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Last active November 23, 2018 02:56
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module Main where
import Prim
import Control.Alt ((<|>))
import Control.Apply ((<*>))
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Foldable (intercalate)
import Data.Functor ((<$>), map)
import Data.String.CodePoints (contains)
import Data.String.Pattern (Pattern(..))
import Data.String.Utils (lines)
import Data.Validation.Semiring (V, toEither, invalid)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Console (log)
import Prelude (class Semiring, class Show, Unit, pure, show, ($), (<>), append, (<<<))
newtype Person = Person {
first :: String,
last :: String,
contact :: String
derive newtype instance showPerson :: Show Person
-- type Errors = Array String
data Quantifier = AllOf | AnyOf
data Errors = None | Error String | Errors Quantifier (Array Errors)
instance showErrors :: Show Errors where
show (Error s) = s
show None = ""
show (Errors x list) = "needs " <> quantifier x <> " of the following:\n" <> report
where report = intercalate "\n" $ ((intercalate "\n" <<< map (append " ") <<< lines <<< show) <$> list)
quantifier AllOf = "all"
quantifier AnyOf = "any"
instance semiringArrayString :: Semiring Errors where
mul (None) a = a
mul a (None) = a
mul (Errors AllOf l1) (Errors AllOf l2) = Errors AllOf (l1 <> l2)
mul (Errors AllOf l1) a = Errors AllOf (l1 <> [a])
mul a (Errors AllOf l1) = Errors AllOf ([a] <> l1)
mul a b = Errors AllOf [ a, b ]
add (None) a = a
add a (None) = a
add (Errors AnyOf a) (Errors AnyOf b) = Errors AnyOf (a <> b)
add (Errors AnyOf a) b = Errors AnyOf (a <> [b])
add a (Errors AnyOf b) = Errors AnyOf ([a] <> b)
add a b = Errors AnyOf [a, b]
one = None
zero = None
withLabel :: forall t. String -> V Errors t -> V Errors t
withLabel label v =
case (toEither v) of
Left e -> invalid $ withLabel' label e
other -> v
withLabel' :: String -> Errors -> Errors
withLabel' label (Error e) = Error $ label <> e
withLabel' label (Errors q e) = Errors q $ withLabel' label <$> e
withLabel' label None = None
validateName :: String -> V Errors String
validateName "" = invalid $ Error "needs to be non-empty"
validateName name = pure name
validateEmail :: String -> V Errors String
validateEmail mail =
if contains (Pattern "@") mail then pure mail else invalid $ Error "needs to contain @"
validatePhone :: String -> V Errors String
validatePhone phone =
if contains (Pattern "+") phone then pure phone else invalid $ Error "needs to contain +"
personify :: String -> String -> String -> Person
personify first last contact = Person { first, last, contact }
validate :: Person -> V Errors Person
validate (Person p) = personify
<$> withLabel "first name " (validateName p.first)
<*> withLabel "last name " (validateName p.last)
<*> withLabel "contact " (validateEmail <|> validatePhone
main :: Effect Unit
main = do
log $ show $ validate $ Person {first: "", last: "", contact:"a"}
38590 % pulp run
* Building project in /home/spion/Projects/tests/purescript-validations
* Build successful.
invalid (needs all of the following:
first name needs to be non-empty
last name needs to be non-empty
needs any of the following:
contact needs to contain @
contact needs to contain +)
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