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Last active December 6, 2019 16:52
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compare single flake attempt to multiple retries - top 20 flakes over past 8 weeks
ci-kubernetes-e2e-gci-gce-single-flake-attempt count ci-kubernetes-e2e-gci-gce count
[] Pods should support pod readiness gates [NodeFeature:PodReadinessGate] 93 [] Pods should support pod readiness gates [NodeFeature:PodReadinessGate] 91
Up 38 Timeout 40
[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI workload information using mock driver should not be passed when CSIDriver does not exist 24 [sig-apps] StatefulSet [] Basic StatefulSet functionality [StatefulSetBasic] Should recreate evicted statefulset [Conformance] 34
[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl logs should be able to retrieve and filter logs [Conformance] 23 Up 31
[sig-apps] StatefulSet [] Basic StatefulSet functionality [StatefulSetBasic] Should recreate evicted statefulset [Conformance] 21 [sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI workload information using mock driver should not be passed when podInfoOnMount=false 21
[sig-apps] CronJob should delete successful/failed finished jobs with limit of one job 20 [sig-apps] CronJob should delete successful/failed finished jobs with limit of one job 21
[sig-storage] Mounted volume expand Should verify mounted devices can be resized 19 [sig-network] Services should be able to switch session affinity for NodePort service [LinuxOnly] 20
[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI workload information using mock driver should not be passed when podInfoOnMount=false 19 [sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI workload information using mock driver should not be passed when podInfoOnMount=nil 19
[sig-cli] Kubectl client kubectl get output should contain custom columns for each resource 16 [sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI workload information using mock driver should not be passed when CSIDriver does not exist 19
[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI workload information using mock driver should not be passed when podInfoOnMount=nil 16 [sig-network] Services should be able to switch session affinity for service with type clusterIP [LinuxOnly] 18
[sig-network] Services should be able to switch session affinity for service with type clusterIP [LinuxOnly] 16 [sig-cli] Kubectl client kubectl get output should contain custom columns for each resource 16
[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works 14 [sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl logs should be able to retrieve and filter logs [Conformance] 15
[sig-network] Services should be able to switch session affinity for NodePort service [LinuxOnly] 14 TearDown 14
[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory 13 [sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path 14
[sig-network] Network should set TCP CLOSE_WAIT timeout 13 [sig-storage] Mounted volume expand Should verify mounted devices can be resized 14
[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource 13 [] [sig-node] Pods Extended [] Delete Grace Period should be submitted and removed [Conformance] 14
[] Security Context when creating a pod in the host PID namespace should show its pid in the host PID namespace [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:HostAccess] 12 [sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it 13
[sig-scheduling] PreemptionExecutionPath runs ReplicaSets to verify preemption running path 11 [sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource 13
[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod 11 [sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory 12
[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data 10 [sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: inline ephemeral CSI volume] ephemeral should support two pods which share the same volume 12
select as struct
i.n name,
count(i.failures) flakes
from tt.tests i
group by name
having name not in ('Test', 'DiffResources', 'DumpClusterLogs', 'DumpFederationLogs') /* uninteresting tests */
order by flakes desc
limit 20 /* top three flakiest tests in this job */
) flakiest
from (
job, /* name of job */
round(sum(if(flaked=1,passed,runs))/sum(runs),3) build_consistency, /* percentage of runs that did not flake */
round(1-sum(flaked)/count(distinct commit),3) commit_consistency, /* percentage of commits that did not flake */
sum(flaked) flakes, /* number of times it flaked */
sum(runs) runs, /* number of times the job ran */
count(distinct commit) commits, /* number of commits tested */
array_concat_agg(tests) tests /* array of flaking tests in this job */
from (
if(passed = runs or passed = 0, 0, 1) flaked, /* consistent: always pass or always fail */
safe_cast(runs as int64) runs,
select as struct n, /* test name */
countif(i.failed) failures /* number of times it flaked */
from tt.tests i
group by n
having failures > 0 and failures < tt.runs /* same consistency metric */
order by failures desc
) tests
from (
sum(if(result='SUCCESS',1,0)) passed,
count(result) runs, /* count the number of times we ran a job on this commit for this PR */
array_concat_agg(test) tests /* create an array of tests structs */
from (
if(substr(job, 0, 3) = 'pr:', 'pull', 'ci') kind, /* pull or ci */
version, /* bootstrap git version, empty for ci */
if(substr(job, 0, 3) = 'pr:',
select i.value
from t.metadata i
where i.key = 'repos'
) commit, /* repo commit for PR or version for CI */
result, /* SUCCESS if the build passed */
test /* repeated tuple of tests */
FROM `` as t
datetime(started) > datetime_sub(current_datetime(), interval 56 DAY)
and job in (
and version != 'unknown'
and (
(substr(job, 0, 3) = 'ci-' and version != 'unknown') or
select as struct
from t.metadata i
where i.key = 'repos' and
array_length(split(replace(i.value,', ', ''), ',')) = 2 /*serial pr jobs only (# of PR refs +1 == 2)*/
group by job, commit
) as tt
) as tt
group by job /* summarize info for this job across all commits/builds */
) as tt
order by flakes desc, commit_consistency, build_consistency, job /* flakiest jobs first */
"job": "ci-kubernetes-e2e-gci-gce-single-flake-attempt",
"build_consistency": "0.687",
"commit_consistency": "0.38",
"flakes": "282",
"runs": "2111",
"commits": "455",
"flakiest": [
"name": "[] Pods should support pod readiness gates [NodeFeature:PodReadinessGate]",
"flakes": "93"
"name": "Up",
"flakes": "38"
"name": "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI workload information using mock driver should not be passed when CSIDriver does not exist",
"flakes": "24"
"name": "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl logs should be able to retrieve and filter logs [Conformance]",
"flakes": "23"
"name": "[sig-apps] StatefulSet [] Basic StatefulSet functionality [StatefulSetBasic] Should recreate evicted statefulset [Conformance]",
"flakes": "21"
"name": "[sig-apps] CronJob should delete successful/failed finished jobs with limit of one job",
"flakes": "20"
"name": "[sig-storage] Mounted volume expand Should verify mounted devices can be resized",
"flakes": "19"
"name": "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI workload information using mock driver should not be passed when podInfoOnMount=false",
"flakes": "19"
"name": "[sig-cli] Kubectl client kubectl get output should contain custom columns for each resource",
"flakes": "16"
"name": "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI workload information using mock driver should not be passed when podInfoOnMount=nil",
"flakes": "16"
"name": "[sig-network] Services should be able to switch session affinity for service with type clusterIP [LinuxOnly]",
"flakes": "16"
"name": "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works",
"flakes": "14"
"name": "[sig-network] Services should be able to switch session affinity for NodePort service [LinuxOnly]",
"flakes": "14"
"name": "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory",
"flakes": "13"
"name": "[sig-network] Network should set TCP CLOSE_WAIT timeout",
"flakes": "13"
"name": "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource",
"flakes": "13"
"name": "[] Security Context when creating a pod in the host PID namespace should show its pid in the host PID namespace [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:HostAccess]",
"flakes": "12"
"name": "[sig-scheduling] PreemptionExecutionPath runs ReplicaSets to verify preemption running path",
"flakes": "11"
"name": "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod",
"flakes": "11"
"name": "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data",
"flakes": "10"
"job": "ci-kubernetes-e2e-gci-gce",
"build_consistency": "0.693",
"commit_consistency": "0.4",
"flakes": "274",
"runs": "2096",
"commits": "457",
"flakiest": [
"name": "[] Pods should support pod readiness gates [NodeFeature:PodReadinessGate]",
"flakes": "91"
"name": "Timeout",
"flakes": "40"
"name": "[sig-apps] StatefulSet [] Basic StatefulSet functionality [StatefulSetBasic] Should recreate evicted statefulset [Conformance]",
"flakes": "34"
"name": "Up",
"flakes": "31"
"name": "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI workload information using mock driver should not be passed when podInfoOnMount=false",
"flakes": "21"
"name": "[sig-apps] CronJob should delete successful/failed finished jobs with limit of one job",
"flakes": "21"
"name": "[sig-network] Services should be able to switch session affinity for NodePort service [LinuxOnly]",
"flakes": "20"
"name": "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI workload information using mock driver should not be passed when podInfoOnMount=nil",
"flakes": "19"
"name": "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI workload information using mock driver should not be passed when CSIDriver does not exist",
"flakes": "19"
"name": "[sig-network] Services should be able to switch session affinity for service with type clusterIP [LinuxOnly]",
"flakes": "18"
"name": "[sig-cli] Kubectl client kubectl get output should contain custom columns for each resource",
"flakes": "16"
"name": "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl logs should be able to retrieve and filter logs [Conformance]",
"flakes": "15"
"name": "TearDown",
"flakes": "14"
"name": "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path",
"flakes": "14"
"name": "[sig-storage] Mounted volume expand Should verify mounted devices can be resized",
"flakes": "14"
"name": "[] [sig-node] Pods Extended [] Delete Grace Period should be submitted and removed [Conformance]",
"flakes": "14"
"name": "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it",
"flakes": "13"
"name": "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource",
"flakes": "13"
"name": "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory",
"flakes": "12"
"name": "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: inline ephemeral CSI volume] ephemeral should support two pods which share the same volume",
"flakes": "12"
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