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Created February 5, 2019 14:17
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<meta name="description" content="What does artificial intelligence mean? How does machine learning work? These are tough questions, but important ones to answer. In The Verge’s Real World AI Issue we’re going to look at how this technology is being used in the world around you — here and now.">
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<title>The state of AI in 2019</title>
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<meta name="abstract" content="What does artificial intelligence mean? How does machine learning work? These are tough questions, but important ones to answer. In The Verge’s Real World AI Issue we’re going to look at how this technology is being used in the world around you — here and now.">
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<meta property="og:description" content="What does artificial intelligence mean? How does machine learning work? These are tough questions, but important ones to answer. In The Verge’s Real World AI Issue we’re going to look at how this technology is being used in the world around you — here and now."/>
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<meta property="og:image:alt" content="What does artificial intelligence mean? How does machine learning work? These are tough questions, but important ones to answer. In The Verge’s Real World AI Issue we’re going to look at how this technology is being used in the world around you — here and now."/>
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<h1>The state of AI in 2019</h1>
<h2>The Verge</h2>
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<h1>Summary video of the article</h1>
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<p>Author: <cite>The Verge</cite></p>
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<p>How does machine learning work?\nMachine learning systems can’t explain their thinking, and that
means your algorithm could be performing well for the wrong reasons.\nYou could build the best
cat-recognizer program in the world and it would never tell you that kittens shouldn’t drive
motorbikes or that a cat is more likely to be called “Tiddles” than “Megalorth the Undying.”
Teaching computers to learn for themselves is a brilliant shortcut — and like all shortcuts, it
involves cutting corners Teaching computers to learn for themselves is a brilliant shortcut.\nAnd
like all shortcuts, it involves cutting corners.\nIn the here and now, artificial intelligence —
machine learning — is still something new that often goes unexplained or under-examined.</p>
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