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Last active January 3, 2018 02:15
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simple hanoi tower game. Available at
(ns hanoi.core
(:require [reagent.core :as reagent :refer [atom]]))
(def init
{:tabuleiro {0 [4 3 2 1]
1 []
2 []}})
(defn atualizar-tabuleiro
[st from to]
(let [tabuleiro (get st :tabuleiro)
coluna-from (get tabuleiro from)
coluna-to (get tabuleiro to)
novo-tabuleiro (merge tabuleiro
{from (vec (butlast coluna-from))
to (conj coluna-to (last coluna-from))})]
(assoc st :tabuleiro novo-tabuleiro)))
(defn atualizar-jogadas
(assoc st :jogadas (for [[from from-coluna] (:tabuleiro st)
[to to-coluna] (:tabuleiro st)
:let [max1 (or (last from-coluna) 100)
max2 (or (last to-coluna) 100)]
:when (> max2 max1)]
[from to])))
(defonce state
(atom (atualizar-jogadas init)))
(defn tabuleiro
(for [[id-torre pecas] tabuleiro]
[:rect {:key id-torre
:x (* id-torre 40)
:y 0
:width 30
:height 100
:stroke "black"
:fill "transparent"
:stroke-width 1}])
(for [[id-torre pecas] tabuleiro]
(map-indexed (fn [i peca]
[:circle {:key i
:cx (+ 15 (* 40 id-torre))
:cy (- 90 (* 20 i))
:stroke "black"
:stroke-width 1
:r (* peca 2)}]) pecas))])
(defn fazer-jogada
[st from to]
(-> (atualizar-tabuleiro st from to)
(update :ops (fnil inc 0))))
(defn botoes
[:div (for [[from to] jogadas]
[:button {:key (str [from to])
:on-click (fn []
(swap! state fazer-jogada from to))}
(str from " -> " to)])])
(defn hello-world []
(let [st @state]
[:div "Torre de hanoi!!"]
(when (:ops st)
[:div "Jogadas: " (:ops st)])
[tabuleiro (:tabuleiro st)]
[botoes (:jogadas st)]
(reagent/render-component [hello-world] (. js/document (getElementById "app")))
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