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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Libraries Needed for any Language
I'm making this list specifically for any language but I have golang in mind.
Persistence Clients
- mysql
- postgres
- redis
- memcache
- mongodb
- elasticsearch
- solr
- http client (bonus points here for api since this is used everywhere)
- protocol buffers or thrift
- statsd client
- unit testing
- mocking / stubbing
- bdd and/or cucumber
- file watcher and automatic test suite firing
- something that captures network traffic and replays it (vcr/fakeweb)
- setting expectations on outbound interface for http (faraday stubs), test interface not response.
- repl
- breakpoints
General Tools
- xml and json parsing
- configuration file reading, constants/preferences
- web framework for json rest services (!)
- in memory database
Deployment and Ops
- auto deployment
- metrics within the app, tickers etc
- logging to a format logstash can understand
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