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Last active January 11, 2019 21:11
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<h1 class="display-4"> Jefferson Ross</h1>
<p class="lead">Eager to Learn and to Serve. I am one who takes pride in his work, and does not settle for half-rate work. I may not know much, but I am eager to learn and become the best I can be.</p>
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<h2> Protfolio Concept</h2>
<p> I don't really have any web development experience, but I've been programing CNC macines for about two years now. I will include any projects I make during this class here.</p>
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<h2> Project Goals</h2>
<p>I hope to complete this course by the time I get married in June. I work full-time, but I hope to put about 15 to 20 hours a week into this course.</p>
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<h2> Course Goals</h2>
<p>I'm looking to change careers. I am hoping to find a job as an entry-level web development position here in New Mexico.<p>
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<h1>About Me</h1>
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<p> I am a motivated man, who is looking to broaden his horizons.</p>
</div><!-- end 2nd col md 3-->
<div class = "col-md-3" id="skills">
<h3>My skills</h3>
<ul id="skills-list">
<li> 2 years of G code experiance</li>
<li> Enrolled in Career Foundry Web development program</li>
<li> Attention to detail</li>
</div><!-- end 3rd col md-->
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<div class="Main-text">
<h3>More about me</h3>
<p>I have attended university for 3 years, as well as trade school for a year and am now working in a trade.
I studied Biology and Chemistry at the University of New Mexico and Machine tools Technologies at the Central
New Mexico community college. I currently work as a machinist and am currently trying to find what I would
like to do with my life. I am very interested in learning computor sciences, and web development to find a passion.
I want to work hard for the sake of working hard, and be the best I can be wherever I am placed.
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<h3> Contact Info </h3>
<h2> <i class="fas fa-envelope"></i> Email:</h2>
<h2> <i class="fas fa-phone"></i> Phone: (505)688-8645</h2>
<h2> <i class="fas fa-location-arrow"></i> Write me: 6208 Jeffery Ave. NE 87109</h2>
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<h5 class="mb-0">
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Why did you decide to become a web developer?
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<div class="card-body">
I've decided to pursue Web development because I wish to be a capable employee, and be able to provide
a much needed service to employers as well as clients. I am also looking to change my careers, from
a machining trade to a different career.
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What education do you have?
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I attended the University of New Mexico for 3 and 1/2 years pursuing biology and chemistry with the hope
of atneding Dental school. Afterward I decided the career choice was not the right one, so I attended Central new Mexico
Community college and completed my Machine Tools Technology certification, as well as earned my associates degree
in Applied Sciences. After working in the field for a years now I am finding that machining is not what I
want to do. Now after much research and introspection I think Web development would be a much needed change.
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<h5 class="mb-0">
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What work experiance do you have?
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<div class="card-body">
I've worked as a page in a local bookstore for about five years while I attended high school. In college I worked
as a janitor for a company called <a href="" title="More information" id="item1">Enviroment Control</a> for about a 1 and 1/2 years. Now I work as a machinist for
Ideal Vacuum Products for about a year now.
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<li> University of New Mexico from 07-2014 to 12-2016</li>
<li> Central New Mexico Community College from 01-2017 to 12-2017<li>
<h6>Work Experiance:</h6>
<li> Page at Don's Paperback Book Exchange from 05-2012 to 03-2015</li>
<li> Janitor for Enviroment Control from 12-2015 to 10-2017 </li>
<li> Machinist with Ideal Vacuum Products from 10-2017 to current </li>
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// work section
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<a href='#' class='work-img'>
<img class='img-responsive' src='${works[i].pic}'>
<span class='info'><p class='proj-title'>Title:</p> ${works[i].title} </span>\
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var works = [
title: "First Project",
pic: "img/engagment.jpg"
title: "Second Project",
pic: "img/meetup.jpeg"
title: "Third Project",
pic: "img/mill_1.jpg"
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