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Created April 7, 2017 12:22
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HOAS in finally tagless style in Swift 3
// A (sadly untyped) adaptation of
protocol EDSL : ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral {
static func add(_ lhs: Self, _ rhs: Self) -> Self?
static func mul(_ lhs: Self, _ rhs: Self) -> Self?
static func lam(_ body: @escaping (Self) -> Self) -> Self
static func app(_ fn: Self, _ arg: Self) -> Self?
extension EDSL {
static func let_(_ x: Self, _ y: @escaping (Self) -> Self?) -> Self {
return app(lam{z in y(z)!}, x)!
func +<Exp : EDSL>(lhs : Exp, rhs: Exp) -> Exp {
return Exp.add(lhs, rhs)!
func *<Exp : EDSL>(lhs : Exp, rhs: Exp) -> Exp {
return Exp.mul(lhs, rhs)!
enum SValue {
case Int(Int);
case Lam((@escaping () -> SValue) -> SValue);
extension SValue : EDSL {
init(integerLiteral : Int) {
self = .Int(integerLiteral)
static func add(_ lhs: SValue, _ rhs: SValue) -> SValue? {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
case (.Int(let x), .Int(let y)):
return Int(x + y)
return nil
static func mul(_ lhs: SValue, _ rhs: SValue) -> SValue? {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
case (.Int(let x), .Int(let y)):
return Int(x * y)
return nil
static func lam(_ body: @escaping (SValue) -> SValue) -> SValue {
return Lam { v in body(v()) }
static func app(_ fn: SValue, _ arg: SValue) -> SValue? {
switch fn {
case .Lam(let f):
return f{arg}
return nil
func runValue(_ e: () -> SValue) -> () {
struct SName {
let get: () -> SValue
var val: SValue {
return get()
init(_ v: @escaping () -> SValue) {
get = v
extension SName : EDSL {
init(integerLiteral : Int) {
self = SName{.Int(integerLiteral)}
static func add(_ lhs: SName, _ rhs: SName) -> SName? {
return SName{SValue.add(lhs.val, rhs.val)!}
static func mul(_ lhs: SName, _ rhs: SName) -> SName? {
return SName{SValue.mul(lhs.val, rhs.val)!}
static func lam(_ body: @escaping (SName) -> SName) -> SName {
return SName{.Lam { x in body(SName(x)).val }}
static func app(_ fn: SName, _ arg: SName) -> SName? {
switch (fn.val) {
case .Lam(let f):
return SName{f{arg.val}}
return nil
func runName(_ e: () -> SName) -> () {
struct SLazy {
let get: () -> SValue
var val: SValue {
return get()
init(_ v: @escaping () -> SValue) {
var cache:SValue? = nil
get = {
if cache == nil {
cache = v()
return cache!
extension SLazy : EDSL {
init(integerLiteral : Int) {
self = SLazy{.Int(integerLiteral)}
static func add(_ lhs: SLazy, _ rhs: SLazy) -> SLazy? {
return SLazy{SValue.add(lhs.val, rhs.val)!}
static func mul(_ lhs: SLazy, _ rhs: SLazy) -> SLazy? {
return SLazy{SValue.mul(lhs.val, rhs.val)!}
static func lam(_ body: @escaping (SLazy) -> SLazy) -> SLazy {
return SLazy{.Lam { x in body(SLazy(x)).val }}
static func app(_ fn: SLazy, _ arg: SLazy) -> SLazy? {
switch (fn.val) {
case .Lam(let f):
return SLazy{f{arg.val}}
return nil
func runLazy(_ e: () -> SLazy) -> () {
func test<Exp: EDSL>() -> Exp {
Exp.let_(2 * 3) { z in
Exp.let_(5 + 5) { x in
Exp.let_(x + x) { y in
y + y
print("Call by value:")
print("Call by name:")
print("Lazy evaluation:")
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