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Created January 26, 2012 10:49
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Generate nicknames phonetically
class NicknameGenerator
# Grabbed phoneme and template list from
# Based on an idea presented on
# by Jim Adams (, 2000
# (sr 2012-01-26)
PHONEME_LIST = { # consonants
:affricate => %w{ch dg j},
:alveolar => %w{d l n r s t z},
:bilabial => %w{b m p},
:bilabial_stop => %w{b p},
:complex => %w{sch thr},
:consonant => %w{b c d f g h j k l m n p r s t v z},
:double_consonant => %w{bb dd ff ll mm nn rr ss ss tt},
:double_glide => %w{wy},
:ending_nasal => %w{g ng r},
:fricative => %w{ch f ph s sh th v z},
:glide => %w{w y},
:glottal => %w{h},
:liquid => %w{l r},
:mid_consonant => %w{ct dr dw ft mk nd ndr nf nj nk ns nt ny pr ps rd rg rk rm rn rz sl st stl wl},
:nasal => %w{m n},
:palatal => %w{ch dg s j sh y},
:orc_begin => %w{gn gr hr k'z x z zr},
:orc_begin2 => %w{gn gr hr k m n x z zh},
:orc_middle => %w{gh gl gzh rg rgh rgl rl rmg rng zg},
:stop => %w{b d g k p t},
:velar => %w{g k ng w},
# vowels
:dipthong => %w{ay ea ee ei oa oe ou ow oy y},
:vowel => %w{a e i o u},
:double_vowel => %w{ae au ea ey ie io oe oi oo ou ue ui ya yo},
# misc
:separator => ["'", "-", " "]
# 3+ letters: V MC V [E.g., Erdi]
"V MC V" => [ :vowel, :mid_consonant, :vowel ],
# 3+ letters: V MC DoubleVowel [E.g., Erdoo]
"V MC VV" => [ :vowel, :mid_consonant, :double_vowel ],
# 3+ letters: Fricative Double :vowel , :nasal [E.g., Sean]
"Fricative VV Nasal" => [ :fricative, :double_vowel, :nasal ],
# 3+ letters: :fricative Double :vowel :consonant [E.g., Seaz]
"Fricative VV C" => [ :fricative, :double_vowel, :consonant ],
# 5 letters: CVCVC [E.g., Seton]
"CVCVC" => [ :consonant, :vowel, :consonant, :vowel, :consonant ],
# 3 letters: VCV [E.g., Eti]
"V C V" => [ :vowel, :consonant, :vowel ],
# 3+ letters: V DC V [E.g., Etti]
"V CC V" => [ :vowel, :double_consonant, :vowel ],
# 5+ letters: , :nasal V :fricative V EndingGuttural [E.g., Masher]
"Nasal V Fricative V Guttural" => [ :nasal, :vowel, :fricative, :vowel, :ending_nasal ],
# 5+ letters: :fricative V DoubleGlide V Ending, :nasal [E.g., Sawyer]
"Fricative V DoubleGlide V EndingNasal" => [ :fricative, :vowel, :double_glide, :vowel, :ending_nasal ],
# 8+ letters: [E.g., Gruph'Norgle]
"Orcish" => [ :orc_begin, :vowel, :fricative, :separator, :orc_begin2, :vowel, :orc_middle, :vowel ]
def self.from_template( template_name )
sequence = NAME_TEMPLATES[template_name]
raise "Unknown nickname template name '#{template_name}'!" unless sequence
name = ''
sequence.each do |phoneme_type|
name << PHONEME_LIST[phoneme_type].sample
return name.capitalize
def self.generate_purely_random
template = NAME_TEMPLATES.keys.sample
return from_template( template )
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