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Last active November 21, 2018 15:40
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Nomad job formatter (chmox+x and symlink it in your $PATH)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
#/ Description:
#/ Run Terraform fmt on nomad file to format HCL, and update the file in place.
#/ Arguments:
#/ $1 the nomad flie
#/ --diff if set, then do not write the changes, but show the diff between current and cacnonical format
#/ Sample use:
#/ fmtnomad myjob.nomad
#/ fmtnomad myjob.nomad --diff
#/ Options:
#/ --help: Display this message
#/ Pre-requisites:
#/ Requires Terraform in your path
readonly SCRIPT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"
readonly SCRIPT_NAME="$(basename "$0")"
success() { echo -e "\e[32;1m[SUCCESS]\e[0m $*"; }
info() { echo -e "\e[34m[INFO]\e[0m $*"; }
error() { echo -e "\e[31m[ERROR]\e[0m $*"; }
usage() { grep '^#/' "$0" | cut -c4- ; }
expr "$*" : ".*--help" > /dev/null && usage && exit 0
# Inputs
readonly NOMAD_FILE=${1:-""}
readonly ONLY_DIFF=${2:-""}
if [ -z "${NOMAD_FILE}" ]; then
error "You must provide a nomad file to format."
exit 1
readonly TMP_FILE=$(mktemp /tmp/nomad-fmt.XXXXXX)
cleanup() {
rm "${TMP_FILE}"
if [[ ${success_flag} == 0 ]]; then
error "Not completed successfully."
trap cleanup EXIT
format() {
# Format to a tempo file then overwrite the source
cat "${NOMAD_FILE}" | terraform fmt - > "${TMP_FILE}"
cp "${TMP_FILE}" "${NOMAD_FILE}"
success "${NOMAD_FILE} formatted."
diff() {
# Format to a tempo file then overwrite the source
cat "${NOMAD_FILE}" | terraform fmt -diff=true -
if [ -z "${ONLY_DIFF}" ]; then
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