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Last active March 7, 2017 03:13
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Reusable view feedback

This is an example reusable element I made for our application

It is an input field with auto suggestions.

This element needs three pieces of state:

  • List of things to search for
  • Current selected thing
  • And the query the user is typing (At the moment this is in "hidden" state)

I think that when building reusable views there are two aspects that need discussion:

  1. How do we store the state for a reusable view. Does we expose everything to the container or do we try to hide it? e.g. there is state that the container doesn't care about
  2. How do we return output to the container, e.g. a selection in a dropdown. This could be done with messages or can be done directly in update.

My current API

You need to store the Select state in your model:

type alias Model =
    { ...
    , selectedMovieId : Maybe String
    , selectState : Select.State

In init you need to make a new state

initialModel id =
    { ...
    , selectedMovieId = Nothing
    , selectState = Select.newState id

You need to have a message for the Select

type Msg
    = OnSelect (Maybe Movie)
    | SelectMsg (Select.Msg Movie)

You pass the message you want to trigger in a configuration record:

Select.newConfig OnSelect .label

The idea is that this element will trigger a OnSelect when the user selects an item from the list.


In your update you have to handle SelectMsg e.g.

update msg model =
     OnSelect maybeMovie ->
        SelectMsg subMsg ->
                ( updated, cmd ) =
                    Select.update selectConfig subMsg model.selectState
                ( { model | selectState = updated }, cmd )

The Select.update returns a command because that is the way the OnSelect is triggered.


In the view you have to map the SelectMsg: SelectMsg (Select.view selectConfig model.selectState model.movies selectedMovie)

So there is a lot of places where the Select "component" needs to be hooked. Not a great API.

Based on our conversation I was thinking that this can change to something simpler like the following options.

Version 2 - A

  • No hidden state
  • Messages for output

No more mapping of messages in the view, you will need to hold to all state and pass everything to the view.

Select.view selectConfig OnSelect OnQueryChange movies selectedMovie query

Select.view would have this signature

view: Config -> (Maybe a -> msg) -> (String -> msg) -> List a -> Maybe a -> String -> Html msg

Something like this will mean that the user doesn't have to create a SelectMsg and a Select.State. But they will have to handle and store the current query (which is the internal state) and pass it to view.

The function signature can be reduced by putting things in a record.

This approach favours triggering messages for the user to handle. I like this as it feels more inline with current elements like input, select, etc in the core html library. But asking the user to handle the internal state is annoying. e.g. they have to handle OnQueryChange and update query in their model.

Is asking the consumer to handle the "private" state a good idea? the query in this case.

Version 2 - B

  • Hidden state
  • Messages for output

Maybe having a SelectMsg and Select.State is not too terrible in order to "hide" the query piece of state from the main app.

You still hold to an internal state

type alias Model =
    { ...
    , selectedMovieId : Maybe String
    , selectState : Select.State

And have a message for the select:

type Msg
    = OnSelect (Maybe Movie)
    | SelectMsg Select.Msg

The view could look like:

Select.view selectConfig model.selectState OnSelect SelectMsg  movies selectedMovie

And update:

update msg model =
     OnSelect maybeMovie ->
     SelectMsg sub ->
             updatedState =
                 Select.update sub
             ( { model | selectState = updatedState }, cmd )

Is hidding the state a good idea? Is asking the consumer to handle an opaque SelectMsg a good thing?

Version 2 - C

  • Hidden state
  • No message, output returned in update

Yet another approach is not to have OnSelect at all. Instead the Select.update return the updated model.

The view could look like: SelectMsg <| Select.view selectConfig model.selectState movies selectedMovie

update will return the selected movie directly.

update msg model =
        SelectMsg subMsg ->
                ( updated, selectedMovie ) =
                    Select.update selectConfig subMsg model.selectState
                ( { model | selectState = updated, selectedMovie = selectedMovie }, Cmd.none )

Is returning the value in the update a good idea? Or is trigger messages more the Elm way?

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