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Last active July 28, 2022 13:17
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Docusaurus +

Docusaurus + Bytes

Some useful info to write a good story related to the Docusaurus 2.0 launch (planned for the 1st of August)

Suggested Tagline

Docusaurus - the documentation framework that you can truly customize

We particularly want to highlight Docusaurus competitive advantage: fully featured, extensible, and unlike many other docs tool, you can really customize it so that it matches your branding.

v1 early days

Initial mascot and design of Docusaurus v1

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v2: work started 4 years ago

Docusaurus 2 announced in 2018:

First alpha in 2019:

75 alphas, 22 betas

Popular before it's even launched

Our site showcase is only the tip of the iceberg: many sites not submitted

Used by large companies such as Facebook, Microsoft, LinkedIn, Shopify, SAP... (many internal sites)

Some cool sites to look at, some known by JS devs:

v2 cute mascot Slash

Various pictures:

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2018-2020 maintainer died

Not a very funny story but worth mentioning

2020-now maintainer (me) hired through a tweet

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Competing with vc-backed startups

Docusaurus is supported by Facebook but not backed by VCs and we are a relatively small team

Yet we have almost half the downloads of Gatsby and much more than Remix or Redwood

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ReactJS beta website not using Docusaurus

Funny testimonial

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Might be relevant

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