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Created December 19, 2013 15:59
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# (Minimal) Perfect Hash Functions Generator (key, value) value in this code is the key counter during reading but can be any number
# implementing the MOS Algorithm II CACM92 , and Amjad M Daoud Thesis 1993 at VT;
# based on Steve Hanof implementation
# Download as
# You need Python; runs linearly even on a Android phone; it runs without modifications at
# For minimal perfect hashing use: size = len(dict)
import sys
import math
# first level simple hash ... used to disperse patterns using random d values
def hash( d, str ):
#if d == 0: d = 0x01000193
if d == 0: d = 0x811C9DC5
# Use the FNV-1a hash
for c in str:
#h = (h ^ p[i]) * 16777619
#d = ( (d * 0x01000193) ^ ord(c) ) & 0xffffffff;
d = d ^ ord(c) * 16777619 & 0xffffffff
return d
def isprime(x):
x = abs(int(x))
if x < 2:
return "Less 2", False
elif x == 2:
return True
elif x % 2 == 0:
return False
for n in range(3, int(x**0.5)+2, 2):
if x % n == 0:
return False
return True
def nextprime(x):
while ( True ):
if isprime(x): break
x += 1
return x
# create PHF with MOS(Map,Order,Search), g is specifications array
def CreatePHF( dict ):
size = len(dict)
size = nextprime(len(dict)+len(dict)/4)
print "Size = %d" % (size)
#c=4 corresponds to 4 bits/key
# for fast construction use size/5
# for faster construction use gsize=size
gsize = size/5
print "G array size = %d" % (gsize)
#Step 1: Mapping
patterns = [ [] for i in range(gsize) ]
g = [0] * gsize #initialize g
values = [None] * size #initialize values
for key in dict.keys():
patterns[hash(0, key) % gsize].append( key )
# Step 2: Sort patterns in descending order and process
patterns.sort( key= len, reverse=True )
for b in xrange( gsize ):
pattern = patterns[b]
if len(pattern) <= 1: break
d = 1
item = 0
slots = []
# Step 3: rotate patterns and search for suitable displacement
while item < len(pattern):
slot = hash( d, pattern[item] ) % size
if values[slot] != None or slot in slots:
d += 1
if d < 0 : break
item = 0
slots = []
slots.append( slot )
item += 1
if d < 0:
print "failed"
g[hash(0, pattern[0]) % gsize] = d
for i in range(len(pattern)):
values[slots[i]] = dict[pattern[i]]
if ( b % 100 ) == 0:
print "%d: pattern %d processed" % (b,len(pattern))
# Process patterns with one key and use a negative value of d
freelist = []
for i in xrange(size):
if values[i] == None: freelist.append( i )
for b in xrange(b+1,gsize ):
pattern = patterns[b]
if len(pattern) == 0: break
#if len(pattern) > 1: continue;
slot = freelist.pop()
# subtract one to handle slot zero
g[hash(0, pattern[0]) % gsize] = -slot-1
values[slot] = dict[pattern[0]]
if (b % 1000) == 0:
print "-%d: pattern %d processed" % (b,len(pattern))
print "PHF succeeded"
return (g, values)
# Look up a value in the hash table, defined by g and V.
def lookup( g, V, key ):
d = g[hash(0,key) % len(g)]
if d < 0: return V[-d-1]
return V[hash(d, key) % len(V)]
# main program
#reading keyset size is given by num
DICTIONARY = "/usr/share/dict/words"
num = 100000
print "Reading %d Unix user dict words"% (num)
dict = {}
line = 1
for key in open(DICTIONARY, "rt").readlines():
dict[key.strip()] = line
line += 1
if line > num: break
#creating phf
print "Creating perfect hash for the first %d Unix user dict words"% (num)
(g, V) = CreatePHF( dict )
#printing phf specification
print "Printing g[] for Unix user dict"
print g
#fast verification for few (key,value) count given by num1
num1 = 5
print "Verifying hash values for the first %d words"% (num1)
line = 1
for key in open(DICTIONARY, "rt").readlines():
line = lookup( g, V, key.strip() )
print "Word %s occurs on line %d" % (key.strip(), line)
line += 1
if line > num1: break
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