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Forked from magicznyleszek/
Last active September 17, 2022 11:33
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Jekyll & Liquid Cheatsheet (A fork of the gist by "magicznyleszek", FKA "smutnyleszek")
See: `Jekyll & Liquid`

Jekyll & Liquid Cheatsheet

A list of the most common features in Jekyll and Liquid. You may use Jekyll with GitHub Pages, iff the proper version is used.



Running a local server for testing purposes:

jekyll serve
jekyll serve --watch --baseurl ''

Creating a final outcome (or for testing on a server):

jekyll build
jekyll build -w

The -w or --watch flag is for enabling auto-regeneration, the --baseurl '' one is useful for server testing.



Simple output:

Hello {{name}}
Hello {{}}
Hello {{ 'leszek' }}

Filtered output:

The word "hello" has {{ 'hello' | size }} letters.
Today is {{ 'now' | date:  "%Y %h" }}.

The where filter is useful for getting specific item from an array:

{% assign currentItem = | where:"slug","bar" %}
{{ newArray[0].name }}

Most common filters:

  • where: select elements from array with a specific property value: {{ site.posts | where:"category","foo" }}
  • group_by: group elements from array by a property: {{ site.posts | group_by:"category" }}
  • markdownify: convert Markdown to HTML
  • jsonify: convert data to JSON: {{ | jsonify }}
  • date: reformat a date
  • capitalize: capitalize words in the input sentence
  • downcase: convert an input string to lowercase
  • upcase: convert an input string to uppercase
  • first: get the first element of an array
  • last: get the last element of the passed in array
  • join: join elements of an array with a specified character
  • sort: sort elements of the array: {{ site.posts | sort: 'author' }}
  • size: return the size of an array or string
  • strip_newlines: strip all newlines (\n) from string
  • replace: replace each occurrence: {{ 'foofoo' | replace:'foo','bar' }}
  • replace_first: replace the first occurrence: {{ 'barbar' | replace_first:'bar','foo' }}
  • remove: remove each occurrence: {{ 'foobarfoobar' | remove:'foo' }}
  • remove_first: remove the first occurrence: {{ 'barbar' | remove_first:'bar' }}
  • truncate: truncate a string down to n characters
  • truncatewords: truncate a string down to n words
  • prepend: prepend a string: {{ 'bar' | prepend:'foo' }}
  • append: append a string: {{ 'foo' | append:'bar' }}
  • minus, plus, times, divided_by, modulo: calculations: {{ 4 | plus:2 }}
  • split: split a string on a matching pattern: {{ "a~b" | split:~ }}


Tags are used for the logic in your template.


Output may be hidden by surrounding it in comment tags:

We made 1 million dollars {% comment %} in losses {% endcomment %} this year


Disables tag processing.

{% raw %}
    In Handlebars, {{ this }} will be HTML-escaped, but {{{ that }}} will not.
{% endraw %}

If / Else

Simple expression with if/unless, elsif [sic!] and else.

{% if user %}
    Hello {{ }}
{% elsif == "The Dude" %}
    Are you employed, sir?
{% else %}
    Who are you?
{% endif %}
{% unless == "leszek" and user.race == "human" %}
    Hello non-human non-leszek
{% endunless %}
# array:  [1,2,3]
{% if array contains 2 %}
    array includes 2
{% endif %}


For more conditions.

{% case condition %}
    {% when 1 %}
        hit 1
    {% when 2 or 3 %}
        hit 2 or 3
    {% else %}
        don't hit
{% endcase %}

For loop

Simple loop over an array:

{% for item in array %}
    {{ item }}
{% endfor %}

Simple loop over a range:

{% for i in (1..10) %}
    {{ i }}
{% endfor %}

There are helper variables for special occasions:

  • forloop.length: total number of iterations in the current loop
  • forloop.index: index of the current iteration
  • forloop.index0: index of the current iteration (zero based)
  • forloop.rindex: number of iterations remaining
  • forloop.rindex0: number of iterations remaining (zero based)
  • forloop.first: Boolean flag indicating whether the current iteration is the first
  • forloop.last: Boolean flag indicating whether the current iteration is the last

Limit and offset starting collection:

# array:  [1,2,3,4,5,6]
{% for item in array limit:2 offset:2 %}
    {{ item }}
{% endfor %}

You can also reverse the loop:

{% for item in array reversed %}

Storing variables

Storing data in variables:

{% assign name = 'leszek' %}

Combining multiple strings into one variable:

{% capture full-name %}{{ name }} {{ surname }}{% endcapture %}


Permalinks are constructed using templates:


These variables are available:

  • year: year from the filename
  • short_year: same as above but without the century
  • month: month from the filename
  • i_month: same as above but without leading zeros
  • day: day from the filename
  • i_day: same as above but without leading zeros
  • title: title from the filename
  • categories: specified categories for the post
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sloanlance commented May 23, 2018

This needs some work, but I wanted to preserve it before it disappears completely. The links I'd found to the original gist were broken, but I was glad it was still in Google's cache. At first, I recreated this gist from the cache, but then I realized the links were broken is that the user smutnyleszek had changed their name to magicznyleszek. So the original gist still exists.

I've made some corrections. I have limited experience with Liquid, so I'm uncertain which terms are used to describe the language. I may not have described it well here.


  • Generalize the "Permalinks" section.
  • Clarify use of single and double quote marks (' and "). Some arguments in filter examples use single, while others use double. Be consistent.

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