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Time Branch “develop" Branch "features/foo" Branch "features/bar"
------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
15:10 git merge --no-ff features/bar
15:09 git merge --no-ff features/foo
15:08 git commit -m “Sixth commit"
15:07 git cherry-pick -x <second_commit_sha1>
15:06 git commit -m “Fifth commit"
15:05 git commit -m “Fourth commit"
15:04 git commit -m “Third commit"
* 50839cd - YYYY-MM-DD 15:10:00 (XX minutes ago) (HEAD -> develop)
|\ Merge branch 'features/bar' - Christophe
| * 0cda99f - YYYY-MM-DD 15:08:00 (XX minutes ago) (features/bar)
| | Sixth commit - Christophe
| * f7d6c47 - YYYY-MM-DD 15:03:00 (XX minutes ago)
| | Second commit - Christophe
| * dd7d05a - YYYY-MM-DD 15:06:00 (XX minutes ago)
| | Fifth commit - Christophe
| * d0d759b - YYYY-MM-DD 15:05:00 (XX minutes ago)
| | Fourth commit - Christophe