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Last active January 15, 2019 22:20
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Scala translation for Unfortunately, it has a longer execution time compare to the Python version.
// Scala translation for
object Sudoku {
val debug = false
val digits = ('1' to '9').mkString
val alphas = ('A' to 'I').mkString
def cross(rows: String, cols: String) = (for {
row <- rows
col <- cols} yield {"" + row + col}).toSet
val verticals = => cross(alphas, d.toString)).toSet
val horizontals = => cross(a.toString, digits)).toSet
val blocks = for {
colBlk <- alphas.grouped(3)
rowBlk <- digits.grouped(3)
} yield (cross(colBlk, rowBlk))
val all = horizontals ++ verticals ++ blocks
val everyone = cross(alphas, digits)
.foldLeft(Map.empty[String, Set[String]])((m,a) =>
m.updated(a, all.filter(_.contains(a)).flatten))
val peers ={case (k,v) => k -> v.filterNot(_ == k)}
def coord(ndx: Int) = "" + alphas(ndx / 9) + digits(ndx % 9)
def addNth(l: List[List[String]], extras: List[String], newList: List[List[String]] = Nil, ndx: Int = 0): List[List[String]] =
l match {
case Nil => newList.reverse
case xs +: xss if (ndx % 3 == 0 && ndx > 1) => addNth(xss, extras, xs +: extras +: newList, ndx + 1)
case xs +: xss => addNth(xss, extras, xs +: newList, ndx + 1)
def prettyFormat(s: String) =
List("+-----+-----+-----+") ++
addNth(s.grouped(9).map(_.grouped(3).toList).toList, List("---", "---", "---"))
.map(x => if (x(0).startsWith("-")) "+-----+-----+-----+" else s"| ${x(0)} | ${x(1)} | ${x(2)} |") ++
def init(puzzle: String): Map[String, String] = {
def fill(i: Char, cell: String, solution: Map[String, String]) =
(m,c) => m.updated(c, m(c).filterNot(_ == i)))
def _init(cells: List[(Char, Int)], solution: Map[String, String]): Map[String, String] = cells match {
case Nil => solution
case (c, i) :: xs => _init(xs, fill(c, coord(i), solution))
val prefilledSolution = puzzle.zipWithIndex
.foldLeft(Map.empty[String, String]) {
case (m, ('.', pos)) => m.updated(coord(pos), digits)
case (m, (c, pos)) => m.updated(coord(pos), c.toString)
_init(puzzle.zipWithIndex.filterNot(_._2 == '.').toList, prefilledSolution)
def prettyPrint(puzzle: Map[String, String]) =
puzzle.toList.sortBy(_._1).map(_._2).grouped(9).toList.foreach(line => {
line.foreach(x => {x.foreach(print); print(" " * (9 - x.size))})
def print2List(puzzle: Map[String, String]) = {
puzzle.toList.sortBy(_._1).map(_._2).grouped(9).toList.foreach(line => {
line.foreach(x => {
def isSolved(solution: Map[String, String]) = {
val result = => y.foldLeft(Set.empty[Char])((s,z) => s ++ solution(z)))
result.size == 1 && == 9).getOrElse(false)
def eliminate(solution: Map[String, String], cell: String, num: Char):
Option[Map[String, String]] = {
if (debug) {
println(s"Eliminate ($cell, $num)")
val nums = solution(cell)
if (nums.contains(num)) {
val updatedSoln = solution.updated(cell, nums.filterNot(_ == num))
val ys = updatedSoln(cell)
val emSoln = if (ys.isEmpty) None
else if (ys.size == 1)
peers(cell).foldLeft(Option(updatedSoln))((s, c) =>
s.flatMap(s2 => eliminate(s2, c, ys.head)))
else Some(updatedSoln)
emSoln.flatMap(s => {
val finalSoln = everyone(cell).filter(c => s(c).contains(num))
if (finalSoln.isEmpty) None
else if (finalSoln.size == 1) assign(s, finalSoln.head, num)
else emSoln
} else Some(solution)
def assign(solution: Map[String, String], cell: String, num: Char): Option[Map[String, String]] = {
if (debug) println(s"Assign ($cell, $num)")
solution(cell).filterNot(_ == num).foldLeft(Option(solution))((s, c) => s.flatMap(m => eliminate(m, cell, c)))
def search(solution: Map[String, String]): Option[Map[String, String]] = {
def _search(solution: Map[String, String], cell: String, nums: String): Option[Map[String, String]] =
if (nums.isEmpty) None
else assign(solution, cell, nums.head)
.orElse(_search(solution, cell, nums.tail))
solution.filter(_._2.size > 1).toList match {
case Nil => Some(solution)
case xs =>
val (cell, nums) = xs.minBy(_._2.size)
def search(solution: Map[String, String]): Option[Map[String, String]] =
solution.filter(_._2.size > 1).toList match {
case Nil => Some(solution)
case xs =>
val (cell, nums) = xs.minBy(_._2.size)
nums.flatMap(d => assign(solution, cell, d) match {
case Some(x) => search(x)
case None => None
object SudokuApp extends App {
import Sudoku._
/* unit tests */
assert(peers("A1") ==
Set("A9", "G1", "A4", "C1", "H1",
"A5", "D1", "I1", "E1", "B3",
"A2", "A6", "B2", "F1", "C3",
"A8", "A3", "B1", "A7", "C2"))
assert(everyone(coord(18)) ==
Set("C6", "G1", "C1", "H1", "C8",
"C7", "D1", "I1", "E1", "C9",
"B3", "A2", "C4", "A1", "B2",
"F1", "C3", "C5", "A3", "B1",
/* unit tests end */
val emptyPuzzle = "3..62..7....7...2...........5...81......4...8.........7.25......4....8........3.."
// val emptyPuzzle = "8.....4..72......9..4.........1.7..23.5...9...4...........8..7..17..............."
prettyFormat(emptyPuzzle) foreach println
val startMills = System.currentTimeMillis
// println(search(init(emptyPuzzle)))
search(init(emptyPuzzle)) match {
case Some(solved) =>
if (isSolved(solved)) prettyFormat(solved.toList.sortBy(_._1).map(_._2.head).mkString).foreach(println)
else println("Sudoku solution is incorrect")
case None => println("Sudoku is not solvable")
println(s"\nTime taken: ${System.currentTimeMillis - startMills}ms")
// Scala implementation using the algorithm from with a slight twist
object Sudoku {
val debug = false
val digits = ('1' to '9').mkString
val alphas = ('A' to 'I').mkString
def cross(rows: String, cols: String) = (for {
row <- rows
col <- cols} yield {"" + row + col}).toSet
val horizontals = => cross(alphas, d.toString)).toSet
val verticals = => cross(a.toString, digits)).toSet
val blocks = for {
colBlk <- alphas.grouped(3)
rowBlk <- digits.grouped(3)
} yield (cross(colBlk, rowBlk))
val all = horizontals ++ verticals ++ blocks
val peers = cross(alphas, digits).foldLeft(Map.empty[String, Set[Set[String]]])((m,a) =>
m + (a -> (all.filter(_.contains(a)).map(_ - a))))
def coord(ndx: Int) = "" + alphas(ndx / 9) + digits(ndx % 9)
def addNth(l: List[List[String]], extras: List[String], newList: List[List[String]] = Nil, ndx: Int = 0): List[List[String]] =
l match {
case Nil => newList.reverse
case xs +: xss if (ndx % 3 == 0 && ndx > 1) => addNth(xss, extras, xs +: extras +: newList, ndx + 1)
case xs +: xss => addNth(xss, extras, xs +: newList, ndx + 1)
def prettyFormat(s: String) =
List("+-----+-----+-----+") ++
addNth(s.grouped(9).map(_.grouped(3).toList).toList, List("---", "---", "---"))
.map(x => if (x(0).startsWith("-")) "+-----+-----+-----+" else s"| ${x(0)} | ${x(1)} | ${x(2)} |") ++
def init(puzzle: String): Map[String, Set[Char]] = {
def fill(i: Char, cell: String, solution: Map[String, Set[Char]]) =
(m,c) => m.updated(c, m(c).filterNot(_ == i)))
def _init(cells: List[(Char, Int)], solution: Map[String, Set[Char]]): Map[String, Set[Char]] = cells match {
case Nil => solution
case (c, i) :: xs => _init(xs, fill(c, coord(i), solution))
val prefilledSolution = puzzle.zipWithIndex
.foldLeft(Map.empty[String, Set[Char]]) {
case (m, ('.', pos)) => m.updated(coord(pos), digits.toSet)
case (m, (c, pos)) => m.updated(coord(pos), Set(c))
_init(puzzle.zipWithIndex.filterNot(_._2 == '.').toList, prefilledSolution)
def prettyPrint(puzzle: Map[String, Set[Char]]) =
puzzle.toList.sortBy(_._1).map(_._2).grouped(9).toList.foreach(line => {
line.foreach(x => {x.foreach(print); print(" " * (9 - x.size))})
def print2List(puzzle: Map[String, Set[Char]]) = {
puzzle.toList.sortBy(_._1).map(_._2).grouped(9).toList.foreach(line => {
line.foreach(x => {
def eliminate(i: Char, cell: String, solution: Map[String, Set[Char]]): Option[Map[String, Set[Char]]] = {
val neighbours = peers(cell).flatten
val affectedCells = neighbours.filter(cell => {
val guesses = solution(cell)
guesses.size == 2 && guesses.contains(i)
val newSolution = neighbours.foldLeft(Option(solution))((s, c) => {
s.flatMap(m => m(c) match {
case xs if xs.contains(i) && xs.size == 1 => None
case xs if xs.contains(i) => Some(m.updated(c, m(c) - i))
case xs => s
if (debug) {
println(s"Base cell: $cell, targeted cell: $affectedCells, neighbours: $neighbours")
newSolution.flatMap(s =>
affectedCells.foldLeft(Option(s))((s2, c) => s2.flatMap(m =>
eliminate(m(c).head, c, m))))
def filterOption[A, B](xs: Map[A, B]) = if (xs.isEmpty) None else Some(xs)
def solve(puzzle: Map[String, Set[Char]]): Option[Map[String, Set[Char]]] = {
def solve_(nextPuzzle: Map[String, Set[Char]],
cell: String,
balance: Set[Char]): Option[Map[String, Set[Char]]] =
if (balance.isEmpty) None
else eliminate(balance.head, cell, puzzle.updated(cell, Set(balance.head))).flatMap(solve(_))
.orElse(solve_(nextPuzzle, cell, balance.tail))
filterOption(puzzle.filter(_._2.size > 1)).map(_.toList.minBy(_._2.size)).headOption match {
case None => Some(puzzle)
case Some((cord, nums)) => {
if (debug) {
println(s"$cord => $nums")
solve_(puzzle, cord, nums)
def isSolved(solution: Map[String, Set[Char]]) = {
val result = => y.foldLeft(Set.empty[Char])((s,z) => s ++ solution(z)))
result.size == 1 && == 9).getOrElse(false)
object SudokuApp extends App {
import Sudoku._
/* unit tests */
assert(peers("A1") == Set(
Set("C1", "B3", "A2", "B2", "C3", "A3", "B1", "C2"),
Set("A9", "A4", "A5", "A2", "A6", "A8", "A3", "A7"),
Set("G1", "C1", "H1", "D1", "I1", "E1", "F1", "B1")))
/* unit tests end */
val emptyPuzzle = "3..62..7....7...2...........5...81......4...8.........7.25......4....8........3.."
// val emptyPuzzle = "8.....4..72......9..4.........1.7..23.5...9...4...........8..7..17..............."
val startMills = System.currentTimeMillis
prettyFormat(emptyPuzzle) foreach println
solve(init(emptyPuzzle)) match {
case Some(solved) =>
if (isSolved(solved)) prettyFormat(solved.toList.sortBy(_._1).map(_._2.head).mkString).foreach(println)
else println("Sudoku solution is incorrect")
case None => println("Sudoku is not solved")
println(s"\nTime taken: ${System.currentTimeMillis - startMills}ms")
object ManySudokuApp extends App {
import scala.util.Try
import scala.language.postfixOps
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future, Await}
import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool
import Sudoku._
implicit val ec = ExecutionContext.fromExecutorService(new ForkJoinPool)
val verbose = false
val defaultPuzzleFn = "hardest17.txt"
val resourcesTry = Try(
val puzzlesFtr = Future.fromTry(resourcesTry).map(_.getLines)
val startMills = System.currentTimeMillis
val solvedPuzzles = puzzlesFtr.flatMap(puzzles => Future.sequence( {puzzle =>
Future {
if (verbose) {
prettyFormat(puzzle) foreach println
solve(init(puzzle)) match {
case Some(solved) =>
if (isSolved(solved)) prettyFormat(solved.toList.sortBy(_._1).map(_._2.head).mkString).foreach(println)
else println("Sudoku solution is incorrect")
case None => println("Sudoku is not solved")
} else {
Await.ready(solvedPuzzles, 20 minute)
val output = solvedPuzzles
.map(x => s"\nTime taken: ${System.currentTimeMillis - startMills}ms")
.recover {case t => if (args.isEmpty) "Default puzzles not found" else s"${args.head} not found."}
println(Await.result(output, 10 second))
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