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Created November 3, 2022 15:32
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Convert deepgram JSON to autoEdit transcript JSON
# WARNING: This is not a complete script.
# You could update the hardcoded values, but practically, it will need to
# be modified to programmatically process your source files and append the
# result to the autoEdit transcripts.json array.
# This is the internal autoEdit project ID.
# Once you've created the project in autoEdit you can get the ID from
# /path/to/digital-paper-edit-electron/db/projects.json
# on macOS this is /Users/username/Library/Application Support/digital-paper-edit-electron
# This can be anywhere you keep your source files
# autoEdit generates these files when you manually add a new piece of media.
# You can process these to be smaller to save space.
# I've had these point to the source files and it has worked fine in playback.
vbase=$(basename -- "$og_video")
cat "deepgram.json" | jq -r --arg title "$title" --arg description "$description" --arg ae_audio "$ae_audio" --arg src_video "$src_video" --arg ae_video "$ae_video" --arg vbase "$vbase" '. | (.results.channels[0].alternatives[0].words | to_entries | map({id:.key, text: .value.punctuated_word, start: .value.start, end: .value.end })) as $w | (.results.channels[0].alternatives[0].paragraphs.paragraphs | to_entries | map({id: .key, start: .value.start, end: .value.end, speaker: ("SPEAKER_" + (.value.speaker|tostring))})) as $p | { projectId: $project_id, title: $title, description: $description, path: $src_video, url: $ae_audio, status: "done", "_id": .metadata.request_id, id: .metadata.request_id, metadata: { filePathName: $src_video, filename: $vbase, date: "NA", reelName: "NA", timecode: "NA", "r_frame_rate": "0/0", fps: "NA", duration: .metadata.duration, sampleRate: 16000 }, videoUrl: $ae_audio, transcript: { words: $w, paragraphs: $p }, clipName: $title, sttEngine: "Deepgram", audioUrl: $ae_audio }'
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