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steffahn/ Secret

Created November 3, 2020 01:01
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/* Cargo.toml dependencies
combine = "3.8.1"
combine-language = "3.0.2"
derive_more = "0.99.11"
use combine_language::{expression_parser, float, Assoc, Fixity};
extern crate combine;
use combine::{
parser::char::{char, spaces, string},
ParseError, Parser,
use derive_more::Deref;
use std::ops::{Add, Div, Mul, Neg, Sub};
use std::rc::Rc;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Deref)]
struct RExpr(Rc<Expr>);
impl RExpr {
fn new(x: Expr) -> Self {
fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const Expr {
enum Expr {
Add(RExpr, RExpr),
Sub(RExpr, RExpr),
Mul(RExpr, RExpr),
Div(RExpr, RExpr),
Pow(RExpr, RExpr),
use Expr as E;
macro_rules! impl_op_for_RExpr {
($Op:ident $op:ident) => {
impl $Op for RExpr {
type Output = Self;
fn $op(self, other: Self) -> Self {
RExpr::new(E::$Op(self, other))
impl_op_for_RExpr!(Add add);
impl_op_for_RExpr!(Sub sub);
impl_op_for_RExpr!(Mul mul);
impl_op_for_RExpr!(Div div);
impl Neg for RExpr {
type Output = Self;
fn neg(self) -> Self {
impl RExpr {
fn pow(self, other: Self) -> Self {
RExpr::new(E::Pow(self, other))
fn sin(self) -> Self {
fn cos(self) -> Self {
impl From<f64> for RExpr {
fn from(x: f64) -> Self {
impl E {
fn x() -> RExpr {
fn expr_parser<Input>() -> impl Parser<Input = Input, Output = RExpr>
Input: Stream<Item = char>,
Input::Error: ParseError<Input::Item, Input::Range, Input::Position>,
(spaces().silent(), expr()).map(|(_, r)| r)
parser! {
fn expr[Input]()(Input) -> RExpr
where [Input: Stream<Item = char>]
let skip_spaces = || spaces().silent();
let lex_char = |c| char(c).skip(skip_spaces());
let lex_string = |s| string(s).skip(skip_spaces());
let x = char('x').map(|_| E::x());
let neg_term = (lex_char('-'), expr()).map(|(_, e)| -e);
let parens_expr = || (lex_char('('), expr(), char(')')).map(|(_, e, _)| e);
let sin_expr = (lex_string("sin"), parens_expr()).map(|(_, e)| e.sin());
let cos_expr = (lex_string("cos"), parens_expr()).map(|(_, e)| e.cos());
let literal = float().map(From::from);
let term = choice((neg_term, parens_expr(), sin_expr, cos_expr, x, literal)).skip(skip_spaces());
enum Op { Add, Sub, Mul, Div, Pow };
use Op::*;
impl Op {
fn read(c: char) -> Op {
match c {
'+' => Add,
'-' => Sub,
'*' => Mul,
'/' => Div,
'^' => Pow,
_ => unreachable!(),
fn assoc(&self) -> Assoc {
let precedence = match self {
Add => 0,
Sub => 0,
Mul => 1,
Div => 1,
Pow => 2,
let fixity = match self {
Pow => Fixity::Right,
_ => Fixity::Left,
Assoc { precedence, fixity }
let op_parser = choice((char('+'),char('-'),char('*'),char('/'),char('^'))).map(Op::read).skip(skip_spaces());
let op = |l: RExpr, op, r| match op {
Add => l + r,
Sub => l - r,
Mul => l * r,
Div => l / r,
Pow => l.pow(r),
expression_parser(term,|op| {let a = op.assoc(); (op, a) }), op)
impl Expr {
// division by zero leads to panics
fn eval(&self, x: f64) -> f64 {
use E::*;
match self {
Add(l, r) => l.eval(x) + r.eval(x),
Sub(l, r) => l.eval(x) - r.eval(x),
Mul(l, r) => l.eval(x) * r.eval(x),
Div(l, r) => l.eval(x) / r.eval(x),
Pow(l, r) => l.eval(x).powf(r.eval(x)),
Neg(e) => -e.eval(x),
Sin(e) => e.eval(x).sin(),
Cos(e) => e.eval(x).cos(),
Lit(l) => *l,
X => x,
impl Expr {
fn zero() -> RExpr {
thread_local! {
static ZERO: RExpr = RExpr::new(E::Lit(0.));
ZERO.with(|zero| zero.clone())
fn one() -> RExpr {
thread_local! {
static ONE: RExpr = RExpr::new(E::Lit(1.));
ONE.with(|one| one.clone())
fn two() -> RExpr {
thread_local! {
static TWO: RExpr = RExpr::new(E::Lit(2.));
TWO.with(|two| two.clone())
use std::collections::HashSet;
impl RExpr {
fn try_derive(&self) -> Option<Self> {
let ref mut known_constants = HashSet::new();
fn d(c: &HashSet<*const Expr>, e: &RExpr) -> Option<RExpr> {
Some(if c.contains(&e.as_ptr()) {
} else {
use E::*;
match &**e {
Add(l, r) => d(c, l)? + d(c, r)?,
Sub(l, r) => d(c, l)? - d(c, r)?,
Mul(l, r) => d(c, l)? * r.clone() + l.clone() * d(c, r)?,
Div(l, r) => {
(d(c, l)? * r.clone() + l.clone() * d(c, r)?) / r.clone().pow(E::two())
Pow(l, r) if c.contains(&r.as_ptr()) => {
r.clone() * d(c, l)? * l.clone().pow(r.clone() - E::one())
Neg(e) => -d(c, e)?,
Sin(e) => d(c, e)?.cos(),
Cos(e) => -d(c, e)?.sin(),
X => E::one(),
Lit(_) => unreachable!(),
Pow(_, _) => None?, // remaining cases for Pow not implemented
// would need extra functions like e.g. exp and log
d(known_constants, self)
fn find_known_constants(&self, m: &mut HashSet<*const Expr>) -> bool {
use E::*;
let is_const = match &**self {
Add(l, r) | Sub(l, r) | Mul(l, r) | Div(l, r) | Pow(l, r) => {
l.find_known_constants(m) & r.find_known_constants(m)
Neg(e) | Sin(e) | Cos(e) => e.find_known_constants(m),
Lit(_) => true,
X => false,
if is_const {
fn main() {
let x = " 1 + 2 + 3 * - ( 4 * x^5^2 ) ";
let y = expr_parser().easy_parse(x).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
println!("{}", e);
println!("{:?}", y);
println!("{:?}", y.0.try_derive());
let (e, remaining) = expr_parser().easy_parse("x^2 + 2*x + 1").unwrap();
assert!(remaining == "");
println!("{}", e.eval(1.));
println!("{}", e.eval(2.));
println!("{}", e.eval(3.));
let e_prime = e.try_derive().unwrap();
println!("{}", e_prime.eval(1.));
println!("{}", e_prime.eval(2.));
println!("{}", e_prime.eval(3.));
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