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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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Partially working unofficial Marbelous interpreter in Python
.. I0 .. ..
P0 /\ -- ..
.. .. =0 ++
.. P0 -- O0
.. .. =0 ++
.. .. \/ O0
-- /\ -- ..
MB .. -- ..
\\ .. MB ..
.. O0 // ..
48 65 6C 6C 6F 2C 20 77 6F 72 6C 64 21
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import copy
import random
if len(sys.argv)<2:
print " foo.mbl [I0] [I1] [...]\n"
mblfile = sys.argv[1]
hex_digits = '0123456789ABCDEF'
def print_cell(x):
return '..' if x==None else hex(x)[2:].upper().zfill(2) if type(x) is int else x.ljust(2)
class Board:
def __init__(self):
# hash of (inputnumber):[(x,y),(x,y)...]
self.inputs = {}
self.outputs = {}
self.functionwidth = 1
self.board_h = 0
self.board_w = 0
self.marbles = []
self.instructions = []
self.functions = []
self.print_out = ''
self.recursiondepth = 0
self.tick_count = 0 = ''
def printr(self,s):
print ' ' * self.recursiondepth + str(s)
def display(self):
self.printr( + " tick: " + str(self.tick_count))
for y in range(self.board_h):
line = ''
for x in range(self.board_w):
line += (print_cell(self.marbles[y][x]) if self.marbles[y][x]!=None else print_cell(self.instructions[y][x])) + ' '
# print ' '.join([print_cell(x) for x in self.marbles[y]])
# print ' '.join([print_cell(x) for x in self.instructions[y]])
def parse(self,input):
board = []
for line in input:
row = line.rstrip().split(' ')
self.board_w = max(self.board_w,len(row))
self.board_h += 1
# print self.board_h, self.board_w
mbl = [[None for x in range(self.board_w)] for y in range(self.board_h)]
ins = [[None for x in range(self.board_w)] for y in range(self.board_h)]
for y in range(self.board_h):
for x in range(self.board_w):
b = board[y][x]
# print y, x, b
if b == '..' or b == ' ' or b == None:
elif b[0] in hex_digits and b[1] in hex_digits:
mbl[y][x] = int(b,16)
ins[y][x] = b
if b[0] == 'I':
num = int(b[1],36)
if num not in self.inputs:
self.inputs[num] = []
elif b[0] == 'O':
if b[1] in b36_digits:
num = int(b[1],36)
elif b[1] == '<':
num = -1
elif b[1] == '>':
num = -2
if num not in self.outputs:
self.outputs[num] = []
self.marbles = mbl
self.instructions = ins
self.functionwidth = 1
if len(self.inputs) > 0:
self.functionwidth = max(self.functionwidth,max(self.inputs.keys())+1)
if len(self.outputs) > 0:
self.functionwidth = max(self.functionwidth,max(self.outputs.keys())+1)
def find_functions(self):
infunc = 0
for y in range(self.board_h):
for x in range(self.board_w):
b = self.instructions[y][x]
if infunc > 0 and b != self.instructions[y][x-1]:
self.printr("Wrong number of " + b + " on row " + str(y))
if b in boards:
if infunc == 0:
infunc = boards[b].functionwidth-1
# print "Starting a block of " + b + " and looking for " + str(infunc) + " more."
infunc -= 1
if infunc > 0:
self.printr("Wrong number of " + str(b) + " on row " + str(self.board_h-1))
def populate_input(self,n,m):
# print n,m
count = 0
if self.inputs[n]:
for y,x in self.inputs[n]:
self.marbles[y][x] = m
count += 1
return count
def get_output(self,n):
out = 0
if n in self.outputs and self.outputs[n]:
for y,x in self.outputs[n]:
if self.marbles[y][x] != None:
out += self.marbles[y][x]
return None
return out%256
def tick(self):
# self.printr(str(self.marbles))
mbl = self.marbles
ins = self.instructions
# new marble array
nmb = [[None for x in range(self.board_w)] for y in range(self.board_h)]
exit_now = False
hidden_activity = False
# print mbl
# process each marble
for y in range(self.board_h):
for x in range(self.board_w):
def put(y,x,m):
# self.printr("put " + str(y) + " " + str(x) + " " + str(m))
nmb[y][x] = (m%256) if not nmb[y][x] else (nmb[y][x]+m)%256
m = mbl[y][x]
i = ins[y][x]
l = 0 # move left?
r = 0 # move right?
d = 0 # move down?
new_x = None
new_y = None
# print str(m) + "|" + str(y) + " " + str(x)
# print "considering " + print_cell(m) + " at " + str(y) + " " + str(x)
if m == None: # no marble
elif i: # instruction
if i == '\\\\': # divert right
r = 1
elif i == '//': # divert left
l = 1
elif i == '/\\': # split
r = 1
l = 1
elif i == '\\/': # trash
elif i == '++': # increment
d = 1
m = m
elif i == '--': # decrement
d = 1
m -= 1
elif i[0] == '=' and (i[1] in b36_digits or i[1] == '?'): # equals state or constant?
if i[1] != '?':
s = int(i[1],36)
if m == s:
r = 1
d = 1
elif i[0] == '>' and (i[1] in b36_digits or i[1] == '?'): # greater than state or constant?
if i[1] != '?':
s = int(i[1],36)
if m > s:
r = 1
d = 1
elif i[0] == '<' and (i[1] in b36_digits or i[1] == '?'): # less than state or constant?
if i[1] != '?':
s = int(i[1],36)
if m < s:
r = 1
d = 1
elif i[0] == 'R' and (i[1] in b36_digits or i[1] == '?'): # random number, 0-static or 0-marble
if i[1] != '?':
s = int(i[1],36)
else :
s = m
m = random.randint(0,s)
d = 1
elif i[0] == 'P' and i[1] in b36_digits: # portal
s = int(i[1],36)
other_portals = []
for k in range(self.board_h):
for j in range(self.board_w):
if (k!=y or j!=x) and \
ins[k][j] and \
ins[k][j][0] == 'P' and \
ins[k][j][1] == i[1]:
if other_portals:
d = 1
d = 1
elif i[0] == 'S' and i[1] in b36_digits: # synchronize
if m != None:
s = int(i[1],36)
# print "sync " + str(s) + " at " + str(y) + " " + str(x) + "?"
release = True
for k in range(self.board_h):
for j in range(self.board_w):
# print x,y,m,k,j,ins[k][j],mbl[k][j]
if (k!=y or j!=x) and \
ins[k][j] and \
ins[k][j][0] == 'S' and \
ins[k][j][1] == i[1] and \
mbl[k][j] == None:
# print "nothing at " + str(k) + " " + str(j)
release = False
if release == False:
d = 1
# else:
# print "unpause!"
elif i[0] == 'O' and i[1] in b36_digits: # output
elif i == 'XX': # exit
exit_now = True
elif i in boards:
else: # unrecognized instruction or Input
d = 1
else: # no instruction
d = 1
new_y = new_y if new_y!=None else y
new_x = new_x if new_x!=None else x
# self.printr(str((y,x,d,r,l)))
if d:
if new_y==self.board_h-1:
self.print_out += hex(m)[2:].upper().zfill(2) + '(' + (chr(m) if m > 32 else '?') + ') '
hidden_activity = True
if r:
if new_x < self.board_w-1:
if l:
if new_x > 0:
for c in self.functions:
run = True
g = boards[ins[c[0]][c[1]]]
for i in g.inputs:
if mbl[c[0]][c[1]+i] == None:
run = False
if run:
f = copy.deepcopy(g)
f.recursiondepth = self.recursiondepth+1
for i in g.inputs:
while f.tick():
self.print_out += f.print_out
if f.get_output(-1) != None and c[1] > 0:
if f.get_output(-2) != None and c[1]+f.functionwidth < self.board_w:
for o in sorted(f.outputs.keys()):
if o < 0:
if f.get_output(o) != None:
if c[0] < self.board_h-1:
# print "put " + str(f.get_output(o))
self.print_out += hex(m)[2:].zfill(2) + '(' + (chr(m) if m > 32 else '?') + ') '
hidden_activity = True
for i in range(g.functionwidth):
if mbl[c[0]][c[1]+i] != None:
self.tick_count += 1
diff = sum([cmp(x,y)!=0 for x,y in zip(self.marbles,nmb)])
if diff == 0 and hidden_activity == False:
self.printr("Exiting board due to lack of activity")
return False
self.marbles = nmb
if len(self.outputs):
outputs_filled = True
for o in self.outputs.values():
this_output_filled = False
for c in o:
if nmb[c[0]][c[1]] != None:
this_output_filled = True
if this_output_filled == False:
outputs_filled = False
if outputs_filled:
self.printr("Exiting board due to filled O instructions")
return False
if exit_now:
self.printr("Exiting board due to filled X instruction")
return False
return True
# the boards array contains pristine instances of boards from the source
boards = {}
with open(mblfile) as f:
thisboard = Board()
boardname = "MB"
boards[boardname]=thisboard = boardname
lines = []
for line in f.readlines():
if len(line.rstrip()) == 3 and line[2] == ':':
thisboard = Board()
boardname = line[0:2]
boards[boardname]=thisboard = boardname
lines = []
# can't process function devices before all the functions in the file are loaded
for b in boards.values():
# make a copy of board zero as the main board
board = copy.deepcopy(boards['MB'])
if len(sys.argv)-2 != len(board.inputs):
print sys.argv[1] + " expects " + str(len(board.inputs)) + " inputs, you gave " + str(len(sys.argv)-2)
for i in range(2,len(sys.argv)):
while board.tick() and board.tick_count < 1000:
print board.print_out
if len(board.outputs):
for n in board.outputs:
if board.outputs[n]:
o = board.get_output(n)
print str(o) + '(' + chr(o) + ') '
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