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Created March 9, 2017 08:45
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armory profile
require 'httparty'
class Armory
include HTTParty
base_uri ''
1 => { name: 'Warrior', color: 'C79C6E' },
2 => { name: 'Paladin', color: 'F58CBA' },
3 => { name: 'Hunter', color: 'ABD473' },
4 => { name: 'Rogue', color: 'FFF569' },
5 => { name: 'Priest', color: 'FFFFFF' },
6 => { name: 'Death Knight', color: 'C41F3B' },
7 => { name: 'Shaman', color: '0070DE' },
8 => { name: 'Mage', color: '69CCF0' },
9 => { name: 'Warlock', color: '9482C9' },
10 => { name: 'Monk', color: '00FF96' },
11 => { name: 'Druid', color: 'FF7D0A' },
12 => { name: 'Demon Hunter', color: 'A330C9' }
def initialize(key)
self.class.default_params apikey: key, locale: 'en_GB'
# get achievements and itemlevel
def character(realm, char)
char = URI.encode(char)
options = { query: { fields: 'items,titles,professions,achievements' } }
json = self.class.get("/character/#{realm}/#{char}", options)
return unless json.code == 200 # something broke
# moo
name = json['name']
title = json['titles'].find { |h| h['selected'] }
# update name if there's a title
name = json['titles'].find { |h| h['selected'] }['name'].gsub('%s', name) if title
prof = json['professions']['primary'].map { |p| p['name'] } # Array
wclass = json['class']
lvl = json['level']
# AP
i = json['achievements']['criteria'].index(30103)
ap = i ? json['achievements']['criteriaQuantity'][i].to_s.reverse.gsub(/(\d{3})(?=\d)/, '\\1,').reverse : 0
# traits
hand = json['items']['mainHand']['artifactTraits'].empty? ? 'offHand' : 'mainHand'
relics = json['items'][hand]['relics'].size
traits = json['items'][hand]['artifactTraits'].map { |x|
}.inject(:+) - relics
name: name,
avatar: json['thumbnail'],
last: json['lastModified'] / 1000,
class: CLASS[wclass][:name],
color: CLASS[wclass][:color],
lvl: json['level'],
realm: json['realm'],
profs: prof,
ilvleq: json['items']['averageItemLevelEquipped'],
ilvl: json['items']['averageItemLevel'],
achi: json['achievementPoints'],
ap: ap,
traits: traits
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