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Working from home

Sam Oehlert soehlert

Working from home
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nileshtrivedi /
Last active June 1, 2024 00:11
Home Server setup: Raspberry PI on Internet via reverse SSH tunnel

Raspberry Pi on Internet via reverse SSH tunnel

HackerNews discussed this with many alternative solutions:

I already have my own domain name: I wanted to be able to run some webapps on my Raspberry Pi 4B running perpetually at home in headless mode (just needs 5W power and wireless internet). I wanted to be able to access these apps from public Internet. Dynamic DNS wasn't an option because my ISP blocks all incoming traffic. ngrok would work but the free plan is too restrictive.

I bought a cheap 2GB RAM, 20GB disk VM + a 25GB volume on Hetzner for about 4 EUR/month. Hetzner gave me a static IP for it. I haven't purchased a floating IP yet.

CVJoint / grafana.yml
Created February 25, 2019 01:52
TIG Stack - (Grafana, Telegraf, and InfluxDB)
version: "3.7"
## Follow install instructions below
## InfluxDB
# Create config file:
# mkdir ${USERDIR}/docker/influxdb
# docker run --rm influxdb influxd config > ${USERDIR}/docker/influxdb/influxdb.conf
# Consider adding a database (optional)