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Last active April 17, 2016 22:12
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#include "Gatekeeper.h"
const int kPinDrRelay = D0;
const int kPinS1Relay = D1;
const int kPinS2Relay = D2;
const int kPinDsLine = D3;
const int kPinBzLine = D4;
int primed_;
volatile int last_bz_interrupt_;
Gatekeeper::Gatekeeper() {}
void Gatekeeper::Begin() {
// Register Particle functions.
Particle.function("unlock", &Gatekeeper::Unlock, this);
Particle.function("prime", &Gatekeeper::Prime, this);
// Setup the relay signals.
pinMode(kPinDrRelay, OUTPUT);
pinMode(kPinS1Relay, OUTPUT);
pinMode(kPinS2Relay, OUTPUT);
// Setup the BS line to read the door status.
pinMode(kPinDsLine, INPUT_PULLUP);
// Setup the BZ line to read the call tone with an interrupt.
pinMode(kPinBzLine, INPUT_PULLDOWN);
attachInterrupt(kPinBzLine, &Gatekeeper::CallToneInteruptHandler, this, RISING);
// Initalise the output pins.
digitalWrite(kPinDrRelay, LOW);
digitalWrite(kPinS1Relay, LOW);
digitalWrite(kPinS2Relay, LOW);
Particle.publish("gatekeeper/setup", PRIVATE);
bool Gatekeeper::Unlock() {
// If the handset is not active, or the door's already open we can't unlock it.
if (! IsHandsetActive() || IsDoorOpen()) {
return false;
// "Pickup" the handset and "press" the door release button.
digitalWrite(kPinS1Relay, HIGH);
digitalWrite(kPinS2Relay, HIGH);
digitalWrite(kPinDrRelay, HIGH);
// Finally resetting all the relays.
digitalWrite(kPinDrRelay, LOW);
digitalWrite(kPinS1Relay, LOW);
digitalWrite(kPinS2Relay, LOW);
// Ensure we unprime the system.
primed_ = 0;
Particle.publish("gatekeeper/unlocked", PRIVATE);
return true;
bool Gatekeeper::Prime() {
// If the door's open, what's the point in priming?
if (IsDoorOpen()) {
return false;
primed_ =;
return true;
bool Gatekeeper::IsDoorOpen() {
return (digitalRead(kPinDsLine) == LOW);
bool Gatekeeper::IsHandsetActive() {
return (last_bz_interrupt_ > - 1 && pulseIn(kPinBzLine, HIGH) > 0);
bool Gatekeeper::IsPrimed() {
return (primed_ > - 120);
void Gatekeeper::CallToneInteruptHandler() {
last_bz_interrupt_ =;
int Gatekeeper::Unlock(String command) {
return Unlock() ? 0 : -1;
int Gatekeeper::Prime(String command) {
return Prime() ? 0 : -1;
#ifndef Gatekeeper_H_
#define Gatekeeper_H_
#include "application.h"
// A library for interacting with the Gatekeeper system.
class Gatekeeper
void Begin();
bool Unlock();
bool Prime();
bool IsDoorOpen();
bool IsHandsetActive();
bool IsPrimed();
void CallToneInteruptHandler();
int Unlock(String command);
int Prime(String command);
#endif // Gatekeeper_H_
// This #include statement was automatically added by the Particle IDE.
#include "Gatekeeper.h"
// Create an instance of the Gatekeeper library.
Gatekeeper gatekeeper;
// The variables we will publish to the Particle service.
int is_door_open_;
int is_handset_active_;
int is_primed_;
void setup() {
Particle.variable("isActive", is_handset_active_);
Particle.variable("isDoorOpen", is_door_open_);
Particle.variable("isPrimed", is_primed_);
void check(int &variable, bool (Gatekeeper::*function)(), String triggerEventName, String detriggerEventName) {
bool cachedValue = (gatekeeper.*function)();
if (! variable && cachedValue) {
variable = 1;
Particle.publish(String("gatekeeper/" + triggerEventName), PRIVATE);
} else if (variable && ! cachedValue) {
variable = 0;
Particle.publish(String("gatekeeper/" + detriggerEventName), PRIVATE);
void loop() {
check(is_primed_, &Gatekeeper::IsPrimed, "primed", "unprimed");
check(is_door_open_, &Gatekeeper::IsDoorOpen, "door-opened", "door-closed");
check(is_handset_active_, &Gatekeeper::IsHandsetActive, "handset-activated", "handset-deactivated");
// Unlock the door if the handset is active and primed.
if (is_handset_active_ && is_primed_) {
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