeighted2 ((=) x) pB
p_a * log0(p_a/ p_b))
let coin = distr { let! n = uniform [0.01..0.05..1.0]
return n}
printfn "Uniform Prior"
printfn "p >= 50%% = %s%%" (stringr100 0 (probabilityOf ((<=) 0.5) coin))
printfn "%s" (histogram 20. (pmf coin))
let fair = [true; false; false; true; true; false; true; false]
let biased = [ false; false; false; false; false; false; true; false]
let fairPosterior = fair |> updates (fun c p -> if c then p else 1. - p) (Map.ofArray (pmf coin))
printfn "\nFair tosses Posterior:"
printfn "p >= 50%% = %s%%" (stringr100 1 (probabilityOfWeighted ((<=) 0.5) fairPosterior))
kldivergence2 (Map.toArray fairPosterior) (pmf coin) |> toBits |> round 2 |> printfn "Surprise: %g bits"
printfn "%s" (histogram 30. (fairPosterior |> pmfWeighted |> Map.toArray))
printfn "\nBiased tosses Posterior:"
let biasedPosterior = biased |> updates (fun c p -> if c then p else 1. - p) (Map.ofArray (pmf coin))
printfn "p >= 50%% = %s%%" (stringr100 1 (probabilityOfWeighted ((<=) 0.5) biasedPosterior))
kldivergence2 (Map.toArray biasedPosterior) (pmf coin) |> toBits |> round 2 |> printfn "Surprise: %g bits"
printfn "%s" (histogram 30. (biasedPosterior |> pmfWeighted |> Map.toArray))
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