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Created October 14, 2012 19:02
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Huffman coding in F#
let ct = createCodeTree "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz "
let encoded = fastEncode ct ("simon says fsharp rocks" |> List.ofSeq)
let decoded = decode ct encoded
printfn "%A" encoded
printfn "%A" decoded
type CodeTree =
| Branch of CodeTree * CodeTree * list<char> * int
| Leaf of char * int
let chars tree =
match tree with
| Branch(_,_,chars,_) -> chars
| Leaf(char,_) -> [ char ]
let weight tree =
match tree with
| Branch(_,_,_, weight)
| Leaf(_, weight) -> weight
let createCodeTree text =
let rec combineTrees trees =
let makeCodeTree l r =
Branch(l,r, chars l @ chars r, weight l + weight r)
match trees with
| fst :: snd :: rest -> combineTrees (makeCodeTree fst snd :: rest |> List.sortBy weight)
| _ -> trees
let orderedLeafList =
|> Seq.countBy id
|> Seq.sortBy snd
|> (fun f -> Leaf(fst f, snd f))
|> List.ofSeq
|> combineTrees
|> List.head
let decode tree bits =
let rec doDecode _tree bits chars =
match _tree with
| Branch(l, r, _, _) ->
match bits |> List.head with
| 0 -> doDecode l bits.Tail chars
| 1 -> doDecode r bits.Tail chars
| _ -> raise (ArgumentOutOfRangeException "Invalid bit in bits")
| Leaf(c, _) when bits.IsEmpty -> c :: chars
| Leaf(c, _) -> doDecode tree bits (c :: chars)
doDecode tree bits [] |> List.rev
let encode tree text =
let hasCharInBranch tree c =
match tree with
| Branch(_, _, cs, _) -> cs |> List.exists (fun _c -> _c = c)
| Leaf(char, _) -> char = c
let rec doEncode _tree (chars : list<char>) bits =
if chars.IsEmpty then bits
match _tree with
| Branch(left, right, _, _) ->
if hasCharInBranch left chars.Head then
doEncode left chars (0 :: bits)
doEncode right chars (1 :: bits)
| Leaf(c, _) -> doEncode tree chars.Tail bits
doEncode tree text [] |> List.rev
let fastEncode tree =
let codeMap = chars tree
|> (fun c -> (c, encode tree [c]))
|> Map.ofSeq
fun text -> List.foldBack (fun c s -> Map.find c codeMap @ s) (text |> List.ofSeq) []
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