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Abstract data types library in C++
/* My personal project of a library that includes different types of template container structures.
* A work in progress with the objective of implementing the most useful data structures in C++ for later reuse in real projects and also studying data structures themselves.
* Implemented and tested structures until latest revision:
* Node
* Stack
* Queue
* List
* KeyNode
* BinSearchTree
* Untested structures:
* AVLTree
* PriorityQueue
* BNode
* To-do list:
* Heap
* BTree
* HashTable
* Graph
* RedBlackTree
* Gabriel Alves, São Carlos - SP, 2017.
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
template<class T>
class Node {
T value;
Node* next;
Node* previous;
Node() :next(this), previous(this) {};
Node(const T val) : value(val), next(this), previous(next) {};
~Node() { next = nullptr; previous = nullptr; }
template<class T>
class Stack {
Node<T> header;
int size;
Stack() :size(0) {};
~Stack() { this->clear(); };
void push(const T);
bool pop(T&);
bool isEmpty() const { return (this-> == &this->header) ? true : false; };
int getSize() const { return this->size; };
Node<T>* peek() const { return this->; };
void clear();
template<class T>
void Stack<T>::push(const T element) {
Node<T>* newNode = new Node<T>;
newNode->value = element;
newNode->next = &this->header;
newNode->previous = this->header.previous;
this->header.previous->next = newNode;
this->header.previous = newNode;
template<class T>
bool Stack<T>::pop(T& element) {
if (!this->isEmpty()) {
element = this->header.previous->value;
Node<T> *aux = this->header.previous;
this->header.previous = aux->previous;
aux->previous = &this->header;
return true;
return false;
template<class T>
inline void Stack<T>::clear() {
T temp;
while (this->pop(temp));
template<class T>
class Queue {
Node<T> header;
int size;
Queue() :size(0) {};
~Queue() { this->clear(); };
void enque(const T);
bool deque(T&);
bool isEmpty() const { bool check = (this-> == &this->header) ? true : false; return check; };
int getSize() const { return this->size; };
Node<T>* getFront() const { return this->; };
Node<T>* getBack() const { return this->header.previous; };
void clear();
template<class T>
void Queue<T>::enque(const T element) {
Node<T> *newNode = new Node<T>;
newNode->value = element;
newNode->next = &this->header;
newNode->previous = this->header.previous;
this->header.previous->next = newNode;
this->header.previous = newNode;
template<class T>
bool Queue<T>::deque(T& element) {
if (!this->isEmpty()) {
element = this->>value;
Node<T>* aux = this->;
this-> = aux->next;
aux->next->previous = &this->header;
delete aux;
return true;
return false;
template<class T>
void Queue<T>::clear() {
T temp;
while (this->deque(temp));
template<class T>
class List {
Node<T> header;
Node<T>* current;
int size;
List() : current(&this->header), size(0) {};
~List() { this->clear(); }
bool toFirst(); // retorna verdadeiro se a lista estiver vazia.
bool toNext(); // retorna verdadeiro se passar para o último elemento da lista.
bool isEmpty() const { return (this-> == &this->header) ? true : false; };
void insert(T);
bool find(T);
bool remove(T);
void getCurrent(T& element) { element = this->current->value; };
void removeCurrent();
int getSize() const { return this->size; };
void clear();
T operator[](int) const;
template<class T>
bool List<T>::toFirst() {
this->current = this->;
return this->current == &this->header;
template<class T>
bool List<T>::toNext() {
if (!this->isEmpty()) {
this->current = this->current->next;
if (this->current == &this->header)
this->current = this->current->next;
return this->current->next == &this->header;
template<class T>
void List<T>::insert(T element) {
Node<T>* newNode = new Node<T>;
newNode->value = element;
newNode->next = this->current->next;
newNode->previous = this->current;
newNode->next->previous = newNode;
this->current->next = newNode;
template<class T>
void List<T>::removeCurrent() {
if (!this->isEmpty()) {
Node<T>* aux = this->current;
aux->previous->next = aux->next;
aux->next->previous = aux->previous;
this->current = aux->previous;
delete aux;
template<class T>
bool List<T>::find(T element) {
while (this->current->value != element) this->toNext();
if (this->current->value == element)
return true;
return false;
template<class T>
bool List<T>::remove(T element) {
Node<T>* temp = this->current;
this->current = temp;
return true;
return false;
template<class T>
void List<T>::clear() {
while (!this->toNext())
template<class T>
T List<T>::operator[](int index) const {
while (index > 0 && !this->toNext())
return this->current.value;
template<class T>
class KeyNode {
int key;
T data;
KeyNode* right;
KeyNode* left;
KeyNode() :right(this), left(this) {};
KeyNode(const T val, int keyVal) : data(val), key(keyVal), right(this), left(right) {};
KeyNode(const KeyNode<T>&);
~KeyNode() { right = nullptr; left = nullptr; }
template<class T>
KeyNode<T>::KeyNode(const KeyNode<T>& copyNode) {
this->key = copyNode->key;
this->data = copyNode->data;
this->right = copyNode->right;
this->left = copyNode->left;
template<class T>
class BinSearchTree {
KeyNode<T>* root;
void insert(KeyNode<T>*, int, T);
KeyNode<T>* find(KeyNode<T>*, int) const;
void remove(KeyNode<T>*, int);
BinSearchTree() : root(nullptr) {};
~BinSearchTree() { this->purge(root); };
void insert(int, T);
KeyNode<T>* find(int) const;
void remove(int);
bool isEmpty() const { return (this->root == nullptr) ? true : false; };
KeyNode<T>* getMax(KeyNode<T>*) const;
KeyNode<T>* getMin(KeyNode<T>*) const;
void purge(KeyNode<T>*);
template<class T>
void BinSearchTree<T>::insert(int key, T data) {
insert(this->root, key, data);
template<class T>
void BinSearchTree<T>::insert(KeyNode<T>* leaf, int key, T data) {
if (leaf == nullptr) {
leaf = new KeyNode<T>;
leaf->key = key;
leaf->data = data;
leaf->right = nullptr;
leaf->left = nullptr;
else if (key > leaf->key)
insert(leaf->right, key, data);
else if (key < leaf->key)
insert(leaf->left, key, data);
template<class T>
KeyNode<T>* BinSearchTree<T>::find(int key) const {
return find(this->root, key);
template<class T>
KeyNode<T>* BinSearchTree<T>::find(KeyNode<T>* leaf, int key) const {
if (leaf == nullptr)
return nullptr;
else if (key == leaf->key)
return leaf;
else if (key < leaf->key)
return find(leaf->left, key);
else if (key > leaf->key)
return find(leaf->right, key);
template<class T>
KeyNode<T>* BinSearchTree<T>::getMax(KeyNode<T>* leaf) const {
if (leaf->right == nullptr)
return leaf;
return getMax(leaf->right);
template<class T>
KeyNode<T>* BinSearchTree<T>::getMin(KeyNode<T>* leaf) const {
if (leaf->left == nullptr)
return leaf;
return getMin(leaf->left);
template<class T>
void BinSearchTree<T>::remove(int key) {
this->remove(this->root, key);
template<class T>
void BinSearchTree<T>::remove(KeyNode<T>* leaf, int key) {
//Case 0: tree is empty
if (leaf != nullptr) {
//Case 1: found node to be removed
if (key == leaf->key) {
//Case 1.1: leaf node
if (leaf->right == nullptr && leaf->left == nullptr)
delete leaf;
//Case 1.2: branch node with 1 leaf node
else if (leaf->right == nullptr) {
KeyNode<T>* aux = leaf;
leaf = leaf->left;
delete aux;
else if (leaf->left == nullptr) {
KeyNode<T>* aux = leaf;
leaf = leaf->right;
delete aux;
//Case 1.3: branch node with 2 leaf nodes
else {
KeyNode<T>* aux = getMax(leaf->left);
leaf->key = aux->key;
leaf->data = aux->data;
this->remove(aux, aux->key);
//Case 2: the key value we're looking for is smaller than leaf's key value, go left
else if (key < leaf->key)
this->remove(leaf->left, key);
//Case 3: the key value we're looking for is greater than leaf's key value, go right
else if (key > leaf->key)
this->remove(leaf->right, key);
template<class T>
void BinSearchTree<T>::purge(KeyNode<T>* leaf) {
if (leaf->left != nullptr)
if (leaf->right != nullptr)
delete leaf;
template<class T>
class AVLTree {
KeyNode<T>* root;
void rebalance_ins(KeyNode<T>*);
void rebalance_rem(KeyNode<T>*);
void rotateLL(KeyNode<T>*);
void rotateRR(KeyNode<T>*);
void rotateRL(KeyNode<T>*);
void rotateLR(KeyNode<T>*);
KeyNode<T>* find(KeyNode<T>*, int) const;
void insert(KeyNode<T>*, int, T, bool&);
void remove(KeyNode<T>*, int,bool&);
AVLTree() : root(nullptr) {};
~AVLTree() { this->purge(root); };
int getHeight(KeyNode<T>*) const;
int getBF(KeyNode<T>* subtree) const { return getHeight(subtree->right) - getHeight(subtree->left); }
KeyNode<T>* getParentNode(KeyNode<T>*, int) const;
KeyNode<T>* getMax(KeyNode<T>*) const;
KeyNode<T>* getMin(KeyNode<T>*) const;
bool isBalanced(KeyNode<T>*) const;
bool isEmpty() const { return (this->root == nullptr) ? true : false; };
KeyNode<T>* find(int) const;
void insert(int, T, bool&);
void remove(int, bool&);
void purge(KeyNode<T>*);
void preorder(KeyNode<T>*);
template<class T>
int AVLTree<T>::getHeight(KeyNode<T>* subtree) const {
// Case 1: empty subtree
if (subtree == nullptr)
return 0;
//Case 2: height equals to 1 + greatest value between left and right branches
int maxHeight = (getHeight(subtree->left) >= getHeight(subtree->right)) ? getHeight(subtree->left) : getHeight(subtree->right);
return 1 + maxHeight;
template<class T>
KeyNode<T>* AVLTree<T>::getParentNode(KeyNode<T>* leaf, int childkey) const{
//Searches for leaf node's parent, considering the leaf node is already in the tree
if (childkey != this->root->key) {
if (childkey == leaf->left->key || childkey == leaf->right->key)
return leaf;
if (childkey > leaf->key)
return getParentNode(leaf->right, childkey);
else if (childkey < leaf->key)
return getParentNode(leaf->left, childkey);
return nullptr;
template<class T>
KeyNode<T>* AVLTree<T>::getMax(KeyNode<T>* leaf) const {
if (leaf->right == nullptr)
return leaf;
return getMax(leaf->right);
template<class T>
KeyNode<T>* AVLTree<T>::getMin(KeyNode<T>* leaf) const {
if (leaf->left == nullptr)
return leaf;
return getMin(leaf->left);
template<class T>
bool AVLTree<T>::isBalanced(KeyNode<T>* subtree) const{
if (subtree == nullptr)
return true;
if (getBF(subtree) < -1 || getBF(subtree) > 1)
return false;
return isBalanced(subtree->right) && isBalanced(subtree->left);
template<class T>
void AVLTree<T>::rotateLL(KeyNode<T>* leaf) {
KeyNode<T>* child;
child = leaf->left;
leaf->left = child->right;
child->right = leaf;
leaf = child;
template<class T>
void AVLTree<T>::rotateRR(KeyNode<T>* leaf) {
KeyNode<T>* child;
child = leaf->right;
leaf->right = child->left;
child->left = leaf;
leaf = child;
template<class T>
void AVLTree<T>::rotateLR(KeyNode<T>* leaf) {
KeyNode<T>* child, grandchild;
child = leaf->left;
grandchild = child->right;
//RotateRR child and grandchild nodes
child->right = grandchild->left;
grandchild->left = child;
//RotateLL root and grandchild nodes
leaf->left = grandchild->right;
grandchild->right = leaf;
//Make grandchild node the new root
leaf = grandchild;
template<class T>
void AVLTree<T>::rotateRL(KeyNode<T>* leaf) {
KeyNode<T>* child, grandchild;
child = leaf->right;
grandchild = child->left;
//RotateLL child and grandchild nodes
child->left = grandchild->right;
grandchild->right = child;
//RotateRR root and grandchild nodes
leaf->right = grandchild->left;
grandchild->left = leaf;
//Make grandchild node the new root
leaf = grandchild;
template<class T>
void AVLTree<T>::rebalance_ins(KeyNode<T>* leaf) {
//Proceed to check if the tree has been unbalanced
if (!isBalanced(this->root)) {
//If it is, search for the first unbalanced node from the bottom node "leaf"
KeyNode<T>* BalNode = getParentNode(this->root, leaf->key);
KeyNode<T>* tempX = leaf;
KeyNode<T>* tempY;
//The other 2 temp nodes will be used in the coming rotation cases
while (isBalanced(BalNode) && getParentNode(this->root, BalNode->key) != nullptr) {
tempY = tempX;
tempX = BalNode;
BalNode = getParentNode(this->root, BalNode->key);
//Check which of the rotation cases will be needed and rotate the nodes
//Case 1: Left-Left Rotation
if (BalNode->left == tempX && tempX->left == tempY)
//Case 2: Right-Right Rotation
else if (BalNode->right == tempX && tempX->right == tempY)
//Case 3: Left-Right Rotation
else if (BalNode->left == tempX && tempX->right == tempY)
//Case 4: Right-Left Rotation
else if (BalNode->right == tempX && tempX->left == tempY)
template<class T>
void AVLTree<T>::rebalance_rem(KeyNode<T>* BalNode){
//Check if the tree is unbalanced
if (!isBalanced(this->root)) {
//If it is, search for the first unbalanced node from the parent of the one that was removed
while (isBalanced(BalNode) && getParentNode(this->root, BalNode->key) != nullptr)
BalNode = getParentNode(this->root, BalNode->key);
//Now find another 2 nodes from the tallest subtree
KeyNode<T>* tempX = (getHeight(BalNode->left) > getHeight(BalNode->right)) ? BalNode->left : BalNode->right;
KeyNode<T>* tempY = (getHeight(tempX->left) > getHeight(tempX->right)) ? tempX->left : tempX->right;
//Check which of the rotation cases will be needed and rotate the nodes
//Case 1: Left-Left Rotation
if (BalNode->left == tempX && tempX->left == tempY)
//Case 2: Right-Right Rotation
else if (BalNode->right == tempX && tempX->right == tempY)
//Case 3: Left-Right Rotation
else if (BalNode->left == tempX && tempX->right == tempY)
//Case 4: Right-Left Rotation
else if (BalNode->right == tempX && tempX->left == tempY)
template<class T>
KeyNode<T>* AVLTree<T>::find(int key) const {
return find(this->root, key);
template<class T>
KeyNode<T>* AVLTree<T>::find(KeyNode<T>* leaf, int key) const {
if (leaf == nullptr)
return nullptr;
else if (key == leaf->key)
return leaf;
else if (key < leaf->key)
return find(leaf->left, key);
else if (key > leaf->key)
return find(leaf->right, key);
template<class T>
void AVLTree<T>::insert(int key, T data, bool& need_rebalance) {
insert(this->root, key, data, need_rebalance);
template<class T>
void AVLTree<T>::insert(KeyNode<T>* leaf, int key, T data, bool& need_rebalance){
//Same insertion procedure as the unbalanced version
if (leaf == nullptr) {
leaf = new KeyNode<T>;
leaf->key = key;
leaf->data = data;
leaf->right = nullptr;
leaf->left = nullptr;
need_rebalance = true;
else if (key == leaf->key)
need_rebalance = false;
else if (key > leaf->key)
insert(leaf->right, key, data, need_rebalance);
else if (key < leaf->key)
insert(leaf->left, key, data, need_rebalance);
//If insertion is successful, check if tree needs balancing
if (need_rebalance)
template<class T>
void AVLTree<T>::remove(int key, bool& need_rebalance) {
need_rebalance = false;
this->remove(this->root, key, need_rebalance);
template<class T>
void AVLTree<T>::remove(KeyNode<T>* leaf, int key,bool& need_rebalance) {
KeyNode<T>* pNode;
//Case 0: tree is empty
if (leaf != nullptr) {
//Case 1: found node to be removed
if (key == leaf->key) {
//Case 1.1: leaf node
if (leaf->right == nullptr && leaf->left == nullptr) {
pNode = getParentNode(this->root, leaf->key);
delete leaf;
need_rebalance = true;
//Case 1.2: branch node with 1 leaf node
else if (leaf->right == nullptr) {
KeyNode<T>* aux = leaf;
leaf = leaf->left;
pNode = getParentNode(this->root, aux->key);
delete aux;
need_rebalance = true;
else if (leaf->left == nullptr) {
KeyNode<T>* aux = leaf;
leaf = leaf->right;
pNode = getParentNode(this->root, aux->key);
delete aux;
need_rebalance = true;
//Case 1.3: branch node with 2 leaf nodes
else {
KeyNode<T>* aux = getMax(leaf->left);
leaf->key = aux->key;
leaf->data = aux->data;
this->remove(aux, aux->key, need_rebalance);
//Case 2: the key value we're looking for is smaller than leaf's key value, go left
else if (key < leaf->key)
this->remove(leaf->left, key, need_rebalance);
//Case 3: the key value we're looking for is greater than leaf's key value, go right
else if (key > leaf->key)
this->remove(leaf->right, key, need_rebalance);
//After removal, rebalance the tree if needed using the removed node's parent reference
if (need_rebalance)
if (!this->isEmpty() && pNode != nullptr){
while (!isBalanced(this->root)){
pNode = getParentNode(pNode);
template<class T>
void AVLTree<T>::purge(KeyNode<T>* leaf) {
if (!this->isEmpty()) {
if (leaf->left != nullptr)
if (leaf->right != nullptr)
delete leaf;
template<class T>
void AVLTree<T>::preorder(KeyNode<T>* leaf) {
if (leaf != nullptr) {
cout << leaf->key;
template<class T>
class PriorityQueue{
Node<T> header;
int size;
PriorityQueue() :size(0) {};
~PriorityQueue() { this->clear(); };
void enque(const T);
bool deque(T&);
bool isEmpty() const { bool check = (this-> == &this->header) ? true : false; return check; };
int getSize() const { return this->size; };
Node<T>* getFront() const { return this->; };
Node<T>* getBack() const { return this->header.previous; };
void clear();
template<class T>
void PriorityQueue<T>::enque(const T element) {
Node<T>* newNode = new Node<T>;
newNode->value = element;
newNode->next = &this->header;
newNode->previous = this->header.previous;
this->header.previous->next = newNode;
this->header.previous = newNode;
Node<T>* iter = this->;
if (element > iter->value){
newNode->value = element;
newNode->next = iter;
newNode->previous = this->header;
iter->previous = newNode;
while((iter->value > element) && (iter->next != this->header)) iter = iter->next;
newNode->value = element;
newNode->next = iter->next;
newNode->previous = iter;
iter->next = newNode;
template<class T>
bool PriorityQueue<T>::deque(T& element) {
if (!this->isEmpty()) {
element = this->>value;
Node<T>* aux = this->;
this-> = aux->next;
aux->next->previous = &this->header;
delete aux;
return true;
return false;
template<class T>
void PriorityQueue<T>::clear() {
T temp;
while (this->deque(temp));
template<class T>
class Heap {};
template<class T, int M>
class BNode {
bool leaf;
int keyTally;
T keys[M-1];
BNode* pointers[M];
BNode(const T&);
template<class T>
class BTree {};
template<class T>
class HashTable {};
template<class T>
class Graph {};
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