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Last active April 20, 2022 08:20
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using Flux, Printf, Statistics
# Simple model
function gen_model()
return Chain(
Dense(8, 8, σ),
Dense(8, 8, σ),
Dense(8, 8, σ),
Dense(8, 1, σ),
# Static dataset
function gen_dataset(batch_size = 128, num_minibatches = 256)
# Return an array of (x, y) tuples
return [(
randn(8, batch_size),
randn(1, batch_size),
) for _ in 1:num_minibatches]
# Helper function to print some `@timed` stats
function info_stats(msg, stats, num_epochs)
gc=@sprintf("%.1f%%", stats.gctime*100.0/stats.time),
# Warm up codegen
@info("Warming up Flux.train!()")
model = gen_model()
dataset = gen_dataset()
opt = Flux.Optimise.ADAM(1e-4)
num_epochs = 20
stats = @timed begin
for idx in 1:num_epochs
(x, y) -> Flux.Losses.mse(model(x), y),
info_stats("First warm-up completed", stats, num_epochs)
stats = @timed begin
for idx in 1:4
(x, y) -> Flux.Losses.mse(model(x), y),
info_stats("Second warm-up completed", stats, num_epochs)
# Train `num_models` in parallel, each on its own thread
num_models = 32
datasets = [gen_dataset() for _ in 1:num_models]
models = [gen_model() for _ in 1:num_models]
training_stats = [Any[] for _ in 1:num_models]
@warn("Beginning training with $(Threads.nthreads()) threads")
Threads.@threads for model_idx in 1:num_models
model = models[model_idx]
dataset = datasets[model_idx]
opt = Flux.Optimise.ADAM(1e-4)
# Threads will die off one by one, so we can see how reducing the number of threads
# eases off GC pressure over the whole cohort
for idx in 1:(model_idx*num_epochs)
push!(training_stats[model_idx], @timed begin
(x, y) -> Flux.Losses.mse(model(x), y),
# Calculate mean statistics over the tail end of this thread's lifetime
tail_stats = training_stats[model_idx][end-num_epochs+1:end]
mean_stats = (;
time = mean(s.time for s in tail_stats),
gctime = mean(s.gctime for s in tail_stats),
bytes = mean(s.bytes for s in tail_stats),
info_stats("Finished model $(model_idx)", mean_stats, model_idx*num_epochs)
# Create nice graph at the end of moving-average GC time %
@info("Finished training")
using CairoMakie
fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig[1,1])
for model_idx in 10:num_models
filt_len = 2*num_epochs
gctimes = [s.gctime for s in training_stats[model_idx]]
gctimes_filt = conv(gctimes[:,:,:], ones(filt_len,1,1)./filt_len)[:]
times = [s.time for s in training_stats[model_idx]]
times_filt = conv(times[:,:,:], ones(filt_len,1,1)./filt_len)[:]
lines!(ax, gctimes_filt.*100.0./times_filt)
#lines!(ax, times_filt .- gctimes_filt)
ax.title = "average GC time % by epoch"
save("training_stats.png", fig)
$ julia --project --threads=auto -i flux_multithreaded_training.jl
[ Info: Warming up Flux.train!()
┌ Info: First warm-up completed
│ time = 24.151648601
│ time_per_epoch = 1.20758243005
│ gc = "6.6%"
└ allocated = "4.288 GiB"
┌ Info: Second warm-up completed
│ time = 0.292563925
│ time_per_epoch = 0.01462819625
│ gc = "12.1%"
└ allocated = "188.549 MiB"
┌ Warning: Beginning training with 64 threads
└ @ Main ~/src/surrogate_testing/flux_multithreaded_training.jl:67
┌ Info: Finished model 1
│ time = 0.96046645575
│ time_per_epoch = 0.0480233227875
│ gc = "62.2%"
└ allocated = "1.397 GiB"
┌ Info: Finished model 2
│ time = 0.6822931502
│ time_per_epoch = 0.017057328755
│ gc = "72.6%"
└ allocated = "1.361 GiB"
┌ Info: Finished model 3
│ time = 0.63013394675
│ time_per_epoch = 0.010502232445833334
│ gc = "71.2%"
└ allocated = "1.303 GiB"
┌ Info: Finished model 4
│ time = 0.6284951171
│ time_per_epoch = 0.00785618896375
│ gc = "69.2%"
└ allocated = "1.258 GiB"
┌ Info: Finished model 5
│ time = 0.5810092911
│ time_per_epoch = 0.005810092911
│ gc = "71.5%"
└ allocated = "1.288 GiB"
┌ Info: Finished model 6
│ time = 0.5578616940000001
│ time_per_epoch = 0.004648847450000001
│ gc = "68.6%"
└ allocated = "1.197 GiB"
┌ Info: Finished model 7
│ time = 0.5249345326
│ time_per_epoch = 0.003749532375714286
│ gc = "67.2%"
└ allocated = "1.146 GiB"
┌ Info: Finished model 8
│ time = 0.4802209392000001
│ time_per_epoch = 0.0030013808700000005
│ gc = "70.2%"
└ allocated = "1.100 GiB"
┌ Info: Finished model 9
│ time = 0.4712065032
│ time_per_epoch = 0.0026178139066666667
│ gc = "66.0%"
└ allocated = "1.059 GiB"
┌ Info: Finished model 10
│ time = 0.46222509810000006
│ time_per_epoch = 0.0023111254905000002
│ gc = "67.5%"
└ allocated = "1.037 GiB"
┌ Info: Finished model 11
│ time = 0.41497993315
│ time_per_epoch = 0.0018862724234090908
│ gc = "65.9%"
└ allocated = "996.651 MiB"
┌ Info: Finished model 12
│ time = 0.39126343464999996
│ time_per_epoch = 0.0016302643110416666
│ gc = "64.4%"
└ allocated = "950.995 MiB"
┌ Info: Finished model 13
│ time = 0.382742247
│ time_per_epoch = 0.0014720855653846154
│ gc = "64.0%"
└ allocated = "916.340 MiB"
┌ Info: Finished model 14
│ time = 0.34288418504999996
│ time_per_epoch = 0.0012245863751785713
│ gc = "64.1%"
└ allocated = "852.925 MiB"
┌ Info: Finished model 15
│ time = 0.29296357749999996
│ time_per_epoch = 0.0009765452583333332
│ gc = "62.7%"
└ allocated = "791.917 MiB"
┌ Info: Finished model 16
│ time = 0.27802489244999995
│ time_per_epoch = 0.0008688277889062499
│ gc = "63.1%"
└ allocated = "747.786 MiB"
┌ Info: Finished model 17
│ time = 0.27814960005
│ time_per_epoch = 0.0008180870589705883
│ gc = "62.4%"
└ allocated = "774.939 MiB"
┌ Info: Finished model 18
│ time = 0.22394830665
│ time_per_epoch = 0.0006220786295833334
│ gc = "60.7%"
└ allocated = "663.826 MiB"
┌ Info: Finished model 19
│ time = 0.23692811540000003
│ time_per_epoch = 0.0006234950405263159
│ gc = "60.3%"
└ allocated = "657.192 MiB"
┌ Info: Finished model 20
│ time = 0.1871665368
│ time_per_epoch = 0.000467916342
│ gc = "58.2%"
└ allocated = "583.980 MiB"
┌ Info: Finished model 21
│ time = 0.16696599799999998
│ time_per_epoch = 0.0003975380904761904
│ gc = "60.0%"
└ allocated = "573.366 MiB"
┌ Info: Finished model 22
│ time = 0.1810929687
│ time_per_epoch = 0.00041157492886363634
│ gc = "57.9%"
└ allocated = "555.059 MiB"
┌ Info: Finished model 24
│ time = 0.134708169
│ time_per_epoch = 0.00028064201875
│ gc = "55.2%"
└ allocated = "438.462 MiB"
┌ Info: Finished model 23
│ time = 0.14440032309999998
│ time_per_epoch = 0.0003139137458695652
│ gc = "53.9%"
└ allocated = "469.888 MiB"
┌ Info: Finished model 25
│ time = 0.11250617895
│ time_per_epoch = 0.0002250123579
│ gc = "53.4%"
└ allocated = "350.242 MiB"
┌ Info: Finished model 26
│ time = 0.09209255605
│ time_per_epoch = 0.00017710106932692307
│ gc = "46.9%"
└ allocated = "283.863 MiB"
┌ Info: Finished model 28
│ time = 0.08827645390000001
│ time_per_epoch = 0.0001576365248214286
│ gc = "43.5%"
└ allocated = "250.151 MiB"
┌ Info: Finished model 29
│ time = 0.07947673274999997
│ time_per_epoch = 0.00013702884956896547
│ gc = "38.1%"
└ allocated = "220.892 MiB"
┌ Info: Finished model 27
│ time = 0.09358652614999999
│ time_per_epoch = 0.00017330838175925924
│ gc = "38.2%"
└ allocated = "248.892 MiB"
┌ Info: Finished model 31
│ time = 0.06465937009999999
│ time_per_epoch = 0.0001042893066129032
│ gc = "28.0%"
└ allocated = "126.471 MiB"
┌ Info: Finished model 30
│ time = 0.07568235385
│ time_per_epoch = 0.00012613725641666667
│ gc = "21.4%"
└ allocated = "106.260 MiB"
┌ Info: Finished model 32
│ time = 0.041342464450000005
│ time_per_epoch = 6.459760070312501e-5
│ gc = "17.9%"
└ allocated = "45.388 MiB"
[ Info: Finished training
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staticfloat commented Apr 20, 2022

Running on master, it looks mostly the same, maybe a little more consistent:


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