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Created January 20, 2021 06:05
class LC1209 {
public String removeDuplicates(String str, int k) {
// Dry run for the code
// s = "deeedbbcccbdaa" ; k= 3;
// i char stack Action
// 0 d (d,1)
// 1 e (d,1),(e,1)
// 2 e (d,1),(e,2)
// 3 e (d,1),(e,3) As e occurs thrice we pop it from the stack. stack becomes (d,1)
// 4 d (d,2)
// 5 b (d,2),(b,1)
// 6 b (d,2),(b,2)
// 7 c (d,2),(b,2),(c,1)
// 8 c (d,2),(b,2),(c,2)
// 9 c (d,2),(b,2),(c,3) As c occurs thrice we pop it from the stack, stack becomes (d,2),(b,2)
// 10 b (d,2),(b,3) As b occurs thrice we pop it from the stack, stack becomes (d,2)
// 11 d (d,3) As b occurs thrice we pop it from the stack, stack becomes empty
// 12 a (a,1)
// 13 a (a,2)
// now we have a stack . we need to pop elements from the stack and add that character according to its occurance.
// finally return the reserved string
//A Stack which keeps all the characters of the string
Stack<Node> stack = new Stack<>();
for (int i=0;i<str.length();i++){
//We take one character at a time from the string
char c = str.charAt(i);
//If we have an emoty string then we will push a pair <c,1> to the stack as char c occurs once in the stack.
stack.push(new Node(c,1));
else if (!stack.isEmpty() && stack.peek().count==k-1 && stack.peek().ch==c){
else if (!stack.isEmpty() && stack.peek().ch==c){
Node curr = stack.pop();
stack.push(new Node(c,curr.count+1));
stack.push(new Node(c,1));
//This is optimized version to make a string . Using StringBuilder is optimal then using string concatnation
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
while (!stack.isEmpty()){
Node curr = stack.pop();
char c =;
int y = curr.count;
for (int i=1;i<=y;i++)
//Reverse the string to get the answer
return sb.reverse(). toString();
//Node is a pair of character and frequenecy of the character. We use this class to put entries into the stack.
static class Node {
public char ch;
public int count;
public Node(char ch, int count) { = ch;
this.count = count;
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