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Last active June 5, 2018 12:08
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pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
* @title SafeMath
* @dev Math operations with safety checks that throw on error
library SafeMath {
function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns(uint256) {
if (a == 0) {
return 0;
uint256 c = a * b;
assert(c / a == b);
return c;
function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns(uint256) {
assert(b > 0); // Solidity automatically throws when dividing by 0
uint256 c = a / b;
assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold
return c;
function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns(uint256) {
assert(b <= a);
return a - b;
function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns(uint256) {
uint256 c = a + b;
assert(c >= a);
return c;
contract ERC20
function totalSupply()public view returns(uint total_Supply);
function balanceOf(address who)public view returns(uint256);
function allowance(address owner, address spender)public view returns(uint);
function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint value)public returns(bool ok);
function approve(address spender, uint value)public returns(bool ok);
function transfer(address to, uint value)public returns(bool ok);
event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint value);
event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint value);
contract Standix is ERC20
using SafeMath for uint256;
address public WALLET = 0xAaF9BfaBB08e55B68140B3Ea6515901170053980;
uint256 constant public TOKEN_DECIMALS = 10 ** 9;
uint256 constant public ETH_DECIMALS = 10 ** 18;
uint256 public TotalpresaleSupply = 20000000; //20 million presale
uint256 public TotalCrowdsaleSupply = 20000000; // 20 million ICO
uint256 public TotalOwnerSupply = 60000000; //60 Million to owner
uint256 PresaleDays = 31 days;
uint256 ICODays = 63 days;
// Name of the token
string public constant name = "Standix";
// Symbol of token
string public constant symbol = "SAX";
uint8 public constant decimals = 9;
// 100 Million total supply // muliplies dues to decimal precision
uint public TotalTokenSupply = 100000000 * TOKEN_DECIMALS; //100 million
// Owner of this contract
address public owner;
bool private paused = false;
uint256 public ContributionAmount;
uint256 public StartdatePresale;
uint256 public EnddatePresale;
uint256 public StartdateICO;
uint256 public EnddateICO;
uint256 no_of_tokens;
uint public BONUS;
uint256 public minContribution = 5000;// 50 USD in cents
uint256 public TotalCrowdsaleContributions;
uint Price_Per_Token;
uint public EtherUSDPriceFactor;
mapping(address => mapping(address => uint)) allowed;
mapping(address => uint) balances;
enum Stages {
Stages public stage;
modifier atStage(Stages _stage) {
require(stage == _stage);
modifier onlyOwner() {
require (msg.sender == owner);
constructor (uint256 EtherPriceFactor) public
require(EtherPriceFactor != 0);
owner = msg.sender;
balances[owner] = TotalOwnerSupply.mul(TOKEN_DECIMALS);
stage = Stages.NOTSTARTED;
EtherUSDPriceFactor = EtherPriceFactor;
emit Transfer(0, owner, balances[owner]);
function() public payable
require(stage != Stages.ENDED);
require(!paused && msg.sender != owner);
if( stage == Stages.PREICO && now <= EnddatePresale )
else if(stage == Stages.ICO && now <= EnddateICO )
function caltoken() private {
// price in cents with 18 zeros included
ContributionAmount = ((msg.value).mul(EtherUSDPriceFactor.mul(100)));
require(ContributionAmount >= (minContribution.mul(ETH_DECIMALS)));
no_of_tokens =(((ContributionAmount).div(Price_Per_Token))).div(TOKEN_DECIMALS);
uint256 bonus_token = ((no_of_tokens).mul(BONUS)).div(100); // 58 percent bonus token
uint256 total_token = no_of_tokens + bonus_token;
// Calculates the Bonus Award based upon the purchase amount and the purchase period
// function calculateBonus(uint256 individuallyContributedEtherInWei) private returns(uint256 bonus_applied)
function startPreICO() public onlyOwner atStage(Stages.NOTSTARTED)
stage = Stages.PREICO;
paused = false;
Price_Per_Token = 10;
BONUS = 30;
balances[address(this)] = (TotalpresaleSupply).mul(TOKEN_DECIMALS);
StartdatePresale = now;
EnddatePresale = now + PresaleDays;
emit Transfer(0, address(this), balances[address(this)]);
function startICO() public onlyOwner //atStage(Stages.PREICO)
// require(now > pre_enddate);
stage = Stages.ICO;
paused = false;
Price_Per_Token= 20;
BONUS = 20;
balances[address(this)] = balances[address(this)].add((TotalCrowdsaleSupply).mul(TOKEN_DECIMALS));
StartdateICO = now;
EnddateICO = now + ICODays;
emit Transfer(0, address(this), (TotalCrowdsaleSupply).mul(TOKEN_DECIMALS));
function setpricefactor(uint256 newPricefactor) external onlyOwner
EtherUSDPriceFactor = newPricefactor;
// called by the owner, pause ICO
function pauseICO() external onlyOwner
paused = true;
// called by the owner , resumes ICO
function resumeICO() external onlyOwner
paused = false;
function end_ICO() external onlyOwner atStage(Stages.ICO)
require(now > EnddateICO);
stage = Stages.ENDED;
TotalTokenSupply = (TotalTokenSupply).sub(balances[address(this)]);
balances[address(this)] = 0;
emit Transfer(address(this), 0 , balances[address(this)]);
// what is the total supply of the ech tokens
function totalSupply() public view returns(uint256 total_Supply) {
total_Supply = TotalTokenSupply;
// What is the balance of a particular account?
function balanceOf(address token_Owner)public constant returns(uint256 balance) {
return balances[token_Owner];
// Send _value amount of tokens from address _from to address _to
// The transferFrom method is used for a withdraw workflow, allowing contracts to send
// tokens on your behalf, for example to "deposit" to a contract address and/or to charge
// fees in sub-currencies; the command should fail unless the _from account has
// deliberately authorized the sender of the message via some mechanism; we propose
// these standardized APIs for approval:
function transferFrom(address from_address, address to_address, uint256 tokens)public returns(bool success)
require(to_address != 0x0);
require(balances[from_address] >= tokens && allowed[from_address][msg.sender] >= tokens && tokens >= 0);
balances[from_address] = (balances[from_address]).sub(tokens);
allowed[from_address][msg.sender] = (allowed[from_address][msg.sender]).sub(tokens);
balances[to_address] = (balances[to_address]).add(tokens);
emit Transfer(from_address, to_address, tokens);
return true;
// Allow _spender to withdraw from your account, multiple times, up to the _value amount.
// If this function is called again it overwrites the current allowance with _value.
function approve(address spender, uint256 tokens)public returns(bool success)
require(spender != 0x0);
allowed[msg.sender][spender] = tokens;
emit Approval(msg.sender, spender, tokens);
return true;
function allowance(address token_Owner, address spender) public constant returns(uint256 remaining)
require(token_Owner != 0x0 && spender != 0x0);
return allowed[token_Owner][spender];
// Transfer the balance from owner's account to another account
function transfer(address to_address, uint256 tokens)public returns(bool success)
require(to_address != 0x0);
require(balances[msg.sender] >= tokens && tokens >= 0);
balances[msg.sender] = (balances[msg.sender]).sub(tokens);
balances[to_address] = (balances[to_address]).add(tokens);
emit Transfer(msg.sender, to_address, tokens);
return true;
// Transfer the balance from owner's account to another account
function transferTokens(address to_address, uint256 tokens) private returns(bool success)
require(to_address != 0x0);
require(balances[address(this)] >= tokens && tokens > 0);
balances[address(this)] = (balances[address(this)]).sub(tokens);
balances[to_address] = (balances[to_address]).add(tokens);
emit Transfer(address(this), to_address, tokens);
return true;
function forwardFunds() external onlyOwner
address myAddress = this;
// send token to multiple users in single time
function sendTokens(address[] a, uint[] v) public {
uint i = 0;
while( i < a.length ){
transfer(a[i], v[i] * TOKEN_DECIMALS);
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