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Last active September 26, 2019 19:18
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Add Embiggen/Debiggen Button to Giantbomb Videos
// ==UserScript==
// @name Add Embiggen Button to GiantBomb Videos
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description Adds a button to add a fake embiggen mode to GiantBomb videos
// @author snetErz
// @match*
// @match*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
if(jQuery) {
if ( $(window).width() <= 1023 ) return;
var expand_svg = '<svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" data-prefix="fas" data-icon="expand-arrows-alt" class="symbol svg-inline--fa fa-expand-arrows-alt fa-w-14" role="img" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path fill="currentColor" d="M448 344v112a23.94 23.94 0 0 1-24 24H312c-21.39 0-32.09-25.9-17-41l36.2-36.2L224 295.6 116.77 402.9 153 439c15.09 15.1 4.39 41-17 41H24a23.94 23.94 0 0 1-24-24V344c0-21.4 25.89-32.1 41-17l36.19 36.2L184.46 256 77.18 148.7 41 185c-15.1 15.1-41 4.4-41-17V56a23.94 23.94 0 0 1 24-24h112c21.39 0 32.09 25.9 17 41l-36.2 36.2L224 216.4l107.23-107.3L295 73c-15.09-15.1-4.39-41 17-41h112a23.94 23.94 0 0 1 24 24v112c0 21.4-25.89 32.1-41 17l-36.19-36.2L263.54 256l107.28 107.3L407 327.1c15.1-15.2 41-4.5 41 16.9z"></path></svg>';
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var episodes_button_container = $('.show-episode-buttons .site-container');
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var button = '<div class="horizontal-spacing-between custom-video-embiggen"><div class="set-width text-small"><div class="dropdown-select-background dropdown-background-color" style="padding: 10px 15px; background-image: none;"><i>' + expand_svg + ' </i><span class="hide-mobile custom-video-embiggen-text-state">Embiggen</span></div></div></div>';
if ( episodes_button_container.length <= 0 ) return;
$('.custom-video-embiggen').on('click', function(e) {
var self = $(this);
var icon = self.find('i');
var button_text = self.find('.custom-video-embiggen-text-state');
if ( self.hasClass('embiggened') ) {
episode_content_container.css('width', old_content_width);
episode_video_container.css('max-height', old_video_height);
} else {
episode_content_container.css('width', '0');
episode_video_container.css('max-height', '747px');
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