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Created December 2, 2013 22:12
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#! /usr/bin/perl -W
use strict;
use FileHandle;
use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT O_DIRECT);
use POSIX;
#use Sys::Mmap;
use integer;
# we have several drives in the array, in different states each
# we keep in in @drv, in no particular order
# each drive has the following "members":
# slot - number of slot this drive is at, counting from 0
# fh - filehandle
# name - /dev/sdX etc (for diagnostics)
# good, bad - don't know yet, where bad/good parts are
my @drv;
my $chunksz; # chunk size in bytes
my $drives; # number of drives (including parity)
my $raidsz; # whole device size
my $dataoff; # data offset within each device
my $layout; # data layout, 1 = left-symmetric, 2 = left-assymetric
my @need; # areas we need to recover _within_ array, start, len
if (0) { # a test array on my system
@drv = (
{ slot => 0, name => "sdb2", },
# { slot => 1, name => "sdc2", },
{ slot => 2, name => "sdd2", },
{ slot => 3, name => "sde2", },
{ slot => 4, name => "sdf2", },
$chunksz = 128*1024;
$drives = 5;
$raidsz = 4176384*1024;
$dataoff = 0*2048*512;
$layout = 2;
@need = ( [ 0, 2*1024*1024 ], );
} else {
@drv = (
{ slot => 0, name => "sda5", }, # this one is old
# { slot => 0, name => "sdf5", }, # this one is an attempt to rebuild sda
{ slot => 1, name => "sdb5", },
{ slot => 2, name => "sdc5", }, # failed somewhere at the end
{ slot => 3, name => "sdd5", },
{ slot => 4, name => "sde5", },
$chunksz = 512*1024;
$drives = 5;
$raidsz = 553957376*1024;
$dataoff = 2048*512;
$layout = 2;
@need = (
[ 0, 2 ], # lvm header
[ 2, 4096 ],
[ 444418, 21504 ],
[ 506882, 5120 ],
# convert to bytes
foreach my $d (@need) {
$d->[0] *= 1024*1024;
$d->[1] *= 1024*1024;
@need = (
[ 226369, 1 ], # in stripes
[ 226371, 1 ], # in stripes
foreach my $d (@need) { $d->[0] *= $chunksz*($drives-1); }
my $ddrives = $drives - 1; # number of data drives ($drives-1)
my $stripsz = $chunksz * $ddrives;
my $chunks = $raidsz / $chunksz;
my $strips = $chunks / $ddrives;
warn "chunks=$chunks strips=$strips data_drives=$ddrives\n";
die "raid size ($raidsz) is not a multiple of stripe size ($chunksz*$ddrives)!\n"
if $strips * $ddrives * $chunksz != $raidsz;
sub find_drv_for_offset($) {
my $off = shift;
my $chunkno = $off / $chunksz;
my $drive = $chunkno / $ddrives;
foreach my $i (0..$drives-1) {
if ($drv[$i]->{slot} == $i) {
return $i;
return undef;
# open the devices
foreach my $d (@drv) {
my $fh = FileHandle->new;
sysopen $fh, "/dev/$d->{name}", O_RDONLY #| O_DIRECT
or die "unable to open $d->{name}: $!\n";
$d->{fh} = $fh;
my $buf;
if (0) {
# memalign a buffer
open F, "+<", "/dev/null" or die "/dev/null: $!\n";
or die "mmap: $!\n";
close F;
open OUT, "+<", $ARGV[0] or die "unable to open output file $ARGV[0]: $!\n";
foreach my $n (@need) {
my $start = $n->[0];
my $len = $n->[1];
my $strip = $start / $stripsz;
my $last = ($start + $len + $stripsz - 1) / $stripsz;
warn "extracting $start:$len\n";
for(; $strip < $last; ++$strip) {
my $off = $strip * $chunksz + $dataoff;
warn " strip=$strip off=".($strip*$stripsz)." doff=$off\n";
my @d; # data blocks of the given strip
my $n = 0;
my @missing;
foreach my $d (@drv) {
if (defined(sysseek($d->{fh}, $off, SEEK_SET)) &&
defined(sysread($d->{fh}, $buf, $chunksz))) {
$d[$d->{slot}] = $buf;
else {
warn "error reading from $d->{name}:$off: $!\n";
push @missing, $d->{slot};
if ($n < $ddrives) {
warn " unable to read strip# $strip (bytes ".($strip*$stripsz)."..".(($strip+1)*$stripsz)."), may recover some chunks from this strip in the future\n";
warn "BAD: ".($strip*$stripsz)." ".($stripsz)."\n";
my $p;
if ($n >= $ddrives) {
$p = "\0" x $chunksz; # parity
# xor all of them together
foreach my $i (0..$drives-1) {
$p ^= $d[$i] if defined $d[$i];
# here, we either have full stripe, and parity is all zeros,
# or we have incomplete stripe, and $p contains the missing part
if ($n == $drives) { # full stripe
if ($p ne ("\0" x $chunksz)) {
warn " parity for strip=$strip (".($strip*$chunksz)."..".(($strip+1)*$chunksz-1).") is wrong\n";
#XXX add it to bad list?
sysseek OUT, $strip * $stripsz, 0;
# where's the parity block within stripe?
if ($layout == 1) { # left assymetric
# linux raid5 left-symmetric layout with 5 drives
# D0 D1 D2 D3 D4
# d00 | d01 | d02 | d03 |(p00) s00
# d04 | d05 | d06 |(p01)| d07 s01
# d08 | d09 |(p02)| d10 | d11 s02
# d12 |(p03)| d13 | d14 | d15 s03
# (p04)| d16 | d17 | d18 | d19 s04
# d20 | d21 | d22 | d23 |(p05) s05
# ...
my $pi = $drives - $strip % $drives - 1;
foreach my $i (0..$drives - 1) {
next if $i == $pi;
syswrite OUT, defined($d[$i]) ? $d[$i] : $p;
#XXX handle not fully read stripe!
elsif ($layout == 2) { # left assymetric
# linux raid5 left-assymmetric layout with 5 drives
# D0 D1 D2 D3 D4
# d00 | d01 | d02 | d03 |(p00) s00
# d05 | d06 | d07 |(p01)| d04 s01
# d10 | d11 |(p02)| d08 | d09 s02
# d15 |(p03)| d12 | d13 | d14 s03
# (p04)| d16 | d17 | d18 | d19 s04
# d20 | d21 | d22 | d23 |(p05) s05
# ...
my $pi = $drives - $strip % $drives - 1;
foreach my $i (0..$ddrives - 1) {
my $j = ($pi + $i + 1) % $drives;
if (defined $d[$j]) {
syswrite OUT, $d[$j];
} elsif (defined $p) {
syswrite OUT, $p;
else {
sysseek OUT, $chunksz, SEEK_CUR;
my $k;
foreach $k (@drv) {
if ($k->{slot} == $j) {
$k = $k->{name};
warn "BAD: ".($strip*$stripsz+$i*$chunksz)." $chunksz (slot=$j $k)\n";
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