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Created May 27, 2020 17:02
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Check PPM for a binary
check_binary <- function(pkg,
distro, # one of windows, xenial, bionic, centos7, centos8, opensuse42, opensuse15
repo_base = "",
verbose = FALSE){
pkg_url <- get_pkgurl(pkg, version, repo_base, distro, r_version)
ua <- sprintf("R/%s R (%s %s)", r_version, r_version, "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu x86_64 linux-gnu")
#ua <- "R/3.6.2 R (3.6.2 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu x86_64 linux-gnu)"
if (verbose) {
print(sprintf("User Agent: %s", ua))
print(sprintf("Package URL: %s", pkg_url))
res <- HEAD(url = pkg_url, httr::add_headers(`User-Agent`=ua))
if(res[["status_code"]] != 200) {
} else {
get_pkgurl <- function(pkg, version, repo_base, distro, r_version){
if(is_latest(pkg, version, repo_base)) {
if (distro == "windows") {
r_majmin <- substr(r_version, 1, 3)
return(sprintf("%slatest/bin/windows/contrib/%s/", repo_base, r_majmin, pkg, version))
} else {
return(sprintf("%s__linux__/%s/latest/src/contrib/%s_%s.tar.gz", repo_base, distro, pkg, version))
} else {
if (distro == "windows") {
return(sprintf("%slatest/src/contrib/Archive/%s/%s_%s.tar.gz", repo_base, pkg, pkg, version))
} else {
return(sprintf("%s__linux__/%s/latest/src/contrib/Archive/%s/%s_%s.tar.gz", repo_base, distro, pkg, pkg, version))
is_latest <- function(pkg, version, repo_base){
ap <- available.packages(repos = paste0(repo_base,"latest"), type = "source", ignore_repo_cache = TRUE)
pkgid <- which(rownames(ap) == pkg)
latest_vers <- ap[pkg, colnames(ap) == "Version"]
latest_vers == version
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