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Last active March 16, 2017 23:04
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# coding: utf-8
title: "Nightly Hang Reporter Stacks"
- mconley
- dthayer
- spark
- hangs
created_at: 2017-03-02
updated_at: 2017-03-13
tldr: Analysis for hang reporting dashboard.
# As part of the Quantum Flow project, which seeks to make Firefox _feel_ faster, we'd like to be able to have a dashboard with various statistics on browser hangs. While we have the data in place in `threadHangStats`, we don't currently have any working visual representation of this data. This notebook is intended to process ping data into a format that can be easily consumed by a JS-powered dashboard on TMO.
# In[4]:
import os
import ujson as json
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from moztelemetry import get_pings_properties
from moztelemetry.dataset import Dataset
# Some configuration options:
# In[5]:
use_s3 = False
days_to_aggregate = 3
sample_size = 0.01
# We'd like to have a roughly 1-month chart of the severity of various hangs over time.
# In[6]:
start_date = ( - timedelta(days=days_to_aggregate))
start_date_str = start_date.strftime("%Y%m%d")
end_date = ( - timedelta(days=0))
end_date_str = end_date.strftime("%Y%m%d")
# In[7]:
pings = Dataset.from_source("telemetry") .where(docType='main') .where(appBuildId=lambda b: (b.startswith(start_date_str) or b > start_date_str)
and (b.startswith(end_date_str) or b < end_date_str)) \
.where(appUpdateChannel="nightly") \
.records(sc, sample=sample_size)
# In[8]:
properties = ["environment/system/os/name",
ping_props = get_pings_properties(pings, properties, with_processes=True)
# We're currently only interested in Windows pings.
# In[9]:
def windows_only(p):
return p["environment/system/os/name"] == "Windows_NT"
windows_pings_only = ping_props.filter(windows_only)
# Split out content hangs from parent hangs. We need an additional loop with the content hangs due to multiple content processes.
# In[ ]:
def only_hangs_of_type(ping, process_type, native_only):
build_date = ping["application/buildId"][:8] # "YYYYMMDD" : 8 characters
usage_seconds = float(ping['payload/info/subsessionLength'])
if process_type == 'content':
result = []
if ping['payload/childPayloads'] is None:
return result
for payload in ping['payload/childPayloads']:
if 'threadHangStats' not in payload:
for thread_hang in payload['threadHangStats']:
if 'name' not in thread_hang:
if len(thread_hang['hangs']) > 0:
result = result + [{
'build_date': build_date,
'thread_name': thread_hang['name'],
'usage_seconds': usage_seconds,
'hang': x
} for x in thread_hang['hangs'] if 'nativeStack' in x or not native_only]
return result
result = []
if ping['payload/threadHangStats'] is None:
return result
for thread_hang in ping['payload/threadHangStats']:
if 'name' not in thread_hang:
if len(thread_hang['hangs']) > 0:
result = result + [{
'build_date': build_date,
'thread_name': thread_hang['name'],
'usage_seconds': usage_seconds,
'hang': x
} for x in thread_hang['hangs'] if 'nativeStack' in x or not native_only]
return result
def filter_for_hangs_of_type(pings, process_type, native_only):
return pings.flatMap(lambda p: only_hangs_of_type(p, process_type, native_only))
content_hangs = filter_for_hangs_of_type(windows_pings_only, 'content')
parent_hangs = filter_for_hangs_of_type(windows_pings_only, 'parent')
# Aggregate `hang_sum` (approximate total milliseconds for hangs greater than 100ms), and `hang_count` (approximate number of hangs greater than 100ms). This should give us some sense of both the frequency and the severity of various hangs.
# In[ ]:
def map_to_hang_data(hang, native_only):
hist_data = hang['hang']['histogram']['values']
key_ints = map(int, hist_data.keys())
hist = pd.Series(hist_data.values(), index=key_ints)
weights = pd.Series(key_ints, index=key_ints)
hang_sum = (hist * weights)[hist.index >= 100].sum()
hang_count = hist[hist.index >= 100].sum()
# our key will be the stack, the thread name, and the build ID. Once we've reduced on this
# we'll collect as a map, since there should only be ~ 10^1 days, 10^1 threads, 10^3 stacks : 100,000 records
if (native_only):
return (tuple(hang['hang']['nativeStack']['stacks'][0] + [hang['thread_name'], hang['build_date']]), {
'hang_sum': hang_sum,
'hang_count': hang_count,
'usage_seconds': hang['usage_seconds']
return (tuple(hang['hang']['stack'] + [hang['thread_name'], hang['build_date']]), {
'hang_sum': hang_sum,
'hang_count': hang_count,
'usage_seconds': hang['usage_seconds']
def merge_hang_data(a, b):
return {
'hang_sum': a['hang_sum'] + b['hang_sum'],
'hang_count': a['hang_count'] + b['hang_count'],
'usage_seconds': a['usage_seconds'] + b['usage_seconds'],
def get_grouped_sums_and_counts(hangs, native_only):
return x: map_to_hang_data(x, native_only)).reduceByKey(merge_hang_data).collectAsMap()
content_grouped_hangs = get_grouped_sums_and_counts(content_hangs)
parent_grouped_hangs = get_grouped_sums_and_counts(parent_hangs)
# First group by date:
# In[ ]:
def group_by_date(stacks):
dates = {}
for stack, stats in stacks.iteritems():
hang_sum = stats['hang_sum']
hang_count = stats['hang_count']
usage_seconds = stats['usage_seconds']
if len(stack) == 0:
stack_date = stack[-1]
stack = stack[:-1]
if not stack_date in dates:
dates[stack_date] = {
"date": stack_date,
"threads": [],
"usage_seconds": 0
date = dates[stack_date]
date["threads"].append((stack, {'hang_sum': hang_sum, 'hang_count': hang_count}))
date["usage_seconds"] += usage_seconds
return dates
content_by_date = group_by_date(content_grouped_hangs)
parent_by_date = group_by_date(parent_grouped_hangs)
# Then by thread name:
# In[ ]:
def group_by_thread_name(stacks):
thread_names = {}
for stack, stats in stacks:
hang_sum = stats['hang_sum']
hang_count = stats['hang_count']
if len(stack) == 0:
stack_thread_name = stack[-1]
stack = stack[:-1]
if not stack_thread_name in thread_names:
thread_names[stack_thread_name] = {
"thread": stack_thread_name,
"hangs": [],
thread_name = thread_names[stack_thread_name]
thread_name["hangs"].append((stack, {'hang_sum': hang_sum, 'hang_count': hang_count}))
return thread_names
# Then by the top frame, which will serve as the hang's signature for the time being.
# In[ ]:
def group_by_top_frame(stacks):
top_frames = {}
for stack, stats in stacks:
hang_sum = stats['hang_sum']
hang_count = stats['hang_count']
if len(stack) == 0:
stack_top_frame = stack[-1]
if not stack_top_frame in top_frames:
top_frames[stack_top_frame] = {
"frame": stack_top_frame,
"stacks": [],
"hang_sum": 0,
"hang_count": 0
top_frame = top_frames[stack_top_frame]
top_frame["stacks"].append((stack, {'hang_sum': hang_sum, 'hang_count': hang_count}))
top_frame["hang_sum"] += hang_sum
top_frame["hang_count"] += hang_count
return top_frames
# Normalize all our fields by total usage hours for that date.
# In[ ]:
def score(grouping, usage_seconds):
total_hours = usage_seconds / 60
grouping['hang_ms_per_hour'] = grouping['hang_sum'] / total_hours
grouping['hang_count_per_hour'] = grouping['hang_count'] / total_hours
scored_stacks = []
for stack_tuple in grouping['stacks']:
stack_hang_sum = stack_tuple[1]['hang_sum'] / total_hours
stack_hang_count = stack_tuple[1]['hang_count'] / total_hours
scored_stacks.append((stack_tuple[0], {
'hang_ms_per_hour': stack_hang_sum,
'hang_count_per_hour': stack_hang_count
grouping['stacks'] = scored_stacks
return grouping
def score_all(grouped_by_top_frame, total_hours):
return {k: score(g, total_hours) for k, g in grouped_by_top_frame.iteritems()}
# Put the last three sections together:
# In[ ]:
def get_by_top_frame_by_thread(by_thread, usage_seconds):
return {k: score_all(group_by_top_frame(g["hangs"]), usage_seconds) for k, g in by_thread.iteritems()}
def get_by_thread_by_date(by_date):
return {
k: {
'threads': get_by_top_frame_by_thread(group_by_thread_name(g["threads"]), g["usage_seconds"]),
'total_hours': g["usage_seconds"] / 60
} for k, g in by_date.iteritems()
content_scored = get_by_thread_by_date(content_by_date)
parent_scored = get_by_thread_by_date(parent_by_date)
# In[ ]:
import ujson as json
def write_file(name, stuff):
filename = "./output/%s-%s.json" % (name, end_date_str)
jsonblob = json.dumps(stuff, ensure_ascii=False)
if use_s3:
# TODO: This was adapted from another report. I'm not actually sure what the process is for
# dumping stuff to s3, and would appreciate feedback!
bucket = "telemetry-public-analysis-2"
timestamped_s3_key = "bhr/data/hang_aggregates/" + name + ".json"
client = boto3.client('s3', 'us-west-2')
transfer = S3Transfer(client)
transfer.upload_file(filename, bucket, timestamped_s3_key, extra_args={'ContentType':'application/json'})
if not os.path.exists('./output'):
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
# In[1]:
write_file('content_by_day', content_scored)
write_file('parent_by_day', parent_scored)
# In[18]:
def extract_native_stacks(ping):
result = []
if ping['payload/threadHangStats'] is None:
return result
for thread_hang in ping['payload/threadHangStats']:
if 'name' not in thread_hang:
if len(thread_hang['hangs']) > 0:
result = result + [{
'thread_name': thread_hang['name'],
'hang': x
} for x in thread_hang['hangs'] if 'nativeStack' in x and len(x['nativeStack']['stacks']) > 1]
return result
def filter_for_native_stacks(pings):
return pings.flatMap(lambda p: extract_native_stacks(p))
native_stacks = filter_for_native_stacks(windows_pings_only)
# In[25]:
sc.parallelize([(tuple([1,(1,2)]),5),(tuple([1,(1,2)]),6),(tuple([1,3]),7)]).reduceByKey(lambda a,b: a + b).collectAsMap()
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