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Last active September 30, 2015 01:58
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Save sourrust/1703552 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Inspired by <>, keyboard shortcuts for itself with a GreaseMonkey script.
// ==UserScript==
// @name Keyit
// @description Keyboard based navigation for reddit
// @include http*://
// @include http*://*
// ==UserScript==
// Keyboard shortcuts:
// j => move down
// k => move up
// o => open link
// c => open comments
// n => next in history (forward)
// p => previous in history (back)
// / => go to a sub-reddit
(function() {
'use strict';
var doc, table, tables, articles, lastClick, selected, searchbar
, moveArticle, minArticle, maxArticle, openLink, inHistory
, keybindFn, goToSubReddit, win;
win = this;
doc = win.document;
tables = doc.querySelectorAll('.sitetable');
searchbar = doc.querySelector('#search').children[0];
table = (tables.length > 1) ? tables[1] : tables[0];
articles = table.children;
lastClick = ' last-clicked';
minArticle = 0;
maxArticle = articles.length - 2;
selected = {
current: articles[0],
last: null,
index: 0
* @function
* @name moveArticle
* @description move up and down across all listed articles.
* @param bool down If true, the function will move down and
* vise-versa for false
* @return void
moveArticle = function(down) {
var trimClass, classList;
selected.last = selected.current;
if(down) {
selected.index = (selected.index < maxArticle) ?
selected.index + 2 : selected.index;
} else {
selected.index = (selected.index > minArticle) ?
selected.index - 2 : selected.index;
selected.current = articles[selected.index];
if(selected.current !== selected.last) {
trimClass = lastClick.trim();
selected.current.className += lastClick;
classList = selected.last.className.split(' ');
selected.last.className =
classList.filter(function(x) {
return (x !== '') && (x !== trimClass);
}).join(' ');
* @function
* @name openLink
* @description open the currently selected article or comment in a
* separate tab.
* @param bool title Open up the title link if it is true and
* if false it opens the comments.
* @return void
openLink = function(title) {
var htmlStr, links, linkmatch, link, regLink, tempLink;
htmlStr = selected.current.innerHTML;
links = htmlStr.split(' ')
.filter(function(x) {return /href/.test(x);});
regLink = /http.+"/;
if(title) {
tempLink = links[0];
}else {
tempLink = links.filter(function(x) { return /comments/.test(x); });
linkmatch = regLink.exec(tempLink)[0];
link = linkmatch.replace('"', '');;
* @function
* @name inHistory
* @description handles going back and forth in history.
* @param bool forward If true, you get moved forward in
* history and back if false.
* @return void
inHistory = function(forward) {
var history = win.history;
if(history) {
if(forward) history.forward();
else history.back();
* @function
* @name goToSubReddit
* @description redirect to a current sub-reddit that is typed in by
* the user.
* @param string reddit Open up sub-reddit from the value
* @return void
goToSubReddit = function(reddit) {
var base = "";
win.location.href = base + 'r/' + reddit;
keybindFn = function(e) {
var key = e.keyCode;
if(e.shiftKey || e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) {
switch(key) {
case 74: // j
case 75: // k
case 79: // o
case 67: // c
case 80: // p
case 78: // n
case 82: // r
case 191: // /
goToSubReddit(win.prompt('Sub-reddit?: '));
win.addEventListener('keydown', keybindFn, false);
// on search bar focus remove keybindings
searchbar.addEventListener('focus', function() {
win.removeEventListener('keydown', keybindFn, false);
}, false);
// on search bar blur add back keybindings
searchbar.addEventListener('blur', function() {
win.addEventListener('keydown', keybindFn, false);
}, false);
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