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statgeek / SAS_ODSTITLE
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
SAS - ODSTITLE - Titles in ODS Graphs
/*This example demonstrates the ODSTitle feature that allows you to
customize a title for an ODS Graphic, SAS 9.3+*/
data Trans;
input Thick @@;
label Thick = 'Plating Thickness (mils)';
3.468 3.428 3.509 3.516 3.461 3.492 3.478 3.556 3.482 3.512
3.490 3.467 3.498 3.519 3.504 3.469 3.497 3.495 3.518 3.523
3.458 3.478 3.443 3.500 3.449 3.525 3.461 3.489 3.514 3.470
statgeek /
Last active April 4, 2023 17:37
SAS - Zip Files using 7Zip
options noxwait noxsync;
data _null_;
*Path to winzip program;
zipexe='"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -tzip';
*Zip file name;
zipfile="C:\My Documents\";
*File to be zipped;
*Full cmd line to be passed to command line. It embeds the quotes for paths with spaces;
statgeek / SAS_variableList
Created March 17, 2014 16:04
SAS - Variable List in Results WIndow
/*This code will print all the variables into the output window,
space delimited, replace the data= with the dataset of interest.*/
proc contents data=sashelp.class short;
statgeek / SAS_fiscalYear
Created March 17, 2014 16:05
SAS - Fiscal Year start and end from a date value
/*How to calculate the fiscal year start and end from a date value*/
%let date="01Sep2013"d;
data _null_ ;
fstart=intnx('year.4',&date,0,'b') ;
statgeek / SAS_stylesRTF
Created March 17, 2014 16:45
SAS - RTF Style for tables
/*This program is a template for a tight table style for Word Documents,
Originally written by Ryan Woods, BC Cancer Agency*/
proc template;
define style styles.newrtf;
style header / background = white font=(Times, 11pt, Bold);
replace fonts /
'TitleFont2' = ("Times",12pt,Bold Italic)
statgeek / SAS_macroLoopVars
Created March 17, 2014 16:49
SAS - Macro Loop Through Variable Lists
/*This Loops thoough a set of variables where the variables
are separated by "|". Any other delimiter can be used
and specified in the scan function as well*/
%macro loop(varlist);
%let i=1;
%do %while (%scan(&varlist, &i, |) ^=%str());
%let var=%scan(&varlist, &i, |);
%put &var;
statgeek /
Last active March 3, 2020 19:42
SAS - Date Dimension
/*This creates a date dimension table that can be used for
looking up dates. This is less relevant as SAS has allowed
for custom intervals, but a quick solution often.*/
%MACRO DATE_DIMENSION(startdate=, enddate=, outfil=);
data &outfil;
retain number_workdays;
do _n_ = &startdate to &enddate;
statgeek /
Last active August 16, 2023 10:40
SAS - Standardized Rates
/*This program illustrates how to age standardize rates using the age data for Canada 1991*/
*Source Data:
*Source Code:
*Create dataset with Canada Standard Rates for 1991;
data CanadaSTDRATE;
format AgeGroup 2. AgeGroupDesc $5. Canada1991 comma12.;
informat Canada1991 comma12.;
statgeek / SAS_listExcelSheets
Created April 9, 2014 21:55
List all Excel sheets in a workbook
*This code will create a libname reference to an Excel file and list all Sheets in the results window;
libname sample pcfiles path='C:\Temp\Sample_v2.xlsx'; *your statement will depend on your OS/Excel version;
proc contents data=sample._all_;
rsubmit wait=no macvar=check_test;
proc freq data=table.large_table;
table variable_levels/out=check;