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Last active December 9, 2022 02:59
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// Generates a random city adjacency list
// Ref:
// This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#define NCITIES 1000
#define NEDGES (NCITIES*10)
static int randint(unsigned long long *s, int n)
return (((*s = *s*0x3243f6a8885a308d + 1) >> 32) * n) >> 32;
// Markov chain city name generator, with a lookup table created from
// several hundred large American city names.
static int namegen(unsigned long long *rng, char *name, int min, int max)
static const char tx[52] =
static const unsigned char markov[][26] = {
int len = min + randint(rng, max-min);
int c = randint(rng, 23);
*name++ = tx[c];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
int t = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
t += markov[c][i];
t = randint(rng, t);
for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
if (markov[c][i]) {
t -= markov[c][i];
if (t <= 0) {
c = 23 + i;
*name++ = tx[c];
return len;
int main(void)
int noptions = NCITIES*NCITIES;
static int options[NCITIES*NCITIES];
for (int i = 0; i < noptions; i++) {
options[i] = i;
char cities[NCITIES][12] = {{0}};
unsigned long long rng[1] = {time(0)};
for (int i = 0; i < NCITIES; i++) {
namegen(rng, cities[i], 4, sizeof(cities[i])-1);
for (int n, m, i = 0; i < NEDGES; i++) {
do {
int choice = randint(rng, noptions--);
int option = options[choice];
options[choice] = options[NCITIES*NCITIES-1];
n = option % NCITIES;
m = option / NCITIES;
} while (n <= m);
printf("%s %s %d\n", cities[n], cities[m], 1+randint(rng, 999));
// Demonstration parser for an edge list
// Ref:
// This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define NEW(arena, type, n) alloc(arena, sizeof(type)*n, _Alignof(type))
typedef struct {
char *mem;
int len, off;
} Arena;
static void *alloc(Arena *a, int len, int align)
a->off += -a->off & (align - 1);
assert(a->len-a->off >= len);
return memset((a->mem + (a->off += len)) - len, 0, len);
typedef struct City {
struct City *next;
char *name;
int len;
int id;
} City;
typedef struct IdNode {
struct IdNode *next;
City *city;
} IdNode;
typedef struct {
City *byname;
IdNode *byid;
int cap, len;
} Hashtab;
// Construct a hash table tuned for around 2**exp elements.
static Hashtab *hashtab(Arena *a, int exp)
Hashtab *ht = NEW(a, Hashtab, 1);
ht->byname = NEW(a, *ht->byname, 1<<exp);
ht->byid = NEW(a, *ht->byid, 1<<exp);
ht->cap = 1 << exp;
return ht;
// Look up a city entry by name, creating one if necessary. City IDs
// begin at zero and increment monotonically.
static City *byname(Arena *a, Hashtab *ht, char *name, int len)
uint64_t h = 0;
memcpy(&h, name, len<8?len:8);
h *= 1111111111111111111;
h ^= h >> 32;
City *city = ht->byname + (h&(ht->cap - 1));
if (city->name) {
for (;;) {
if (len==city->len && !memcmp(name, city->name, len)) {
return city;
if (!city->next) {
city = city->next = NEW(a, City, 1);
city = city->next;
// None found, insert into the table
city->name = NEW(a, char, len);
city->next = 0;
memcpy(city->name, name, len);
city->len = len;
city->id = ht->len++;
// Enter into the inverse index, too
uint64_t hid = city->id;
hid *= 1111111111111111111;
hid ^= hid >> 32;
IdNode *node = ht->byid + (hid&(ht->cap - 1));
if (node->city) {
IdNode *new = NEW(a, IdNode, 1);
new->next = node->next;
node->next = new;
new->city = city;
} else {
node->city = city;
return city;
// Look up a city by its ID, returning null if not found.
static City *byid(Hashtab *ht, int id)
uint64_t hid = id;
hid *= 1111111111111111111;
hid ^= hid >> 32;
IdNode *node = ht->byid + (hid&(ht->cap - 1));
for (; node && node->city; node = node->next) {
if (node->city->id == id) {
return node->city;
return 0;
typedef struct {
City *city1;
City *city2;
int weight;
} Edge;
static Edge parseline(Arena *a, Hashtab *ht, char *line)
char *city1 = line;
int len1 = strcspn(city1, "\t ");
char *city2 = line + len1 + strspn(line+len1, "\t ");
int len2 = strcspn(city2, " \t");
City *c1 = byname(a, ht, city1, len1);
City *c2 = byname(a, ht, city2, len2);
Edge e = {c1, c2, atoi(city2+len2)};
return e;
static Hashtab *parsefile(Arena *a, FILE *f)
char line[128];
Hashtab *ht = hashtab(a, 8);
while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), f)) {
Edge e = parseline(a, ht, line);
printf("%d %d %d\n", e.city1->id, e.city2->id, e.weight);
// TODO: enter into an adjacency list
return ht;
int main(void)
Arena arena = {malloc(1<<20), 1<<20, 0};
Hashtab *ht = parsefile(&arena, stdin);
for (int i = 0; i < ht->len; i++) {
City *c = byid(ht, i);
printf("%-4d%.*s\n", i, c->len, c->name);
fprintf(stderr, "memory used: %d bytes\n",;
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