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Stefan Judis stefanjudis

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var fancyApiKey;
casper.test.begin('curl_post_client', function suite ( test ) {
'use strict';
var url = "";
stefanjudis / gist:9645099
Created March 19, 2014 16:07
seo frontend
<article class="content--seo--article active">
<h1 class="content--seo--headline js-toggle">Natue: suplementos, cosm&eacute;ticos, nutricosm&eacute;ticos, vitaminas e alimentos naturais para uma vida em equil&iacute;brio</h1>
<p class="content--seo--paragraph">Aqui voc&ecirc; encontra produtos com ingredientes naturais,&nbsp;<a href="">cosm&eacute;ticos naturais</a>, alimentos e suplementos que auxiliam na conquista de uma vida mais saud&aacute;vel, onde equilibramos o nosso lado pessoal e profissional.</p>
<p class="content--seo--paragraph">Suplementos e produtos para todos os objetivos. No nosso diversificado e selecionado portf&oacute;lio voc&ecirc; encontra produtos naturais (das principais <a href="">marcas</a>, como&nbsp;<em><a href="">Universal</a>,&nbsp;Optimum,&nbsp;Nutrilatina,&nbsp;<a href="">Sanavita</a>,&nbsp;Sundown</em>, etc.) e complementos
stefanjudis / new_gist_file_0
Created August 18, 2014 13:12
simon slider kick off.
if ( $( '[data-orbit]' ).length ) {
$ {
orbit : {
bullets : false
} );
var commentBox = document.querySelector( '[name="comment[body]"]' );
commentBox.value = '## QA Description\n\n' +
'## Legend: \n' +
' - :white_check_mark: QA Passed\n' +
' - :red_circle: QA fail\n' +
' - :question: QA needs more info\n' +
' - :green_heart: Dev fixed it after QA fail \n\n' +
'## Checklist: \n\n' +
' - Feature A\n' +
stefanjudis / transaction.sql
Created September 4, 2012 10:01
SQL safe execution
stefanjudis / log
Created October 29, 2015 21:07
DEBUG=* node test.js
stefan @ stefan-mac: ~/Sites/grunt-phantomas master (╯°□°)╯
> DEBUG=* node test.js [21:22:13]
phantomas nodejs v4.1.1 +0ms
phantomas phantomas v1.13.0 installed in /Users/stefan/Sites/grunt-phantomas/node_modules/phantomas +2ms
phantomas URL: <> +1ms
phantomas Options: {"timeout":30,"film-strip":true,"film-strip-dir":"phantomas/images/1445626863104"} +0ms
phantomas Temporary directory: /var/folders/03/cgg2bwfd6j92tfllylt5b91m0000gn/T/phantomas/fa78c9be-1ece-4c02-8cae-c564b1cb782b/ +2ms
phantomas:engines Engine "webkit": PhantomJS v1.9.8 installed in /Users/stefan/Sites/grunt-phantomas/node_modules/phantomjs/lib/phantom/bin/phantomjs +2ms
phantomas:engines Engine "webkit2": PhantomJS v2.0.0 installed in /Users/stefan/Sites/grunt-phantomas/node_modules/phantomjs2/lib/phantom/bin/phantomjs +4ms
stefanjudis / payload.json
Created June 6, 2013 13:32
Payload cushion-cli
"payload": {
stefanjudis / postgresCommands.txt
Created June 6, 2013 17:21
Postgres Handling
# get table schema
\d+ travalizit_builds
# list tables in database
# example insert query for /builds POST
INSERT INTO travalizit_builds VALUES('7840176','510697','129','1','2013-06-06T13:09:41Z','2013-06-06T13:11:05Z','-1','NULL','node_js','2013-06-06T13:11:05Z','174','-1','NULL','-1','-1','NULL')
# execute local script on heroku db
# Remove old local branches and sync with remote
git remote prune origin
stefanjudis / .travis.yml
Created June 6, 2013 20:32