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Created November 7, 2014 07:21
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Helpers for flexbox
-webkit-box-flex arguments[0]
-webkit-flex arguments
-moz-box-flex arguments[0]
-ms-flex arguments
flex arguments
display -webkit-box
display -webkit-flex
display -moz-box
display -ms-flexbox
display flex
if direction is column
-webkit-box-orient vertical
-webkit-box-direction normal
-webkit-flex-direction column
-moz-box-orient vertical
-moz-box-direction normal
-ms-flex-direction column
flex-direction column
$legacyDirection = unquote("flex-" + $direction)
-webkit-box-align direction
-webkit-align-items $legacyDirection
-moz-box-align direction
-ms-flex-align direction
align-items $legacyDirection
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