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Created June 22, 2017 15:37
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Pedestal Routing Question
; Types of Pedestal Routes
; Example A - Tabular Routes (adapted from pedestal leiningen template
(def routes #{["/" :get `home-page]
["/about" :get `about-page]})
; Example B - table-routes (adapted from
(ns myapp.service
(:require [io.pedestal.http.route.definition.table :as table]))
(def application-routes
[["/" :get home-page]
["/about" :get about-page]]))
; Example C - expand-routes (adapted from
(ns myapp.service
(:require [io.pedestal.http.route :as route]))
(def application-routes
#{["/" :get home-page]
["/about" :get about-page]}))
; Questions
; Q1 - In, there is an example with the following code
; Is there a reason this example uses syntax quoting while example C above does not?
#{["/user/:id" :post [,,, `new-user] :constraints {:user-id #"[0-9]+"}]
["/user/:id" :get [,,, `view-user] :constraints {:user-id #"[0-9]+"}]})
; Q2 - When referring to table-syntax, is does that mean example A or example B?
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Example C only works for me if I syntax quote the handler symbols or add a :route-name.

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Example A is the tabular route syntax.

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Also, don't use route/expand-routes if http/default-interceptors is being called. This happens internally if ::http/interceptors is not set on the service map. Your tests using response-for may pass, but the running system will fail with an error like

clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Interceptor Exception: You're trying to use something as a route specification that isn't supported by the protocol; Perhaps you need to extend it?

The reason is that route/expand-routes returns a verbose route map and the ExpandableRoutes protocol is extended to maps. When default-interceptors is called, it tries to expand it again.

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