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Created March 21, 2013 04:27
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{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
import Control.Concurrent.STM
newtype Money = Money Int deriving (Show, Num, Ord, Eq)
data Account = Account{
aBalance :: Money,
aAccountId :: Int
withdrawFunds :: TVar Account -> Money -> STM Money
withdrawFunds accountVar amount = do
account <- readTVar accountVar
if (aBalance account) > amount
then writeTVar accountVar account{aBalance = (aBalance account) `subtract` amount} >> return amount
else retry
withdrawNonSufficientFunds :: TVar Account -> TChan Account -> Money -> STM Money
withdrawNonSufficientFunds accountVar nsfChan amount = do
account <- readTVar accountVar
let account' = account{aBalance = (aBalance account) `subtract` amount}
writeTVar accountVar account'
writeTChan nsfChan account'
return amount
withdrawEvil :: TVar Account -> TChan Account -> Money -> STM Money
withdrawEvil accountVar nsfChan amount = do
withdrawFunds accountVar amount `orElse` withdrawNonSufficientFunds accountVar nsfChan amount
sendNSFNotification :: TChan Account -> IO ()
sendNSFNotification nsfChan = do
account <- atomically $ readTChan nsfChan
print $ "Send NSF Notice to account " ++ (show $ aAccountId account)
main :: IO ()
main = do
account1 <- newTVarIO $ Account 100 1
account2 <- newTVarIO $ Account 200 2
nsfChan <- newTChanIO
withdraw1 <- atomically $ withdrawEvil account1 nsfChan (Money 50)
withdraw2 <- atomically $ withdrawEvil account2 nsfChan (Money 500)
print $ "Account 1 withrew " ++ (show withdraw1)
print $ "Account 2 withrew " ++ (show withdraw2)
sendNSFNotification nsfChan
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