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Created January 26, 2015 05:47
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// ==UserScript==
// @name TidyBZ2
// @namespace
// @description Provide some keyboard shortcuts and clean up the interface for
// bugzilla2 version of bugzilla.
// @include https://*/show_bug.cgi?id=*
// @include https://*process_bug.cgi*
// @author Seth Mason
// @version 0.1
// @license Creative Commons public domain (
// ==/UserScript
* Used some of the code from Jesse Ruderman ( and
* from JPDaigle (
try {
(function () {
// prevent double running
if (document.body.className.indexOf("tidybz2") !== -1) {
document.body.className += " tidybz2";
// Skip the rest if the user isn't logged in
var goahead = xpath("//input[@name=\"GoAheadAndLogIn\"]");
if ( goahead.snapshotLength !== 0 ) {
* Convenience methods
// simple utility function for doing an xpath query
function xpath( query, node ) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
node = document;
return document.evaluate( query,
// send a click to the specified element
function click( el ) {
var evt = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
evt.initEvent("click", true, true);
el.dispatchEvent( evt );
// return a lamdba that'll check the given radio button and put focus in
// the comments box
function clickKnobAndComment( knob ) {
return function() {
var check = document.getElementById(knob);
if ( check ) {
check.checked = true;
var comment = document.getElementById("comment");
addClass( comment, "tidybz2Field");
// return a lambda that'll edit the textbox with the given name
function editTextBox( name, select ) {
select = (select == undefined ? true : select );
return function() {
var form = document.forms.namedItem("changeform");
var box = form.elements.namedItem(name);
addClass( box, "tidybz2Field" );
if ( select ) {;
// return a lambda that'll set the resolution select list to the given status,
// check the resolved radio button and put focus in comments box
function resolveTo( status ) {
var selectSnap = xpath("//select[@name='resolution']");
var select;
if (selectSnap.snapshotLength === 1) {
select = selectSnap.snapshotItem( 0 );
return function() {
var options = select.options;
var x, option;
for (x=0;option=options[x];++x) {
if (option.value.toLowerCase() === status) {
document.getElementById("knob-resolve").checked = true;
option.selected = true;
// create a header element
function createHeaderElement( label_text, content_node) {
var node = document.createElement('div');'table-row';
var label = document.createElement('div'); = 'table-cell'; = '0.6em';
label.appendChild( document.createTextNode( label_text + ': ' ) );
node.appendChild( label );
var content = document.createElement('div');'table-cell';
content.appendChild( content_node.cloneNode( true ) );
node.appendChild( content );
return node;
// remove an element
function rM( el ) {
el.parentNode.removeChild( el );
// get href of first match
function getLink(query) {
var link = getFirstElement( query );
if ( link ) {
return link.href;
return undefined;
function getFirstElement( query, node ) {
var all = xpath( query, node ? node : document );
if (all.snapshotLength > 0) {
return all.snapshotItem(0);
return undefined;
function getCurVisibleTx() {
var allTx, countTx, curTx, prevTx, nextTx;
allTx = xpath( "//span[@class='bz_comment'] | //a[@name='c0']");
countTx = allTx.snapshotLength;
var cur_ypos = get_cur_ypos();
var i, tx_ypos;
for (i = 0; i < countTx; i++) {
curTx = allTx.snapshotItem(i);
tx_ypos = find_ypos(curTx);
if (tx_ypos >= cur_ypos)
if (curTx && i == 0 && tx_ypos > (get_cur_ypos() + window.innerHeight)) {
// special case: the first comment is below the screen
// so we scroll to that
return [prevTx, curTx, curTx];
if (i < countTx-1) {
nextTx = allTx.snapshotItem(i+1);
if (i > 0) {
prevTx = allTx.snapshotItem(i-1);
return [prevTx, curTx, nextTx];
function scrollNextTx() {
var selectTx = getCurVisibleTx();
if (selectTx[2]) {
window.scroll(0, find_ypos(selectTx[2]));
function scrollPrevTx() {
var selectTx = getCurVisibleTx();
if (selectTx[0]) {
window.scroll(0, find_ypos(selectTx[0]));
// Find Y position of an object
function find_ypos(obj) {
var curtop = 0;
do {
curtop += obj.offsetTop;
} while (obj = obj.offsetParent);
return curtop;
// Find Y position of the top of the display page
function get_cur_ypos() {
return window.pageYOffset;
function addClass( el, className ) {
if (el.className.indexOf(className) === -1) {
el.className += " " + className;
var inputtagnames = { 'INPUT':1, 'TEXTAREA':1, 'SELECT':1, 'BUTTON':1 };
function isInputTag(tag) {
return inputtagnames[tag.tagName];
function toggleClass( node, classStr ) {
if ( (" " + node.className + " ").indexOf(" " + classStr + " ") < 0 ) {
node.className = (node.className ? " " : "") + classStr;
else {
var t = (" " + node.className + " ").replace(" " + classStr + " "," ");
if ( t != node.className ) {
node.className = t;
* Styling
// add the given style definition to the page
function addStyleSheet(s) {
var sse = document.createElement("style");
sse.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
sse.textContent = s;
addStyleSheet( ".tidybz2Header { display:table; margin-bottom: 1em; } " +
".tidybz2Field:focus { background: yellow } " +
".bz_critical { color: red } " +
".bz_blocker { color: red; font-weight: bold }" +
"#bz-header-saved .label { font-weight: bold; display: table-cell; padding-right: 0.6em;}" +
"#bz-header-saved .links { display: table-cell; }"
* Keyboard shortcuts
var keyCommands = { };
// keyboard navigation for comments
var MARK = 0, RESOLVE = 1, JUMP = 2, COMMENT = 3, ISSUES = 4, GENERAL = 5, ACTIONS = 6;
// the first batch of commands are kind of non-standard
keyCommands['c'] = {
group: ACTIONS,
name: "Add a comment",
func: function () {
var comment = document.getElementById("comment");
addClass(comment, "tidybz2Field");
keyCommands['a'] = {
group: ACTIONS,
name: "Assign Issue",
func: function() {
var check = document.getElementById("knob-reassign");
if ( check ) {
check.checked = true;
var sel = getFirstElement("//select[@name='assigned_to']");
if (sel) {
else {
keyCommands["U"] = {
group: GENERAL,
name: "Browse URL",
func: function() {
var url = document.forms.namedItem("changeform").elements
if (url !== "" ) {
location.href = url;
keyCommands["^s"] = {
group: GENERAL,
name: "Commit edits",
func: function() {
var form = getFirstElement("//form[@name='changeform']");
if (form) {
keyCommands["y"] = {
group: COMMENT,
name: "Reply to the current comment",
func: function() {
var selected = getCurVisibleTx();
if (selected[1]) {
var link = getFirstElement( ".//a[text()='reply']", selected[1]);
addClass(document.getElementById("comment"), "tidybz2Field");
if (link) {
click( link );
else {
// try the td
link = getFirstElement( ".//a[text()='reply']", selected[1].parentNode.parentNode);
if (link) {
click( link );
// key combinations
// these are for marking after bug is fixed
var subKeyCommands = {};
subKeyCommands['m'] = {
group: MARK,
commands: [
["v", createMarkFunc("verify","verified")],
["c", createMarkFunc("close","closed")]]
// these are for resolving status
subKeyCommands['r'] = {
group: RESOLVE,
["f", createResolvedFunc("fixed")],
["i", createResolvedFunc("invalid")],
["l", createResolvedFunc("later")],
["r", createResolvedFunc("remind")],
["w", createResolvedFunc("worksforme")]
// go commands (move off the page)
subKeyCommands['g'] = {
group: JUMP,
commands: [
["s", function() {
return {
name: "Show last search results",
func: function() {
var lastResultsLink = getLink("//a[contains(text(),'last search results')]");
if (lastResultsLink)
window.location = lastResultsLink;
["n", function() {
return {
name: "Go to new issue page",
func: createClickFunc("//a[text()='Enter new issue']")
[ "f", function() {
return {
name: "Go to first issue in list",
func: createClickFunc("//a[text()='First']")
[ "l", function() {
return {
name: "Go to last issue in list",
func: createClickFunc("//a[text()='Last']")
var x, key;
for (var sub in subKeyCommands) {
keyCommands[sub] = { group: subKeyCommands[sub].group, children: { } };
var commands = subKeyCommands[sub].commands;
for (x=0;key=commands[x];++x) {
keyCommands[sub].children[ key[0]] = key[1];
// return a object ref that can be bound to a key for resolution
function createResolvedFunc( status ) {
return {
name: "Resolve to " + status,
func: resolveTo( status )
// return an object ref that can be bound to a key for marking
function createMarkFunc( knob, nice ) {
return {
name: "Mark as " + nice,
func: clickKnobAndComment("knob-" + knob)
// create a function that'll pretend we clicked a link
function createClickFunc( query ) {
return function() {
var link = getLink( query );
if (link) {
window.location = link;
// shortcuts that are kind of standard
var ACTION_TYPE = 0, EDIT_TYPE = 1, CLICK = 2;
var fields = [
[undefined, "Open Shortcut Help", "?", showShortcuts, ACTION_TYPE, GENERAL],
[undefined, "Focus next comment", "j", scrollNextTx, ACTION_TYPE, COMMENT],
[undefined, "Focus previous comment", "k", scrollPrevTx, ACTION_TYPE, COMMENT],
["knob-take", "Take Issue", "t", clickKnobAndComment, ACTION_TYPE, ACTIONS],
["knob-reopen", "Reopen Issue", "R", clickKnobAndComment, ACTION_TYPE, ACTIONS],
["knob-leave", "Leave Issue as is", "l", clickKnobAndComment, ACTION_TYPE, RESOLVE],
["comment", "Comment", "c", editTextBox, EDIT_TYPE, ACTIONS],
["short_desc", "Summary", "s", editTextBox, EDIT_TYPE, ACTIONS],
["keywords", "Keywords", "w", editTextBox, EDIT_TYPE, ACTIONS],
["deadline", "Deadline", "d", editTextBox, EDIT_TYPE, ACTIONS],
["dependson", "Depends On", "o", editTextBox, EDIT_TYPE, ACTIONS],
["blocked", "Blocked", "b", editTextBox, EDIT_TYPE, ACTIONS],
["bug_file_loc", "URL", "u", editTextBox, EDIT_TYPE, ACTIONS],
["//a[text()='Search page']", "Search bugs", "/", createClickFunc, ACTION_TYPE, GENERAL],
["//a[text()='Next']", "Go to next issue", "n", createClickFunc, ACTION_TYPE, ISSUES],
["//a[text()='Prev']", "Go to previous issue", "p", createClickFunc, ACTION_TYPE, ISSUES]
// put the fields in the array
var i, field;
for (i=0;field=fields[i];++i) {
keyCommands[ field[2] ] = setupField( field );
function setupField( field ) {
var id = field[0],
nice = field[1],
key = field[2],
func = field[3],
perform_type = field[4],
group = field[5];
return {
group: group,
name: (perform_type === EDIT_TYPE ? "Edit " : "") + nice,
func: id === undefined ? func : func(id)
// show an alert dialog with the keyboard shortcuts
function showShortcuts() {
//TODO: This could use some prettying up on output
var s = "TidyBZ2 shortcuts:\n\n";
// var MARK = 0, RESOLVE = 1, JUMP = 2, COMMENT = 3, ISSUES = 4, GENERAL = 5, ACTIONS = 6;
var mark = "Marking issue:\n";
var resolving = "Resolving issue:\n";
var jumping = "Jumping:\n";
var isssues = "Issue navigation:\n";
var comments = "Comment navigation:\n";
var general = "Application:\n";
var actions = "Actions:\n";
for (var p in keyCommands) {
switch (keyCommands[p].group) {
case MARK:
mark += makeDisplay( p, keyCommands[p] );
resolving += makeDisplay( p, keyCommands[p] );
case JUMP:
jumping += makeDisplay( p, keyCommands[p] );
comments += makeDisplay( p, keyCommands[p] );
case ISSUES:
isssues += makeDisplay( p, keyCommands[p] );
general += makeDisplay( p, keyCommands[p] );
actions += makeDisplay( p, keyCommands[p] );
s += general + "\n" +
actions + "\n" +
resolving + "\n" +
comments + "\n" +
mark + "\n" +
isssues + "\n" +
jumping + "\n";
s += "\nPress ESC to un-focus any form field";
function makeDisplay( p, command ) {
var s = "";
if (! command.children ) {
s += " " + p + " - " + + "\n";
else {
for (var k in command.children) {
s += " " + p + " then " + k + " - " +
command.children[k].name + "\n";
return s;
// listen for escape key to defocus input box
function escKeyListener( evt ) {
if (evt.ctrlKey || evt.metaKey || evt.altKey) {
if (evt.keyCode == 27) { // DOM_VK_ESCAPE
if (isInputTag( ) ) {;
var secondary;
// handle keypresses for defined shortcut keys
function shortcutKeyListener( evt ) {
if ( evt.metaKey || evt.altKey ) {
if (isInputTag( ) ) {
var s = String.fromCharCode( evt.charCode );
if (! s ) {
if (evt.ctrlKey) {
s = "^" + s;
if (secondary != null) {
if (secondary[s]) {
secondary[s].func( evt );
secondary = null;
else if ( keyCommands[s] ) {
if (keyCommands[s].children) {
secondary = keyCommands[s].children;
else {
keyCommands[s].func( evt );
* Add listenters
if (window.addEventListener) {
window.addEventListener("keypress", shortcutKeyListener, false);
window.addEventListener("keydown", escKeyListener, false);
* Cosmetics
// define a new header
var headerNode = document.getElementById("header");
if (headerNode) {
var titleEl = getFirstElement( ".//h2", headerNode );
var tidybz2Header = document.createElement( "div" );
tidybz2Header.className = "tidybz2Header";
if (titleEl) {
var title = titleEl.innerHTML;
var h1 = document.createElement("h1");
h1.innerHTML = title;
headerNode.parentNode.insertBefore( h1, headerNode );
var bug = getFirstElement( ".//h1", headerNode );
if ( bug ) {
var title = document.title;
var bug = title.match(/[0-9]+/)[0];
// var bugHead = document.createElement("div");
// bugHead.appendChild( document.createTextNode( bugId ) );
// tidybz2Header.appendChild( bugHead );
var reporterNode = getFirstElement("/html/body/form/table/tbody/tr/td[3]/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/a");
if ( reporterNode ) {
var statusNode = getFirstElement(".//form/table/tbody/tr/td/table/tbody/tr[4]/td[2]");
if (statusNode) {
createHeaderElement( 'Status',
statusNode.firstChild )
var assignedToNode = getFirstElement("/html/body/form/table/tbody/tr/td/table/tbody/tr[6]/td[2]");
if (assignedToNode) {
createHeaderElement( 'Assigned to',
assignedToNode.firstChild )
var severityNode = document.getElementById('bug_severity');
if (severityNode) {
var severity = severityNode.options[severityNode.selectedIndex].value;
var className = tidybz2Header.className + ' bz_' + severity;
tidybz2Header.className = className;
headerNode.parentNode.insertBefore( tidybz2Header, headerNode );
var savedLinks = document.getElementById('links-saved');
if (savedLinks) {
var wrapper = document.createElement('div'); = 'table';
var saved = savedLinks.cloneNode( true ) = 'table-row'; = 'bz-header-saved';
wrapper.appendChild( saved );
headerNode.parentNode.insertBefore( wrapper,
headerNode );
} = "1em";
* Get rid of elements we don't want/need/like
rM( document.getElementById("banner") );
rM( headerNode );
} catch(e) {
alert("Error loading TidyBZ2 bugzilla:\n\n" + e);
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