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Created March 9, 2017 04:59
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Solution for CartPole-v0
Created: 2017-03-06
By Peter Caven,
-- Python 3.6 --
Solve the CartPole-v0 problem:
- observed features are expanded with a random transform to ensure linear separability.
- action selection is by dot product of an expanded observation with a weight vector.
- a queued history of recent observations is shuffled and replayed to update the output weights.
- output weights are updated at the end of each incomplete episode by Widrow-Hoff LMS update.
- the target outputs for the LMS algorithm are the means of the past outputs.
- output weights are maintained at a fixed norm for regularization.
import gym
from gym import wrappers
from numpy import *
from numpy.random import uniform,normal
from numpy.linalg import norm
from random import shuffle
from collections import deque
from statistics import mean
env = gym.make('CartPole-v0')
# env = wrappers.Monitor(env, '../experiments/cartpole-experiment-1')
# Hyperparameters
alpha = 1.0e-1 # the 'learning rate'
maxEpisodes = 1000 # run the agent for 'maxEpisodes'
maxTimeSteps = 500 # maximum number of steps per episode
fixedNorm = 0.5 # output weights are scaled to have norm == 'fixedNorm'
maxHistory = 2500 # maximum number of recent observations for replay
solvedEpisodes = 100 # cartpole is solved when average reward > 195 for 'solvedEpisodes'
# Observations Transform
inputLength = 4 # length of an observation vector
expansionFactor = 30 # expand observation dimensions by 'expansionFactor'
expandedLength = expansionFactor*inputLength # length of transformed observations
# Feature transform with fixed random weights.
V = normal(scale=1.0, size=(expandedLength, inputLength))
# Output weights, randomly initialized.
W = uniform(low=-1.0, high=1.0, size=expandedLength)
# Fix the norm of the output weights to 'fixedNorm'.
W *= fixedNorm/norm(W)
def CartPoleAgent(alpha, W, V):
CartPoleAgent solves 'CartPole-v0'.
# observation history
H = deque([], maxHistory)
# episode total reward history
R = deque([], solvedEpisodes)
# histories of positive and negative outputs
PO = deque([0], maxHistory)
NO = deque([0], maxHistory)
for episode in range(maxEpisodes):
observation = env.reset()
totalReward = 0
for t in range(1,maxTimeSteps+1):
out = dot(tanh(dot(V,observation)), W)
if out < 0:
action = 0
action = 1
observation, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
totalReward += reward
if done:
if t < 200:
# Replay shuffled past observations using the
# latest weights.
# Use the means of past outputs as
# LMS algorithm target outputs.
mn = mean(NO)
mp = mean(PO)
for obs in H:
h = tanh(dot(V,obs)) # transform the observation
out = dot(h, W)
if out < 0:
e = mn - out
e = mp - out
W += alpha * e * h # Widrow-Hoff LMS update
W *= fixedNorm/norm(W) # keep the weights at fixed norm
avgReward = sum(R)/solvedEpisodes
print(f"[{episode:3d}:{totalReward:3.0f}] R:{avgReward:6.2f} mp:{mean(PO):7.3f} mn:{mean(NO):7.3f} len(H):{len(H):4d} W:{W[:2]}", flush=True)
if avgReward == 200:
CartPoleAgent(alpha, W, V)
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