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Created June 9, 2022 09:52
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Keystone Virtual Field
import { list, graphql } from '@keystone-6/core';
import {
} from '@keystone-6/core/fields';
export const Producer = list({
fields: {
firstName: text({ validation: { isRequired: true }, isFilterable: true }),
middleName: text({ isFilterable: true }),
lastName: text({ isFilterable: true }),
fullName: virtual({
field: graphql.field({
type: graphql.String,
resolve: (item: any) =>
`${item.firstName} ${item.middleName} ${item.lastName}`,
orgName: virtual({
field: graphql.field({
type: graphql.String,
async resolve(item, args, context) {
const { org } = await context.query.Producer.findOne({
where: { id: },
query: 'org { orgName }',
return org && org.orgName;
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